
Chapter 23: few missions

Anko and Raven entered the Hokage building. When they entered they passed Team Guy.

"Hé, its Team Youth."

"Yes, YOUTH!!"

"Yes, Guy-Sensei," Lee commented.

"You just had to do that didn't you, Raven?" Neji complained.

"I'm just telling the truth."

"Yeah right, like you hadn't any other reason for that comment?" Tenten questioned.

Anko was laughing at the antics of her student. "So, What are the youth-lings doing here this morning?"

Tenten, "No, don't you start too, Anko."

"YES, YOUTH-LINGS!!! A great name, maybe I'll change the team name from team Guy to the Youthlings, what you think?"

"yes, Guy-Sensei"


"Ok, Jokes aside. So what are you doing here in the morning?"

"Oh, just back from a mission. Had to deal with some animals that destroyed a farm." Neji answered.

"What are you doing here actually, Raven?"

"Oh, I'm here to start doing missions. Sensei finds it time to start."

"Ok, good luck, Raven."

"Thanks, Tenten."

After that Raven, an Anko said their goodbyes and went to the Hokage office for a mission.


Anko just walks in," Hé, Old man. What are you doing?"

"Uh, Oh. It's you, Anko ... and Raven, I see. What can I do for you? You know I'm busy."

"Yeah, yeah, I'm here to get a mission for Raven."

"A mission, but Anko you know that the missions ... "

Before the Hokage could finish, "Yes, I know. Most missions are done in teams. I'm not here for those missions. I'm here for the collection mission? And If there are any blacksmith order missions?"

"O, yes. that are missions you can do. Why didn't I think of that?"

"Because you're getting old."

"Yeah, maybe. Here is the list." Then he took out a scroll and gave it to Anko. "They keep coming in but because of the low pay and the nature of the mission, nobody wants them. So it would be a great help actually."

"Do we have to keep coming back here after we finish one? Or can we take a couple and do them after each other?"

"You know the rules Anko."

"But it's so unpractical. See here, there are six missions here in the same country. we can do it by the rules, it would take two months. Or we take the six and we do them in a week. what you say?"

"Anko, the rules are there..."

"The quicker the missions are done the less paperwork. Think about it."

"Oh, Uhm, maybe we can try your suggestion. But the moment you start failing the missions, you go back to the normal standard, Deal Anko?"

"Deal, Old man," and she gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Let's go, Raven, we got a place to be."

After they left, it was then that the Hokage found out that, she didn't give the scroll back. 'She didn't even say witch missions she would do. She couldn't want to do them al can she? No, she is crazy but not that crazy.'

How wrong were the thoughts from the Hokage, because that was actually Anko's plan. She was really bored these three and a half months. And now she not only had a legal reason to leave. But she had over 20 missions of a reason to go out to play. Because when she saw the scroll and the missions. she already had a course stipped out.

After getting all their supplies she said to Raven," Ok. Now that I have scammed the Hokage to do missions after each other. We have to get out of here before he gets wind off my plan."

"What plan, sensei?"

"Well, were going to do all the missions on this scroll. about 20 or so. Great right?"

"WHAT! 20 missions. Great, ..."

Anko was getting scared that Raven didn't want to do her plan.

"Let's get out of here before they get us. I'm ready to do something after getting all that training."

Anko was so proud of her student. They then left the Village.


The first mission was to receive a scroll, from Tanzaku Quarters. It is a lively town that attracts many adults due to its gambling opportunities and fine women. It was a scroll of completion of a mission another team did. nothing happened on the way. At the Village, Anko did try to encourage him to try gambling. But Raven didn't see the point and he didn't have money. But he did have to drag Anko away from the tables. Not that she was losing, but the others were looking strange at her.

the second and third missions were animal control missions, from villages between Tanzaku and the next location, the hidden village in the grass. A few boars had to be killed at the first village, at the second they had a fox killing their chickens. they even received some mission scrolls for the Hokage. Anko laughed at that because she promised less paperwork and she was receiving more for him.

When they arrived at the village hidden in the grass, they stayed at an inn. The mission they had to do were, delivering the scroll from Konoha, making an order for wood for the construction team at Konoha, finding a lost pet. Then they had a mission to help escort a few miners, to protect them against wolves. they didn't see any wolfs. But Raven had to kill two bandits when they tried to rob them. His first real kill. Anko helped him through it. then the left for the land of Iron. they had to check out an area that was mentioned in a report. But on the way, they were ambushed by some more bandits. While Raven had to fight 6 bandits, the rest was taken care of by Anko. Their team was small, but that doesn't mean they're easy. At the land of Iron, they found the area from the report. The land was bare. No tree in sight. when investigating they found the reason. A meteor had struck the ground. they found the crater. Well, actually Anko pushed Raven into the crater. they had even found the meteor. Raven asked what they had to do now. Well, Anko explained that normally that they have to send a message to the Hokage, he would then send a team to come and get it. but that would take a while and they would have to wait for the team. So her solution is, they 'didn't find the meteor' they found the crater. So, they sealed the meteor in two storage seals, one for Raven and one for Anko. Anko did send a message scroll to the Hokage with the report of what they found and also the finished missions they already did. Who knows maybe there are more pieces of the meteor. Then they went to a village in the land of Rice. they had some problems with crows. After killing them the mission was over. The next missions were in the land of Hot water. There were three missions there. one was to help build a hot water bath. The other was a scroll collection, but the merchant wasn't there yet. The last had Anko laughing, Raven had to patrol around the female hot spring because there were reports of peepers. And He found some. One in particular kept trying. Even with the poison and some seals, the white-haired bastard kept coming. He asked for help from Anko. The moment Raven, mentioned his her eyes turn scarry. Raven knew someone was going to have a bad day. The next day, she came to help by hunting down the Pervy toad. When the white-haired perv saw Anko, he actually started running. Raven couldn't leave his patrol mission so he let Anko go get him. He never saw Anko smile so much in the afternoon. Witch means she had fun hunting him. Didn't see him again, thankfully. Because my mission won't be over. Two days later the merchant came. We stayed for another week. Because staying around the hot springs was great training for me. Then we started moving to the land of the water through the land of hot spring. On the way, we finished the missions and continued the training at hot springs. Even heard about a place called the valley of hell. But Anko told me that would have to be another time. We had to find a boat at the coast, then went to the island we had missions on. They were almost done with the mission scroll. After finishing up the last mission, receiving a storage scroll with ores. He was even allowed to mine a little as well. He did have to pay for the mining day. he borrowed the money from Anko. Maybe a bad deal, who knows.


When they were settled to go to the last island, a report came to them.

"Well, well. Looks like we have to change our plans a little."

"What you mean, Sensei?"

"Our little cyclops has some problems on his mission."

"What? Team 7 have problems?"

"Well, the team not so much. More Kakashi himself."

"What did the idiot do now?"

"They had a run-in with a missing-nin. And he got himself wounded. He sends a request to any shinobi in the neighborhood for assistance. So what you say?"

"But Sensei, you have to decide, no? You're the Sensei."

"Ah, so all these missions together didn't make you forget. I was testing you. On the one hand, we are only two people, but on the other, we don't leave our teammates behind. So let's go help that stupid cyclops out." Anko sends two messages out. One to Kakashi and the other to the Hokage, so he knows they were going to assist.

They then made their way to the Island of waves.


Believe me or not, but I was actually not planning to make them go to the land of waves. But when I looked at the map of Naruto, seeing how close they actually were. I couldn't make them not go there.

thelastgrimcreators' thoughts
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