
The Heretics (Gamer X DxD)

Disclaimer: I don't own the gamer, date a live, helltaker, high school dxd, the pictures, or any of the characters/anime/manga used in this fanfiction. I don't owe the ideas for the skills,grades of items etc. as well, it is based on other novels, games, or manhwa/manga that I read from the past. : I don't win anything with this fanfic. The book has the same name on wattpad all credit to the author VladFallen. this is just a COPY

MissRias · Anime und Comics
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240 Chs

Chapter 43: Summoning (2)

"Time for the second batch of servants"

Lucias muttered as he stood in the large field of grass in his garden together with Gohg, the 'creator', Nightingale, Ishtar and Asia watching him from behind.

"D-Don't Master-sama need Gohg anymore?"

Gohg asked in gloomy tone as she gripped her translucent gown with her pale white hands.

"That's not it, Gohg. I still need all of you by my side, we will only seperate once you decide to go your seperate way"

Lucias assured with a kind smile on his face.

"Gohg will never leave, Master-sama... We will stay together forever... I-it's a Gohg joke! hehehehe"


"Commander, is it necessary to summon more servants when you already have us?"

Nightingale asked while sharpening her knife in case the summoning goes wrong.

"Well... Just you girls alone won't be enough to face our countless enemies in the future. We need as much allies as we can"

Lucias answered before selecting the summon section of his status window with a nervous smile on his face.

"I get 100 believers everyday so... if I spend all of my summon points right now... I need to wait for 5 days until I can summon another one again"

Lucias muttered while holding his chin with his right hand before pressing the random summon button on his panel.

Just like before a massive magic circle appeared in front of him, illuminating the dark garden of his mansion as a figure slowly emerged out of the magic circle.

"Eto... I'm called Illya. It's nice to meet you, Master!"

A little girl with long white hair and red eyes wearing a pink magical girl outfit said while shyly looking up to Lucias.

"... Lolicon"

Nightingale commented with a disgusted expression on her face causing Lucias to cough before greeting his new servant.

"I'm Lucias Frey... Glad to be working with you"

Lucias said while patting her head as a familiar notification appeared in front of his vision.

[Due to Illyasviel von Einzbern's high mental fortitude. Memory transfer has been negated]

"... Ano... Master?"

Illya asked, noticing his daze expression as he stared at nothing but empty air.

"... Go and sit back together with the others for the time being. I'll explain everything once were done"


Illya nodded her head before walking towards the 'creator' who was softly smiling at her direction.

"Please don't be another little girl..."

Lucias muttered before pressing the summon button again causing a familiar bright magic circle to appear in front of him.

"I am from the Holy Grail. The one serving as the terminal of the Holy Grail. A temporary form. A temporary Servant. My name... Please call me Irisviel"

A woman with the same features as Illya wearing a long white gown and a white crown on his head said as she stood in front of Lucias with a gentle smile on her face.

[Irisviel von Einzbern has been summoned, one servants from the quest of ??? has been deducted]


Illya shouted in shock as she ran towards Iri causing her to open her arms wide to hug the little girl running towards her.



Illya shouted in excitement and joy before hugging her mother tightly in her embrace.

"Illya, if you're here then doesn't that mean"

"Indeed, Shirou Emiya is also here in this dimension"

The 'creator' answered causing Illya to look at her in surprise.

"Onii-chan is here!?"

"Onii-chan? Why didn't he tell me that he has a sister?"

Lucias muttered while scratching the back of his head while Illya pulled his sleeve with an excited expression on her face.

"Where's Onii-chan?"

She asked whole staring at him with sparkling eyes.

"Uh... He has a house of his own where he lives together with his girlfriend-"


Both Illya and Iri asked in shock as both of them tightly held his clothes.

"Y-Yeah... they're already asleep right now, you two can go visit him tomorrow"


Illya muttered as small droplets of tears formed in the corner of her eyes.




Lucias wryly smiled as he read her current emotion before watching her ran away towards the large maze in his garden.

"Illya! I'm sorry about this master"

"No it's alright... You should go and chase her since, it's kind of dangerous to just leave her alone when it's this late"

"Thank you for your understanding, master"

Iri thanked before chasing after Illya who ran inside the maze garden.

"... Asia, can you follow both of them? They'll get lost at this rate"

Lucias requested as he gaze at Asia who was comfortably sitting on the soft grass of the garden.


She nodded her head in response before chasing after the two of them causing Lucias to sigh from the complicated relationship that his servants have with each other.

"*Sigh*... I'm going to die from exhaustion from managing all of them in the future"

Lucias whispered to himself before pressing the summon button once again causing another magic circle to appear in front of him.

A figure slowly emerged out of the magic circle, it was an extremely beautiful woman with short green hair that reached her shoulders wearing nothing but a single robe that covered her body, but what shocked him the most is that the woman in front of him is not human, but a being made out of clay.

"Servant, Lancer. Enkidu. Your call has activated me. Please use me as you wish. Mercy is unnecessary, Master"

The woman(?) said in a polite and serene tone while standing in front of Lucias with a light smile on her face.

[Enkidu has been summoned, one servants from the quest of ??? has been deducted]

[??? has judged that [Enkidu]'s current vessle is unstable and has issued another quest]

[New Quest]

[Quest: Reincarnate Enkidu into a lower god with the [Reincarnation] skill.

Reward: Increased chance in summoning Gilgamesh.

Failure: None

Limit: None]


Enkidu called, noticing his dazed stare at her direction.

"Nothing... Welcome to the team, Enkidu"

"It's my pleasure"

Enkidu answered in a respectful tone before noticing Ishtar floating behind Lucias causing him to frown from the sight of her.


Enkidu then picked up a small pebble on the ground before throwing it at Ishtar's direction, causing Lucias to look at her with a confused expression on his face.

"What was that for!?"


"Now, now, everyone should get along with each other. Ishtar will you please?"

Lucias said as he walked between them as he tried to pacify Ishtar from attacking Enkidu.

"Enkidu... can you stay still for a bit?"

Lucias requested before looking back at Enkidu's direction causing her to tilt her head in response.

"Sure, master"

Enkidu answered without questioning his command causing Lucias to smile before placing his hand on top of her head.

"This might hurt a bit so... endure it"


Enkidu looked at him in confusion before feeling his rich mana enter his magic circuit.

"[I order the laws of nature and the realm of both life and death, under my name shall this beings be granted a new body that never age nor dies. I shall bestow upon you a vessel, created from both my blood and flesh. [Reincarnation]]"

Lucias casted causing a massive magic circle to appear below Enkidu as her body was devoured by the pure mana found in nature, slowly transforming her body into a divine being using her original clay body as a reference.

[Please specify which sex shall [Enkidu] be reincarnated]

"... Sex?"

Lucias muttered before staring at Enkidu with a weird expression on his face, not understanding why his ability would give a notification like this.


Lucias answered causing the mana around them to shine brightly as it reconstructed her body causing Ishtar, Gohg, and Nightingale to look at him in surprise.

"You're a god?"

Ishtar asked as she stared at Lucias with wide eyes, causing him to grin as he looked back at the three of them.

"You could say that"

Lucias nonchalantly answered before looking back at Enkidu's body, slowly being reinformed by the mixture of his mana and the pure mana found in nature.

[Reconstruction of all vital and non-vital organs complete]

[Creation of Divinity is complete]

[Complete transfer of female essence found in the player's body is underway]

[A portion of the player's status has been sacrificed for reincarnation]

[All abilities, skills, and memories has been transfered to Enkidu's new vessel]

A series of notifications appeared in front if his eyes as blinding light suddenly covered the entire area causing them to unconciously cover their eyes.

[Reincarnation complete]

Slowly, the blinding light dissipated as a figure stood in the middle of the magic circle causing all of them to slowly open their eyes.

"Master... You..."

Her features became more feminine than before as her body was reconstructed to match the form of his clay body. Her skin became more soft and smooth as her cheeks became rosy, an appearance that could entice any men as soon as they see it.

"Sorry about suddenly reconstructing your body. I just thought that this vessle might be more suitable for you"

Lucias apologized causing Enkidu to shake her in response.

"No, I'm truly thankful for giving me a powerful vessel... but please remind me first before doing it"

Enkidu said with a beautiful smile on her face while looking at Lucias.

"Sorry about that"

Lucias said while awkwardly scratching his head to the side before using appraisal on her charm, but to his surprise. Her charm was the same as his, nothing is written but a bunch of question marks that hid his true status.

"I'll explain the situation later, so go on ahead and join the others at the back"

Lucias said causing her to nod her head in response before walking towards Nightingale and Gohg while clearly avoiding Ishtar.

"... All of you must be hungry, I'll prepare your food later once were done"

Lucias smiled at them causing Gohg to look at him in excitement from the mention of food.

"Now then... For the 4th one"

Lucias muttered before pressing the summon button causing the same scene to appear in front of him as a figure slowly emerged from the magic circle.

"I'm the captain of the Shinsengumi's third division, Saitō Hajime"

A middle aged man with short black hair wearing a black suit introduced himself with a light grin on his face.

"So, you're Master-chan. Heh, don't you have a good expression. Ah, right right, I'm not good with formalities, so I'll count on you like that"

He added before looking back at the servants standing behind him.

"Oh! You're quite popular aren't you, master-chan?"

He teased before walking towards them to introduce himself to his fellow servants.

"Saitō Hajime... Well, at least his quite easy to get along with"

Lucias muttered before moving his attention back at the summon button in his status board.

"This will be that last summon for the day..."

Lucias said before pressing the summon button with a hopeful expression on his face.

"Servants. Saber. Sengo Muramasa. Are you my master?"

A man with auburn hair and golden-brown coloured eyes greeted with a light smile on his face.

[Sengo Muramasa has been summoned, one servants from the quest of ??? has been deducted]



Both Iri and Illya called as soon as they returned back to their location together with Asia.

"... So this is what Emiya looked like before he became a servants"

Lucias muttered with a grin on his face while observing Murasama's physique and facial features.

"Hmm... This will definitely cause a mess once Emiya and Tohsaka finds out about this..."

-with ???-


In the darkest corners of Romania, a single man, wearing a black suit screamed in terror as he struggled to run, while repeatedly glacing at his back to see if the creature was still following him.

A loud and ominous roar echoed through the dark streets of the city, a roar that sent shivers down the spine of the man as he increased his pace as his face became pale from panick and terror.

"I-I don't want to die, I-I still want to see my family, I can't die!"

The man whispered to himself before hearing the loud footsteps of the creature that was chasing him.

"N-No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no"

He repeated like a broken clock as the creature quickly caught up to him, causing the man to scream as loudly as he could before getting pierced by the long sharp legs of the creature through his chest.

The man looked at the creature in front of him with pure terror in his eyes before breathing his last breath as his body limped down... slowly sliding off the long and smooth surface of the creature's legs.

The creature sniffed his blood in excitement before slowly dissecting his body for it to throughly enjoy the man's taste. Slicing his guts open before piercing his stomach with its long sharp legs.

His blood slowly covered the cold hard ground as the monster ate him piece by piece under the cold light of the moon.

"Great Job, my pet"

An extremely beautiful woman muttered as she slowly walked out of the darkness, revealing an extremely familiar woman, standing confidently beside the large monster.

"Lucias~ You're quite generous for opening a gate to that ruined world~"

Xoasis muttered in joy before patting the modified and enhanced spider type gastrea with her hand.

"Shall we start our buffet? My dear pets~"

Xaosis muttered as millions of blood red eyes shone in the darkness of the night as a maniacal smile appeared on her face.

"It won't be long until we become one, Lucias~"

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

MissRiascreators' thoughts