
The Heavenly Celestial Stair Path:The Hidden Legendary Dragon God Core

The Age of Gods has long since ended, their voices no longer heard on the continent of Mother Seriou Star Continent. Humanity, standing on the shoulders of legends from its history, advanced soul technology to inconceivable heights. The humans of Mother Seriou Continent invented weapons of mass destruction, mechanized armor, and living metals. Mankind and demonic spirit have been war against each other over 500,000 years after the Blood War Battle that almost destroyed the demon race within a second but after that none have ever been kind to one another. The weak or destroyed but the demonic spirit beast aren't willing to back down. Deep within the Fairy Lake Forest a long since forgotten God has awaken but this time this god is after to destroy mankind just like how it has destroyed it's people this god won't stop at anything since the gods and goddess love humans so much we might as well kill them all as what they have done to his kind. As darkness encroaches from the abyss, hope is found in a young boy who holds a power beyond divinity within himself- Akash Beaufort a young boy who was born in the Great House of Beaufort Family Dynasty. A child that holds hope for mankind, and the demon race, he is the bride between the two races.He finds his way into the fabled halls of Heavenly Grail College, where he learns to wield his prodigious powers, makes friends, finds allies, but also make enemies who try there best to kill him, but even that eventually rising to become a towering leader. As he learns to harness his strength, danger lurks within the shadows as the various factions of humanity maneuver and plot to usurp Heavenly Grail College. Akash discovers the threat to the only world he knows as he sinks deeper into the intrigue. Meanwhile, camouflaged by the chaos and unbeknownst to the humans, the demonic spirit beasts' plot continues to steadily advance. With different races up against each other no one truly knows who is the enemy or who you can trust along the way.

Gloria_Drinka_0209 · Fantasie
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58 Chs

Chapter 55 Akash {Metal That Needs To Be Refined}

After seeing that one strike from Kamerson, the students dared not break the silence out of fear. Their lineup was even more orderly now. In front of this teacher of theirs, they all felt as if they were under great pressure.

Akash blinked a few times. Just a moment ago he had been seriously watching the match. When Kamerson sword thrust forth, Sebastian had begun to dodge, yet his futile attempts only resembled a prey caught in a spider's web to Akash. No matter how much Sebastian struggled, it would've been impossible to escape from this large web.

It was done with such a simple sword, but had neither the aid of a martial spirit or a spirit soul skill. Yet, Kamerson easily suppressed Sebastian. What kind of cultivation was needed for this!?

'Teacher truly is too formidable!' 

"Alright one minute is over Sebastian and Akash get over here and start to fight," Kamerson said coldly.

Akash had also released his Lyu Grass the moment the match began and had weaved Lyu Grass in a manner similar to the style of his first match against Ava. The blades of grass weaved into a large net, just waiting for someone to walk into its trap.

Sebastian's heart stirred.

'Wasn't Kamerson's sword pressure simply a formless net? Was Teacher giving me guidance on how to break through Akash's net? But Teacher, you don't know how tough this guy's Lyu Grass is. It's basically impossible to break through!'

The very first time they had fought, Sebastian had underestimated the resilience of Akash's Lyu Grass! This mistake had allowed Akash to send him flying.

'This guy isn't even using his fists anymore, but hammers! If he smashed my face with those…'

When Sebastian saw the two shiny black hammers in Akash hands, he immediately got a bad feeling.

Akash was neither in a hurry, nor impatient to start. He just calmly waited for Sebastian to attack while constantly moving the net in his direction. In reality, Akash knew in his heart that Sebastian and Mia were as different as black and white. With Sebastian soul power level, the one whose stamina would be depleted first would likely be Akash.

Even faced with such circumstances, Akash wasn't anxious at all. He just waited for Sebastian to attack so that his golden scales could appear again.

Sebastian released a powerful aura as Light Angel Dragon Appeared above him it's level was a 7 and everyone was in awe of the warrior spirit it's aura. White feathers flouted straight at Akash who raised his hammers and hit the ground his Lyus Grass blocked the feather but they seem to shiver from that touch which Akash could feel it.

In the face of Sebastian's speed, it was practically impossible for Akash to dodge.


Ding! A brittle note echoed out and sparks flew everywhere. Akash and Sebastian's weapons were interlocked in a showdown. Sebastian's Light Dragon Dagger had missed Akash's body.

Akash's eyes narrowed. It was as if he had entered some sort of special state. The Thousand Refined Tungsten Hammer in his right hand was held behind him, obstructing Sebastian attack.

In disbelief, Sebastian spun to the other side, slashing out once again.

Dang! The same thing happened as before. Akash's other hammer accurately blocked Sebastian second attack.

'How could this be? How could he be so quick?' Sebastian eyes were full of disbelief. 'Could it be..? This guy was disguising himself as a pig to eat a tiger? I've actually lost to him twice when he was acting as a pig?'

Yes! How fast!

While he faced off against Sebastian, Akash was continuously thinking of ways he could could counter Xie Xie's speed. His opponent was an Agility System Battle Soul Master while he could be considered both a Control System Battle Soul Master and a Power System Battle Soul Master; he would lose out to his opponents speed either way.

If this continued on, he would definitely lose. He also couldn't rely on his golden scales to appear miraculously.

While he had been pondering over this dilemma, he finally had a brilliant idea.

His body's speed couldn't possibly compare with his opponent. However, there was still one area that he was exceptionally fast in. That was… forging!

In the three years he had spent forging, he had grown so familiar with hammers that they were like an extension of his body. Especially when his strength exploded out; that familiar sensation was even more intense.

If he used the heavy Thousand Refine Heavy Silver Harmony Sound Hammers, he wouldn't be able to dominate with speed. However, with his lighter Thousand Refine Harmony Sound Hammers, he would be able to make these hammers fly. It would be like the test he took at the Blacksmith's Association. He would dazzle Sebastian with his ability of wielding his tungsten hammers.

He would treat Sebastian like a lump of metal that needs to be refined.