
The heart with secrets

A Fantasy Romance novel where the Vampire princess pretends to be a normal human in hopes of winning the heart of a human prince. But what happens if she is under sunlight? What if he notices she has no reflection? Will he still love her cold still heart?

Johnmark_Almoden · Fantasie
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5 Chs

royal family

before olivia go in the kitchen to help the other maid to cook some breakfast for this morning she put the mirror on her face and did not see anything...

when the maid see olivia in a uniform their face surprised because she's really "beautiful...after finishing the dishes and ready to serve..."one maid ask olivia... do you have an relationship to the prince? because it seem the prince in love with you said the maid with curiosity... olivia answer the maid and olivia said she don't have any relationship with the prince with a smile on her face..

when they are organizing the food in the table.. prince edwin seems quite because he's face are red and can't say anything after seeing olivia with a maid uniform..

the king see prince edwin with a red face and the king ask prince edwin..."why your face are all red?.." the maid shock for a bit... the prince said its because he did not sleep well..."

prince edwin ask "olivia to seat and eat.." but the king did not agree on his idea because only royal people can seat in the table... the king said she can't sit in the table and eat with us because she is not a royal member of our family .."

after finishing all the work olivia went to her room to take some sleep... but before she sleep a people from outside knock the door and after she open the door she see prince edwin smiling in the front of him..

olivia can I ask something? said edwin

what is it?.. said olivia

can you go with me in the village market? said edwin his face is blushing when he said that words on olivia..." it's night so olivia go to the market with prince edwin... when they get in the village market olivia ask a question... "what do you want to buy prince edwin? .... I want to buy the golden bracelet it made of gold and it's rare on this country prince edwin say directly to olivia...

olivia notice the two man behind their back.... when he look at them olivia feels danger how ever... vampire instinct are greater than humans and they can smell anything in 100meters away so they can smell danger in their sorrounding...

but olivia ignore them because she thinks they are not the target of the two man.... the time past and the two man still following them olivia feel more danger and her heart beat faster and faster... when the two man see the soldier and knight rallyibg they go away so olivia get some relief ..

but prince edwin didn't know what happen just now.. when he look to olivia.." olivia smile at him like nothing's happen... prince edwin continue to walk along the way he didn't see any bracelet in the shops... when it's already late he stop for the search ask olivia to go in the market again but when edwin said let's go again tomorrow morning ..

olivia said to edwin that she is not available during morning because she have many work to do and she apologize to prince edwin... "No don't apologize it's my fault that I invite you this late to go with me in the village Sorry said prince edwin he said it like a matured man..

when they are in the castle now prince edwin see princess sakura from japan prince edwin say hello with a gentle smile on his face to the princess instantly.. like he is obsess on sakura beatiful face and body... but princess sakura did not want to talk with prince edwin and she see a girl behind the back of prince edwin and she smile like a princess do..

olivia get jealous and before prince edwin ask her something she say's "NO.." directly with an angry face.. and walk to her room without looking in her back...

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Johnmark_Almodencreators' thoughts