
The Harem Teacher at Elreis Sorceress Academy, 1

~ Can He Build a Harem in the School without Getting Caught?~ Theophil Krause is a young court wizard and undoubtedly one of the most elite in the country. He is loyal to his duties, but there is one thing he is even more passionate about – it's his ambition to corrupt highborn women of his choice and builds a harem for himself. For that, the Elreis Magical Girls Academy is a suitable hunting ground. It is a garden of prideful women, but only the ladies of famous high-class families were able to attend there, and of course, where all boys were forbidden from entering. It is to the extent that even the most bottom personnel are thoroughly selected and sieved for their abilities so that there won’t be a need for a single male in the school, but after corrupting the headmaster, Julia, into something that can’t live on without his member, he succeeded in infiltrating the school as their first male magic teacher. As he is also a court wizard with a good reputation, he was well received by the noble ladies in the class. But even with all that adoration, he only plans to aim at the best of the best. He entices several women in the academy; the students, the student council president, the school’s teachers, and even the school nurse, achieving the ultimate pleasure by corrupting the innocence that these haughty women protect the most. However, it is not without risks, as the more his women grew, the more attention he gains from the powerful chancellor, which is also the founder of the school. Will Theophil succeed in making his dream harem? Or will he fail and lose everything before he makes it to the top? Making use of his body manipulation magic and mind-reading techniques, plus his wits as an excellent court wizard, Theophil’s plan to get the best girls for his harem as he outwits the chancellor has already begun! [Has lots of heavy s*x scenes]

BooksSharedForPoor · Fantasie
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12 Chs

Behind the School Building

When I got to the back of the school building, however, no one was in sight.

Is she teasing me? No, that wasn't how Annika was thinking at the time. Maybe she was just late or something.

The back of the Elreis Academy building is quiet and devoid of people. If men were allowed here, they would definitely hang out in these places, but as expected of a school for noble ladies, this kind of thing probably doesn't happen for them.


I heard a rustling sound from behind and, as expected, saw Annica there.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, teacher."

(Fufu, actually, I've been waiting for you for a long time, and this rushing to you while pretending to be late is a part of my strategy.)

For a haughty noble lady, you are doing quite a lot of nonsense. Oh well. I guess I'll just go on with the flow and taste this girl's body soon.

"So, what is it about wind magic that you are having trouble with?"

"Uhm, you see, I couldn't put it in words, so I'll just perform it to show the problem. Would you mind watching for a moment, teacher?"

"The coast is clear. Go on."

With that, Annica created a whirlwind of magic.

But the wind just disappeared in a flash before it was able to do anything.

"Hmmm, I can't do very well. I'm afraid I won't be able to do well in next week's exams with this."

(Psyche~. I'm very good at wind magic. And the exam next week was a lie... But with this ...)

"Please let me try again."

Once again, Annika casts her spell. This time, however, she put too much power into it, and it became too strong.


Unable to handle the sudden wind current, Annica fell on her butt, her legs spreading in an M shape when she landed. Since her skirt was short, it made her panties to be exposed in full view.

(How do you like my panties, teach? All men love to take a glimpse of this, you know?)

I see. This is the kind of thing she makes to seduce a man, huh. Well, it should have been perfect, if not for the childish animal patterns hugging her big butt, but still, rolling one's eyes over a woman's underwear is one of the basic instincts as a man.

Even I, a veteran, couldn't help but stare at it, no matter what the design.

"Are you okay?"

I pulled her arm to stand up while 'trying to keep my composure.

"I'm sorry, teacher. I think I put too much power..."

"Don't worry about it."

(What do you mean, "Don't worry about it"? This guy doesn't even raise an eyebrow when I show him my panties? I definitely saw him move his eyes, but he acts as if he hasn't seen them at all!)

Sorry, Annica. Unfortunately, even I couldn't make myself 'flustered' by your panties. Especially if it's in the design with cute animal patterns all around.

Well, it suits the childish you, though.

(Then how about this!)

"Aaah~. I think...I have used too much power, teacher. Can you hold me for a bit? "

Annica stumbles and deliberately falls towards my body.

This caused her proud chest to be in close contact with mine. She even made it so that it rubs a bit as she fell forwards.


To think she even let out a matching sweet moan, your cover is about to be blown, you know? Well, it already blew up since I met you.

For now, let's see what she's thinking about.

(How is it, my ultimate weapon! Once I put these big tits on them, any man would be delighted, no matter who they are. Before, I did the same thing with a man who I felt is a virgin, and he was already wet soon as it made contact! I don't expect it would go that far, but with this, I'm sure it would have given you an erection at least.)

The fact that I can feel the softness of it even through her uniform just shows that she has taken off her bra as well.

I know she's trying her best to the point that she would be crying now, but I couldn't help but laugh at how futile it is. She's really desperate to defeat me to secure her standing in the school.

Her greed has passed the point of dumbfounding that it has become admirable. Little did she know that her thoughts were as open as a book the entire time.

Let's have some fun while at it.

"Are you okay? If you're in pain, let me take you to the infirmary."

"Eh ...?"

(Y-you want to take me to the infirmary? Even though my prized breasts were already in front of you? At this point, you should be trying your best to assault me here!)

"You don't look so good. Shall I take you in right away?"

"Wait, wait!"

I was about to move when Annica yelled out loud.

Hey, hey, I thought you weren't feeling well?

"What's going on?"

"I just staggered a bit, but I'm fine, teacher. I think I'll be okay with a little rest."

"If you say so."

Annica sat down on a nearby stone, acting like she was in pain.

(This, this guy~! Is he a natural airhead? Or is he just not interested in girls? You're putting me to shame here!)

Kuku, it looks like the 'little girl' got angry. It was only bit by bit, but it's starting to show on her face.

Just a little more, and this girl will have the taste of her first defeat.

You think it's easy to make me fall?

Well, think again.

"B-by the way, teacher, do you have a lover?"

"What's with the question?"

"I'm just curious. You see, for a teacher, you are just too cool and attractive. That's why I'm curious."

(If I tell you this much, you'll definitely understand what I'm getting here, right!? Now, how will you respond to that!)

Nice try, making me run out of the room to escape.

Well then, about time I thrust the reality into her.

"I don't have a lover."

"What a waste. I'm sure you'll be popular."

"Hahaha. Well, a relationship like that is beyond me right now."

"Because you want to focus more on your work?

How diligent you are, teacher!"

"No, it's because it's a hassle."


When I said it in a slightly lower tone, Annika was rendered speechless.

"From your point of view, I'm a cool, young, and handsome teacher, right? But that's not who I really am. All I want is a physical relationship. I want someone who will just let themselves get fucked by me without any conditions."


Lost for words, Annica just continued to stare with her mouth gaping open.

(Th-this man, what is he saying ...! He just aims for the body? No, there's no way he could see through my thoughts-)

(Sorry to disappoint you, but I do.)


I entered Annica's mind.

(I also knew what purpose you had approached me for.)

(Y-you, no way. You've been reading my thoughts all this time?)

(What do you think?)

(Kuh...! What a sleazy man... You're the worst!)

(So, you hate me now?)

"I hate you!"

Unable to stand it anymore, Annica shouted out loud.

"I can't believe I have been deceived by this lowborn!"

"Deceived? Me? No, it was you who is making a fool of yourself the entire time. You seem to think you can own any man, but I don't."


Now then, it's my turn.

"Let me ask you a question this time. Why do you think I came here even though I have read your

"A-aiming for me?"

"I like big-tittied chicks like you. The cheekier they are, the more I want them for myself."

"W-what are you gonna do to me? W-we're outside, you know? If I call for help, someone will definitely come!."

"Don't worry. You won't be willing to call for help anyway."

"Y-you're going to seal my mouth?"

"No. I'm not gonna stoop that low. I'm gonna make you fall in love with me."

"Who's gonn-

"You will, and that's how it's going to be."

I walked up to Annica and touched her head with my finger.

With this, she will now be mine!