
The Guild of Gamers: The Necromancer

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Life wasn't fair, even someone who had every advantage in the world could lose it all because a certain lazy necromancer misplaced his pet rat. On the bright side, he feels slightly bad about accidentally killing you, so congratulations and welcome to the Guild of Gamers.

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Chapter 1Technically, it’s not my fault he died

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my original characters and works, if you recognise it from somewhere else, surprise it isn't mine.

Betad by morde24, OoalGown, Hermes, Priapus, Marethyu, Old man of the mountain and TheDonFluffles

The Guild of Gamers: The Necromancer

Chapter 01: Technically, it's not my fault he died

Life wasn't fair, I was always vaguely aware of that fact.

I was born into a rich family, sailing through life without a care in the world. I knew life wasn't fair but I didn't care because it wasn't me getting the short end of the stick.

College? Slept through most of my classes and still graduated with honours, because my father is one of the college's biggest sponsors. University was looking to be the same, and after that I'd have entered my family business and continued to rise to the top of the world without a single care.

But life doesn't really care if you're rich, how powerful your parents are or how illustrious your family is.

Looking down at my arm from my hospital bed, I can't gather the energy to move it, just looking over the blackened, rotting flesh.

They hoped to amputate it before the infection spread to my main body, but the slightest delay in the surgery resulted in the rot spreading to my chest, my organs already infected.

No point amputating my arm when it wouldn't save me.

They don't even know what is killing me, and it's not exactly a comfort to know I'll be remembered by more than just my family because I'll have an entire disease named after me.

They think I've got barely a week left, an optimistic estimate.

They're wrong, you'll die within the hour

The deep voice echoing through my head doesn't even make me flinch, too far gone to care about any schizophrenia I'm developing.

Heh, fair enough.

I don't doubt the voice either, they can claim whatever they want but I can feel my life slipping away with every laboured breath.

Not scared of dying?

Of course I'm scared, but I don't have the energy to grieve at this point. I don't want to die, but there's nothing to be done at this point. Even if they develop a cure, it'll be too late for me.

Well, I wouldn't say there's nothing to be done.

What would you give to continue living?

Anything, I'm not the type to believe in some magnificent afterlife and I have no desire to answer the call of the void.

Even your freedom? Would you leave everything behind if it meant you could keep living?

I said anything, didn't I? I don't say things I don't mean.

Heh, fair enough. Eh, this could be fun and I'm at least partially responsible for this anyway so I'll take that as an acceptance.

Welcome to the family, Rowan. The names Kuro, your new boss.

Kuro? I have no idea what the voice is talking about but before I can even consider his words, my vision starts to darken and I draw my last breath.

— Kuro —

So, I kinda misplaced one of my undead and it was carrying a rather viral death plague.

I fixed my fuckup before it caused an apocalypse but little Rowan here happened to get bit by it before then.

I really should stop using zombie rats to spread plagues, but it's easier than doing it myself.

Ah well, I could have healed him but this way I make some more progress towards my guild recruitment quota.

Why do we even have a quota? Well, because of Gray, obviously.

Now, what system to give him and where to send him? Oh, I know exactly what system I'm giving him.


— Rowan Blackwood —

Everything is pitch-black, my body is freezing and I can't move at all. If this is the afterlife, it sucks.

System online, beginning character creation.

Choices limited due to preselected choices picked by Administrator Kuro T.

The new voice in my head doesn't have any of 'Kuro's personality, completely flat and robotic.

Please select a boon

[Better Starter Lair] [Free Starter Perk] [Free Starter Companion]

I have no idea what's going on, but I can feel the voice waiting for my decision. What do I have to lose at this point?

A lair? A companion? A perk?

I don't know what's going on, but I recognise two of those terms and can guess what the third means.

They're game terms, and if I know games then the perk is the best choice.

Perks are powerful, and while companions are nice and a lair sounds useful, I'd rather focus on my own self improvement.

Perk Added

[Telekinetic (Minor)]

You have gained the power of telekinesis, able to manipulate small objects within your limited range. Can be trained to become stronger.

Not groundbreaking but it's amusing enough. I'm probably hallucinating as I die but I might as well enjoy it.

Please select a background


Starts with a set of combat equipment and some savings, you will have a minor reputation as a reliable rookie adventurer


Starts with very little but grants a random boon when selected


Starts with a good set of combat equipment, a large amount of money, but you will be sworn to serve a kingdom or noble family


Starts as part of a noble family, with considerable personal wealth and power

Cost: One Random Drawback


Start as a wandering vagrant with nothing to your name, not even a lair, but grants two boons when selected.

I almost immediately select noble before I pause. It's not the drawback that stops me, but my past. I've been a noble, or my worlds equivalent, and I blew it by doing nothing with my life.

Knight doesn't call to me, I don't want to start serving a kingdom or family I don't know.

Peasant seems boring, and adventurer seems like a decent start especially in what is clearly a fantasy setting but…

Vagrant grants two boons.

Power is more valuable than material goods, so I'd rather improve myself and just earn whatever I need later.

Background selected.

Perk added

[Telepathic (Minor)]

You have gained the power of telepathy, able to project your thoughts to the mind of someone within your limited range, or reach out and sense the surface thoughts of a target. Can be trained to become stronger.

Magic Branch unlocked

[Eromancy (Novice)]

You have gained the ability to use school of Eromancy, better known as sex magic.

Spells added

Heighten Libido

Subtly heightens the target's libido, making them easier to arouse and causing their minds to wander to naughty thoughts far more often.


Causes the target to become aroused, resulting in wet panties and tented pants.


Cleans the target of any and all messes including dirt, lubricant, semen, and anything else that can result from sex.

What the hell kind of game is this? Well I can't deny it sounds like a fun one.

Take a drawback to gain a boon?

Fuck it, why not at this point.

[Drawback Added]

[Lost Knowledge]

Several of the Grimoires you need to learn different schools of magic have been lost, and will need to be tracked down again.

Perk Added

[Natural Talent]

You will gain one perk and one advanced spell from one of your schools of magic.

Huh, that's probably not great. It's not the worst though, I can just track them down later.

Natural talent sounds useful, so I don't regret it.

Initialisation complete, beginning transfer.

I guess that's everything. As far as hallucinations go, it was at least a fun one.

Opening my eyes, I blink as I feel how light my body is, able to stand in the dark forest clearing.

As the rain hits my face, I look around in bemusement. Okay, maybe not a hallucination.

For some reason that doesn't shock me as much as it should, even as I look down at myself.

I'm wearing a pair of dark trousers and what seems to be a black and purple almost robe-like top, a matching hooded cloak over my head.

I have a small bag at my waist, and the weight makes me pause, aren't I supposed to start with nothing?

Opening up, I pull out the two books sitting inside it.

The Liber Mortis (Necromancy, Traditional)

The very first book on the forbidden art of Necromancy from which all others are derived,it contains the rituals, secrets and spells for raising the dead and controlling the necrotic energies.

The Liber Animas (Necromancy, Spirit Magic)

Written in magic ink and bound with the soul of a sacrifice, this Grimoire possesses the knowledge on how to bind souls into your service and manipulate the spirit realm.

Quest Added

[Recover the Lost Knowledge]

Objective One: Recover the Kroveri Haema

Objective Two: Recover the Promraen Caro

Objective Three: Recover the Reunu Pertemru

User registered: The Necromancer, Rowan Blackwood


[Necromancy (Traditional Necromancy)] (Apprentice)

You have gained the ability to use traditional necromancy, dealing with the raising of corpses and the use of death magic.

Create Undead

This spell allows the caster to raise one that has died as a member of the undead, no longer alive but still walking amongst the living. The spell ensures their creator will always command them. They have all the strength and physical ability they had possessed when alive, however they lack any intelligence. They will decay at the same rate as any other dead.

Ray of Enfeeblement

Bringing the target nearer to death for a short time, this spell causes the target to become weak and sickly. The target becomes winded after only a few dozen steps, while finding running impossible. By draining the target's strength, the caster may empower this spell to cause paralysis, lasting for minutes, hours, or days.

Draining Touch

Allows the caster to drain the life force from a target they are in contact with to heal their own wounds.

[Necromancy (Spiritual Necromancy)] (Apprentice)

You have gained the ability to use spiritual necromancy, dealing with the summoning and commanding of spirits.

Speak with the Dead

Often done by accident by those with the potential to use spiritual necromancy, this spell allows the caster to commune with the dead, though it gives them no control over the spirit and many take offence to being pulled back on the whims of the caster.

Create Soulflask

The Liber Animas contains the plans to create an enchanted glass flask capable of holding a single soul. Those who die near an empty and open soul flask have their soul pulled into it, and once the cap is closed the spirit will be unable to escape, trapped in liquid form.

Astral Projection

This ritual frees the soul from the caster's body, allowing them to wander the world as an incorporeal spirit, immune to most forms of damage until the caster chooses to cancel the spell.

Advanced spell added

Soul Swap

Casting a ritual on two people, you force the souls within their body to swap locations and possess the other body for a length of time of your choosing.

Spiritual Necromancy Perk Added

[Astral Possession]

While projecting your soul, you can attempt to possess the body of a victim of your choosing. The battle of wills will decide which of you gets control of the body. If you win, the original soul will be suppressed until you release your control. If they win, your soul will be expelled back to your body.



The fact that the description of the first Grimoire mentions that it's forbidden isn't the greatest start.

I can't help but notice that the 'Liber Morris' feels strange to the touch, while it looks like it's bound in leather I don't want to think too hard about what exactly that leather was made from.

Excellent, I have creepy death magic which will probably get me all the wrong kinds of attention and I have no idea where I am.

But on the other hand, I'm also alive.

If being a necromancer is the price of my second chance at life, so be it.

First things first, I need to work out where the fuck I am and while I have knowledge of how to cast my spells, and while the concept does excite me more than I care to admit, I have no spells that will help me with this particular situation.

Astral Projection is an option, but I assume that while my soul would be safe unless I encounter anyone who can see or interact with souls, my body would be stuck here, utterly defenceless for any hungry beast to stumble upon.

Plus, I don't know how rare magic is in this world and I have the knowledge that people with particularly strong magical aptitude can see spirits.

If I had some undead, a few skeletons or zombies, I could have them watch over my body while I project myself but I'd need bodies for that.

Again, that should shock and disgust me, but it doesn't. Curious, but sitting and worrying about that doesn't help me out of my current predicament.

No matter what direction I look in, I can only see more trees and I was never a boy scout so I haven't a clue what to do when lost in a forest.

Looking around, I shrug to myself as I carefully put the books back in my bag and pick a random direction to set off in.

I think I need to find a river and then follow it, or something like that. Either way, I'm not going to make any progress standing around.

My genius plan of wandering in a random direction has a small hitch as I slowly move behind a thick tree, peeking out and watching a massive misshapen humanoid stomping through the forest as it drags a club twice my size behind it, two tusk-like teeth jutting out of its mouth as I hold my breath, desperate to not attract its attention and lose my second life so quickly.

I don't think I'll get a third.

It's easily twice as tall as me, and probably more than thrice as wide, and it looks like it could eat me in two bites which convinces me that staying very still is the right decision here.

Is it an ogre? Its skin is a deep black with some white bone-like plates in certain places, but aside from that it matches my mental image of an ogre.

Whatever it is, I'm not going near it without a horde at my side. Actually, make that a horde in front of me.

That club looks like it could crush me in a single swing, so I stay hidden as I watch the monster wander into the distance.

It pauses for a moment, looking around as I duck behind my tree. I'm quite far away from it but I don't know how good its senses are, and focusing my new powers I take hold of a small rock near its feet and toss it into the distance with my telekinesis.

The noise makes it look away from me, whatever attracted its attention forgotten as it wanders further away from me searching for whatever made the noise.

Well, if it's going that way, I'm going back the way I came. I don't want to go the way it came from because I doubt civilisation can be found there, and I don't want to go the way it went because it is that way, so getting as far away from it as possible seems like the smartest move.

At least now I know monsters exist in this world, which makes me move more deliberately as I slowly move through the trees, careful not to make too much noise or attract any unwanted attention.

I don't know how long I wander for before I come across a small dirt road, the first sign of civilisation I've come across.

I don't think it's a road that's been built, from my amateurish gaze, but instead it appears to simply have been the result of people constantly moving up and down it.

There are tracks, but it's not tire tracks but hoof prints and what I can only assume are carriage tracks.

I don't have any idea which way would be best, but it doesn't really matter now that I've found signs of civilisation.

Either way will eventually lead me to people. Of course, I'm currently incredibly broke and I have no form of identification but I can work something out.

I wasted my last life, rode my family's coattails and never put any effort into anything, and regardless of the questionable start to my new life I don't intend to waste this second chance.

I have no idea what I intend to do with this new lease on life. I don't know the state of this world and where I'd fit into it, but I'll find my place and make my own name here.

In my past life I was well known for my family's wealth and power, but here I'll only be known for my own deeds. It's actually rather freeing, to be honest.

There were always expectations made of me in the past, and I failed to meet them so many times I just gave up before I even got out of high-school.

Here, there are no expectations of me. Nobody knows who I am and nobody will care unless I make them care.

If I make a friend, it won't be someone hoping to benefit from my family's power, if I date someone I don't need to worry about them being a gold digger.

Because I don't have any power and I'm also broke.


Walking along the road, I frown as I feel my stomach start to grumble. My feet are growing tired and I've been walking for what must be hours without pause, with no food, drink or rest.

My hunger distracts me, and as the road goes on and on, my alert mind starts to wander, hunger and tiredness distracting me.

It's why I didn't notice that I'm being stalked, no longer watching the forest for danger as I stare at the road, looking for any sign of life, only the moonlight lighting my way.

Finally being able to actually see the moon, I pause as I stare up at it in confusion. Is the moon shattered?

Tired or not, the sounds of heavy footsteps growing rapidly closer make me turn, realising at the last second that it was paw steps as a massive black wolf pounces from the treeline.

It's worryingly fast, and dodging isn't an option with how late I noticed the danger, it's hungry jaws open as it lunges for my throat.

Letting it rip out my throat would mean certain death, and with little time to think I simply raise my left arm to cover it, the wolf clamping its teeth down on my arm instead.

My new knowledge comes to the forefront of my mind even as I yell out in pain, the wolf's fangs piercing my flesh right down to the bone, and placing my free hand in its snout I cast my first real spell as the wolf yelps in pain.

Draining Touch, the power to use my opponent's life force to heal myself, probably saves my life as the wolf let's go of my arm in shock and pain as my the palm of my hand glows with an eerie purple light, watching as it pulls strands of black energy from the beast.

It tries to pull back but I grab onto it with all my admittedly meagre strength, watching as the gaping wound in my arm starts to close up, the pain receding somewhat.

The wolf whimpers in pain as it tries to run, but I jump onto its back and simply wrap my arms around its neck and grip its fur.

I have no idea how to fight, but as long as I'm touching it I win, constantly draining its life force as it tries desperately to shake me off.

Apparently I'm not the easy meal it thought I'd be, and it doesn't seem overly happy about that fact.

Well I'm not happy either, so even as it howls I focus my magic on draining the bastard for all that he's got.

The struggle feels like it lasts for ages, but realistically it isn't more than a few seconds before the wolf collapses to the ground, its flesh desiccated and already rotting as I climb off it.

My first victory, but the phantom pain in my arm doesn't make me feel particularly victorious. The wound has healed up, but the feeling of its fangs piercing my flesh still remains.

Looking at my foe now that I'm not about to be eaten, I frown to myself in annoyance. I knew there were monsters, and I still let my guard down.

A terrible start.

Of course, things apparently can't go well for me as I hear the thumping of heavy footsteps approaching me again, and this time it is footsteps as the possible ogre comes barrelling through the trees, attracted by the sound of wolf's dying howls.

I don't know if it's the same ogre, I tried to get as far away from it as possible after all, but it doesn't particularly matter as it looks around for a moment before it locks eyes with me.

Roaring at me, it starts to charge at me as I point my finger towards it and unleash a thin ray of sickly green light, throwing all my mana into my spell.

I don't think grabbing onto this guy is a good idea, and I only have one other spell that could even count as an attack.

Ray of Enfeeblement, and as it strikes the beast in the centre of its chest, I definitely see the effect as its charge slows, every footstep taking more effort than the last.

My veins burn as I discover why using all my magic in a single spell wasn't the smartest decision, normally I'd see this as a learning experience but while the ogre is clearly winded and getting worse, my body refuses to move as I try and run.

Which means when the ogre swings its tree-trunk sized club at me, I just stand there like a practice dummy and take the blow to my side.

I'm fairly certain my spell weakened it considerably, but even still I go flying into one of the trees along the road, groaning in pain as I struggle to rise.

Mana exhaustion, apparently that's a pretty serious thing.

I don't have time to curse myself for trying that as the ogre walks towards me slowly, slowed but certainly not stopped.

Lifting its club over its head, I honestly think my second life has already come to an end before someone jumps into the fray.

Throwing himself at the ogre, I blink in shock as the newcomer uppercuts the ogre. I don't know what's more ridiculous, that someone would try to punch a monster twice his size or that it actually fucking worked as the monster is knocked away, falling onto its back with a pained grunt.

But whatever happens after that is a mystery to me as the tiredness, pain and mana exhaustion form a coalition to steal away my consciousness.

Really not the best start.

— Taiyang Xiao Long —

Dodging under the sluggish swing, Taiyang frowned to himself even as he landed several blows onto the beast's stomach.

Something was wrong with this one, probably something sleeping beauty over there did. He'd ask the kid later and hopefully he survived that hit and could actually answer his questions.

He could handle an ogre by himself, this weakened one proved a poor match for him as its dumb brute strength met great strength and well-honed skill in equal measure, coming up short.

As the ogre fell, he immediately turned and headed over to the unconscious figure.

He didn't know why anyone would be wandering the road this late at night, everyone knew that monsters were far more active at night and this road wasn't patrolled.

It was dumb luck that he'd happened to hear the wolf howling and decided to investigate while he was hunting.

Turning him over, he looked over the younger boy's outfit with a raised eyebrow. A mage?

Why was a mage in the ass end of nowhere? His bag proved Taiyang's assumption as he spotted two Grimoires sitting in it. He closed the bag up moments later, he knew better than to mess with the mages Grimoire. He didn't know what traps had been placed on them and didn't want to find out.

He'd survive, a couple of broken ribs that would take some time to heal, but that was downright lucky for someone who just got clobbered by an ogre.

He was young as well, around Yang's age at the eldest. He had a fairly good-looking face, resembling some of the aristocratic heirs he'd seen in Vale or maybe Atlas.

To add to the mystery, the boy's sleeve was torn, probably by the wolf, but the flesh beneath it was unmarred, despite the fresh blood on his arm and sleeve.

Did he heal himself? Healing was the rarest form of magic, and there was no way in hell anyone would let someone capable of casting healing magic wander alone.

If he was a mage capable of healing, there would be a dozen knights with him. Gods, it was baffling to see even a young mage without at least a small entourage to protect them.

Not to mention, the closest magic school was in Vale, and that was across the sea. Besides, the only harbour on Patch was right next to the village, and he'd have known if anyone had arrived.

The only place this road led to was the adventurer school, Signal, and he definitely didn't come from there.

Well, questions aside, he wasn't going to leave the boy to die just because there were some mysteries around him.

Scooping the boy up, he set off towards Patch, making a mental note to have one of the other teachers grab the ogre and take it to Signal tomorrow.

It didn't take him long to get home to his little house on the edge of the village, but the sun started to rise as he headed into his house.

"Tai? Did you- wait, who is that?" a soft voice asked, making him turn to meet his wife's silver eyes, seeing the concern and question in them.

Summer being awake so early didn't surprise him, the smell of the breakfast she was cooking making his mouth water.

"I have no idea, I found him unconscious on the road to Signal. He managed to take out a Direwolf but the fight attracted the ogre the villagers mentioned," Taiyang answered, carrying the boy upstairs as Summer followed, opening the guest room for him so he could lay the unconscious kid down.

"A mage? Here?" Summer asked, immediately seeing what he'd seen as he took the bag off him, putting it on the desk so the boy would be able to see it when he woke up.

"I know, but I doubt we'll work anything out until he recovers. He has a couple of broken ribs but it doesn't look like they pierced any lungs, I don't think he has any internal bleeding either," Taiyang said, making her nod.

He'd seen a lot of injuries in his time, and he'd gotten good at working out just how injured people were, the boy should wake up sooner rather than later.

Magic users tended to heal faster anyway, not that much faster but enough that the kid should be up and able to move before long.

What he did know was that Ozpin would want to hear about this, he'd have to send a messenger off to Beacon later.

"We'll let him rest, and get our answers when he wakes," Taiyang said, making Summer nod with a smile.

— Bonus Scene — Kuro Tepes

Wait, did I read that right?

Yup, master.

Huh. You'd think I'd remember to check these things before I actually recruit people into the guild.

Master, I love you… but you don't check anything.

Eh, that's true.

Ah well, so what if my new Necromancer buddy happens to be good, it should make for a funny show if nothing else.

It's too late for me to do anything about it anyway.


Well no, but if I did he wouldn't count towards my recruitment quota and then I'd have to find someone new, and I don't want to.

Yup, there's the Kuro I know and love.

Author's Note: So, one yes I know I'm crazy for starting another fic.

Two, this is set in RWBY. Kinda. It's Remnant, but it's the cast and kingdoms, but it's an AU version of Remnant that's much lower tech and more fantasy-like.

Huntsmen are Adventurers, Grimm are just one of the types of monsters in this world, Dust exists but it's used for very different things since they don't have the tech they do in this show.

I am entirely motivated by praise and interaction, so leave a review and I'll probably write faster.

I have a discord server (technically someone else's but my name is on the server so it's basically mine) with a bunch of other authors and a load of porn. Here's the link for that: discord .gg/wd3tUYWVCd

I also have a bad P word that FF doesn't like, what's on it? Right now, nothing that you can't find elsewhere and I don't know if that will change to be honest, I don't like the idea of paywalling content but I also like money to fund my pizza and games addiction, so here's the link for that as well: Pat reon . com/TheDarkWolfShiro

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