
The Greatest Monarch

After an unexpected accident, the king of Zion went into a state of coma. The ruler should be the heart of his people but the truth was entirely different from this. The coma seemed more like a blessing for the people of Zion. They wished for this blessing to never vanish. Why? That was because if it did not vanish and if he died, the holy church would take over the kingdom and they would no longer have to serve under a trash king anymore. But after he woke up, something even better happened. The King has lost his memory, even his personality was completely rewritten. When the trash king came to know the wrong deeds he had committed earlier, it pierced into his chest like sharp arrows making him feel guilty beyond what words could explain. He decided to change the shape of his kingdom and become the strongest king ever with the help of the "system" he got! Will he be able to dominate the world? Will he be able to enjoy the luxurious life of a king? Those questions can only be answered when you read his story and dive into the world of fantasy! Note: This is a remastered novel of my previous novel. After I had to undergo surgery I could no longer write, which made people lose interest in my novel and I actually wanted to rewrite my novel too. There were many mistakes and loopholes that I wanted to fix so here I am... writing my novel once again.

TheHeavenlySleeper · Fantasie
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39 Chs

Treason (3) - A Choice


As soon as Andrew shouted every single active soldier of Zion's body moved on their own and they ran towards the source of the voice. Their body refused to listen to their mind and before they knew they were in front of the king of zion, Andrew.

A total of 150 soldiers were kneeling in front of Andrew who stood there looking down upon them with pure coldness in his eyes.

Following the soldiers, Victor arrived at the scene first and then Oliver to check what happened for the soldiers to run towards that area in such a hurry.

"Your majesty?" Asked Victor with a hint of confusion in his voice as he walked closer to Andrew "It's-" Before Victor could say anything else Andrew raised his hand notifying Victor to stay silent.

Victor looked at Andrew's palm before looking at his cold face. Victor frowned lightly before nodding and standing beside Andrew. Oliver walked over to Victor and lightly patted his back as he whispered "There there..."

Victor felt like he should blast Oliver away but he controlled his anger and watched everything in silence.

The soldiers that were on their knees were trembling uncontrollably in fear. They had their heads down but even without looking, they could feel the horrifying presence.

"Did you enjoy killing your own people?" Andrew had his eyes locked on them as he asked that. Although he had a calm face, everyone present there could easily feel his anger.

Everyone stayed quiet and kept looking down to avoid looking at the figure in front of them. Some of them even wanted to defend themselves but no words left their mouths.

"You guys don't want to answer, huh?" Andrew pointed his sword in their direction "Then should I kill you like me? wait... no," A sudden evil grin appeared on his face as he added, "I should kill your family instead!"

Everyone quickly moved their head up and started to protest. They ignored their fear for the sake of their family and dared to fight back at the person that made their bodies shiver so much just moments ago.

Although they tried to get up and fight back due to the power given to Andrew by the system they could not even move thus all they did was fight back against Andrew vocabulary.

However, some did not protest but simply begged for forgiveness or just asked Andrew to spare their family and just kill them without any resistance.

"I don't wanna hear. Now Victor since I can't kill them together you prepare a spell that would kill them together." Andrew said without even looking at Victor and since he did not add a "please" or similar meaning word it was obvious he was commanding and not requesting.

Victor sighed lightly and walked closer to Andrew to whisper something to him "This is a bad idea, Sire. Moreover, not all of them caused this chaos. Some even helped me and Oliver to calm the situation down."

Andrew finally looked at Victor as he replied to him "Very well then call out the soldiers who are loyal to me or at least the kingdom."

Victor smiled softly and nodded. Victor feared that Andrew might have turned into a tyrant already just like his predecessor but when he felt like Andrew understood the words of his, he felt very relieved.

"Yes, sire. Give me a moment." Victor walked forward and in a loud voice announced the names of those who helped him to calm the situation down earlier.

Although Victor called their name and they said "here! here!" none of them got up or to be exact none could stand no matter how much they tried. The command Andrew gave earlier did not let them move.

Victor looked back at Andrew at which he sighed lightly before saying "I, Andrew-z-caesar, command soldiers whose names were called by Victor to stand up and moved to the right. After that, you may as well move freely."

24 soldiers got up and as Andrew commanded their bodies moved on their own and they stood right to the kneeling soldiers. Once they got in that position their body was free from Andrew's command but they dared not to move an inch without Andrew's command.

"Very well..." Andrew walked closer to the standing soldiers with a calm face. At that time, the calm face was really calm "I want to talk to one of you. Discuss and choose which among you is best and then send him out to talk to me. I'll give you a minute."

They looked at each other and discussed who should go and talk to the king. In the end, they all pushed the youngest man among them but it was not because they were scared, well at least that was not the main reason, but because as Andrew asked he was the best among them.

The young man looked like at max he was in his end teenage years. Like everyone else, the young man was wearing a light chest plate with a lion symbol on it above the chain armor, and his hair was very well hidden inside the helmet.

The young man had clear sharp facial features and extremely smooth and fair skin that may make people mistake him for a woman. Even his body build was short and even with clear muscles he was giving a female vibe but he was 100% blessed with manhood and not blessed with womanhood.

"Introduce yourself." Andrew asked looking down at the young man.

"I am Daniel Adler sir!" The young man said loudly standing straight "I am twenty-one years old and I have been serving Zion for nearly five years, sir! My dream is to be under the command of a kingdom that will make other kingdoms tremble in fear sir!"

Andrew let out a small snicker at the words of Daniel "I only wanted to know your name but very well I am quite happy to hear your dream. You're quite ambitious huh?"

Daniel felt a bit flustered but he continued to be straight "I apologize for that, sire. It is just that this is the first time I have talked to you."

"It's alright and as I said I liked that. Anyways this is not the time to discuss this. I only want the answer to my one question... tell me what you think I should do to these soldiers. Should I kill them? or let them go? I will do as you say." Andrew asked with a calm voice and face.

"I-" The question was too unexpected for Daniel. Although he knew what the soldiers did was wrong and they should be killed but at the same time, he could not forget the fact that many of them were his friends.

Daniel stood quiet looking down at the ground as the soldiers started to beg him to ask the king to let them go. Daniel felt like he was stuck between his sense of justice and friendship however after only a solid ten seconds he hesitantly looked up at Andrew to answer the question.

"I-I think they should-"

To be continued...

Thank you for reading! :>

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