
Chapter 01: The message that changed everything

Alan speaking:

[Welcome player to the GREAT OTAKU FANTASY SYSTEM]

That was the message that appeared in front of my eyes and changed my life turning my life completely upside down between heaven and earth, but a few things happened before the message appeared.

My name is Alan, Alan Tarly. Yes, my last name is the same as Samwell Tarly from Game Of Thrones, the walker killer and the fat man of the night watch. My classmates also call me Sir Pig just like they called Samwell on TV. As you might have guessed it all goes back to my physical appearance which is a bit overweight and it's not my fault, it's just that my physiology prevents me from losing weight. Since I was a child I was diagnosed with Cushing's syndrome which was naturally formed and so far no doctor could find a way to get me back to normal and I don't have tumors that produce steroids and no, I don't take steroids.

It was during a cold winter afternoon that my life changed, the memory is still fresh in my mind?

"this is unfair, it just doesn't make sense, just because of my body, just because I have a little more body fat, just because of that I have to put up with all this"

my clothes were dirty, dirtier than usual, that day my classmates decided it was a good way to kill time to tease me by throwing mud at me when I was in the bathroom

"I don't understand how this can be normal for all of them, bullying those who are different..." I clenched my fists strangling the straps of my backpack until my hands turned white from the lack of blood.

When I got home, my mother and sister were inside, my sister is only two years younger than me, we are both in the same school and of course we don't talk much, she knows my situation at school and I happen to embarrass her. My sister's name is Emily, her figure is different from mine as she doesn't have Cushing's syndrome and well, she seems to have gotten the better part of our parents' genes, my parents were born in the UK and settled in Japan for work. So, Emily's popularity at school is above what one would expect, whether it's her figure, her light blue eyes or her blonde hair, everything about her is perfect.

On the other hand, my body is a barrel of flesh, I have orange hair which is transformed into a lot of jokes saying that I am a carrot, my eyes on the other hand are green, a combination that many would wish for.

My mother is a fashion designer and my father was a businessman, he worked in a bank as a security manager, unfortunately while doing his job he was attacked by a heart attack that took his life.

I went into my room, left my bag on the desk chair, changed my clothes and went to the bathroom to wash my body, no one had paid attention to the mud on my clothes, the truth is not as if I cared, it is already a habit. When I finished in the bathroom I went back to my room, I weighed my body.

"105" I said in a low voice full of resignation, there was some hate in my eyes when I saw my reflection in the mirror on the wall

"what's wrong with my body?"

I asked once again as I did every time I looked at myself in the mirror, of course there was no one to answer me, the truth was that I didn't expect an answer.

I didn't have a single friend to share this pain I was feeling day by day, nor was it something I talked about with my family. Emily just wouldn't talk to me and mom seemed to have given up, maybe she was just waiting for me to finish school as soon as possible so I would stop living at home, that way I wouldn't be her burden anymore.

Just remembering everything that happened on a daily basis made my blood boil, but the fact that I had no ways to return all my pain made me feel more helpless. Life is unfair, I was aware of the truth.

You only had to look around to know it, some say that god selects his best warriors to endure the most difficult trials, but I think in my situation he was wrong, I am not a great warrior and the truth is I don't want to be the great warrior that god expects.

With everything that happened, at some point I even had suicidal thoughts but my classmates also took care of crushing them. Some said that if I hanged myself with a rope it was possible that the rope would be cut before ending my life, others mentioned that if they wanted to cut my flesh they would have to use samurai catanas and others simply mentioned that to run me over they would need a bullet train because a truck would only be crushed by my body.

It was late at night, I still didn't feel like sleeping, I was doing my exercise routine in silence as usual, I still had hope in losing weight even if the chance was minuscule then it was no reason to give up, my diet is even comparable to that of an athlete, everything I do has a goal.

"98...99.... 100!" again I had made it to one hundred push-ups, earlier I had already finished one hundred squats and two hundred sit-ups, quite a mark for a person with my body.

It was when I had my eyes closed, I was drying my sweat with a towel when the message appeared in front of my eyes on a light blue screen about thirty centimeters from my face.

"Uha!" I exclaimed falling to the floor on my butt due to the surprise, the screen had come out of nowhere "what is that?" I asked with fear.

[You completed the requirements!]

[Secret mission "God's best warrior" successfully completed].

[Rewards will be delivered in a moment].

In front of my eyes the words flowed on the screens, I had no idea what was going on, but the screens didn't seem to care.

[Welcome player Alan to the BIG OTAKU FANTASY SYSTEM]

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