

When Ana awoke, Chase was gone, and a small piece of paper with chicken scratch writing on it was in her place.


Went to the town to pick up some supplies. don't leave the cave, I'll be back soon. I didn't want to wake you, you look like you needed the sleep after last night. Cold-ish water in the canister next to the fire if you want some.

- Chase

Ana lays back down and closes her eyes, remembering last night.

{Last Night}

Chase was woken by a shrill scream. She sat up, searching for the source and reaching for the machete next to her, only to realize Ana was the one screaming. She was flailing and screaming, pleading for help. Chase put her hands on Ana's shoulders and held her still tight, so she could not hurt herself. She gently tries to wake her up, knowing if she woke to Chase screaming at her, it would only scare her more. After a few moments of gently shaking her and calling her name, Ana shot up with a start, coughing and spluttering on the air that would not fill her lungs. She looked at Chase, and the first thing that left her mouth was a heartbreaking sob. Not even a second later, Chase had Ana pressed against her chest, holding her tight, quietly shushing her, luring her into a state of calm. They didn't talk about it. Minutes after that, Ana was sleeping soundly again, Chase following shortly behind her, confused as ever.


Ana sat back up and stretched her arms above her head, inhaling deeply. She exhaled, slowly standing up and moving to get some water. After taking a drink, she looked around, having no idea what to do. In the end, she decided to look through some of the bags and satchels scattered around the cave, doubting Chase would mind. While doing so, not finding much besides some maps and food amongst other necessary supplies, she settles with just getting back under the blankets to warm her chilled body and relax while she waits. At some point, she must have drifted to sleep again because she was woken by a rustling outside of the cave. Then, Chase appears, and Ana jumps up to help her with the bags she was carrying.

"How long were you gone?" Ana asks Chase, Not even sure what time it was.

"About two hours, maybe less. It's a twenty-minute walk or so to town, and I wanted to be back before you got up, so I didn't stay too long. Later today, we may need to make another trip out. You can still stay here if you want."

"No it's fine, I'll come. I'd like to see what it's like around here some more. Try to get a little familiar with the area if possible."

"Yeah, that's a good idea. Oh, while I was out, I found some stuff for you." Chase says, rustling in a canvas bag, drawn together with a leather cinch. When Chase stands up, a slight blush on her face, she holds out a sketchbook and a small tin of charcoals towards Ana.

"Oh my god," Ana says, slowly taking them from Chase's hands. "How did you find these? Where?"

"In an old art shop. there's some more stuff, but I didn't know what any of it was, and I figured I could just show you when we go later, and you can pick out what you want." Chase says, cheeks blood red at this point.

"Thank you so much!" Setting her new supplies down, she pulls Chase into a tight hug, ecstatic that she can finally draw again. After stepping back, Ana asks, "When can we go back out?"

"We can go now if you want, I just didn't know if you were ready to leave the cave yet or not, but if you want to, that's totally fine with me."

"Okay! and we need to give it a name." Chase raises a brow at Ana. "We can't call this place 'The Cave,' " Ana says, making an ominous voice, "forever."

"what do you want to call it then?"

"What about... the den! It's a cute and comfy little den!" Ana says. After a beat of silence, her smile falters and she follows up with, "No. no, that's stupid, sorry."

"No! No, I love it. we can call it the den then." Chase counters, smiling sincerely. Ana brightens again, practically bouncing on her toes. "Alright Sunshine, go get dressed and we can go." Ana runs to her now dry clothing from last night, hurriedly puts them on, leaving her pajamas in their place, and rushes back to Chase. Minutes later, the girls set off.

Bit of a shorter chapter today, but the next should be back to normal length. Enjoy!!


Hey, I'm Persephone! Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoyed it! If you did, please send gifts, vote, and support in any way you can! Also, please comment and let me know what you think!


If people truly seem to like the story and it picks up in popularity a bit, then I'll try and update a whole lot more, too!

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