
The Godlike Liar

Nineteen-year-old Eliot Grayson, facing a terminal illness, wishes only to experience life to its fullest in his remaining months. But a bizarre twist of fate , a lightning strike through his window, whisks him away to a mystical world reminiscent of the medieval times, where supernatural powers are the norm, and the extraordinary is everyday. Miraculously cured and physically transformed, Eliot finds himself without powers in a world where magic reigns.

KingDiazie · Fantasie
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25 Chs


Chapter 23

As Eliot and Elder Tora navigated through the bustling streets of Revera, they couldn't help but marvel at the vibrancy of the city. Everywhere they looked, there were merchants hawking their wares and performers entertaining the crowds.

"Kaito's residence should be nearby," Elder Tora remarked, her eyes scanning the area. "He's known to live in this part of the city."

Eliot nodded, his gaze darting from one person to the next as he searched for any sign of their target. Kaito was rumored to be a well regarded figure, also known for his mastery of fire manipulation and his fierce determination.

"I heard he grew up in a modest home on the outskirts of the city," Eliot said, recalling the information they had gathered. "Let's head in that direction and see if we can find him."

Following Elder Tora's lead, they wound their way through the labyrinthine streets until they arrived at a nondescript house nestled among several others. The structure was simple yet well-maintained.

"This must be it," Elder Tora said, nodding toward the house. "Let's see if Kaito is home."

They approached the door and knocked, their anticipation mounting with each passing moment. After a brief pause, the door creaked open, revealing a man with striking green eyes and a stern expression.

"Can I help you?" the man asked, his voice guarded.

"We're looking for Kaito," Eliot replied, meeting the man's gaze squarely. "We have a proposition for him."

Kaito welcomes the duo to his home , as he listens to the deal they are to offer.

Kaito's mother was sick in bed. Kaito was caring for her, showing a different side of himself.

"My mother is sick," Kaito said sadly. "I'm worried about her. I think i may need to pass on this humble offer." 

Suddenly, they heard a commotion outside.

"Attackers are coming!" Eliot shouted.

As Eliot's warning echoed through the air, the atmosphere in Kaito's humble home shifted from calm to chaos in an instant. Kaito's mother, frail and bedridden, looked on with wide eyes filled with fear as the sound of approaching footsteps grew louder.

Without hesitation, Eliot and Kaito exchanged a knowing glance, a silent agreement passing between them. They had to protect Kaito's mother at all costs.

The door burst open, and two menacing figures stormed into the room, their faces twisted in cruel determination. They sneered at the sight of Eliot, Kaito, and Elder Tora, their gaze fixating on Kaito's vulnerable mother lying in bed.

"We have what we want," one of them taunted, grabbing Kaito's mother by the arm. "Now, you'll do as we say, or she suffers."

Kaito's expression hardened, his eyes burning with righteous fury. "Let her go," he demanded, his voice trembling with anger.

But the attackers only laughed, tightening their grip on Kaito's mother and inching closer to the door. It was clear they had no intention of backing down without a fight.

In that moment, Eliot's aura of fear surged forth, enveloping the room in an oppressive wave of darkness. The attackers recoiled, their faces contorted in terror as they stumbled backward.

"Leave her alone," Eliot commanded, his voice cutting through the chaos like a knife. "Or face the consequences."

For a heartbeat, there was silence, broken only by the rapid beating of hearts and the sound of heavy breathing. Then, with a look of sheer terror, the attackers released their grip on Kaito's mother and fled from the house, disappearing into the night.

"Who were they Kaito?" Asks Elder Tora

"People who want me dead due to the overwhelming ability i possess" he responds

"That's it I can't keep my mother here with these risks any longer , i accept your offer and would like to thank you for what you did today , i am in your debt but if i am to join i need my mother to relocate to the village eld with me." Kaito expresses.

"That won't be a problem, welcome to The Tenjo, Kaito" Eliot replies.

Our Division 1 Leader Is Found

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