
the start.

sigh, let's get started with this story... ~This is the story of how I became a god.~ well its actually not that interesting it's just the typical way that sad people go. but the reason is a little less usuall. you see, I was an average kid growing. I had some friends. had some games. I was well known in the neighborhood.

but then my mother got sick. she was the kindest soul that I have ever known. it is Ashame that she died so young. she was about 25 at the time of her death. after her death, my father was a broken man. it was as if he had nothing to live for. he started doing drugs to temper the pain. he started light with legal drugs such as alcohol and smoking. but at some point, it started to affect his work. he was fired on my 11th birthday. No surprise, all I got that year was a punch in the face. and that was the year he started his physical abuse.

he originally did minor things like punching me. but his desire to see me hurt was increasing by the day. he started tobroke bottles over my head, then it moved up to burning me with his cigarettes.

he had me clean up the messes in the house. forcing me to clean the toilet with my toothbrush and use it after it was covered in bleach and fecal matter. he had me cook to. if I didn't have everything spotless and food on the table, he'd freak out .

and started beating me until I was unconscious and maybe a little after. I at least had school as a brake from him. I hear you saying, but no, he took me out of school saying he didn't believe in traditional schooling or some nonsense like that.

but then I saw a show that gave me an idea. it was some nature survival show, and it showed me how to tie a special not that is famous for killing prisoners, so I thought that there was no other way out of this terrible life. so I figured out how to tie the noose and put it around my rooms ceiling fan.

then got up on a chair that I brought to my room. I then rapped the noose around my neck. as I kicked the chair away from me, I started to hear a conversation outside my room. as my vision started to go black, my door opened to a strang woman holding a clip bord.

in a suit with a badge that had a hand with a heart the said cps on it. the woman looked as if she was panicking. she tried to pull me down but then herd a crack. my vision went completely dark after that, and passed away.

after I died, I think even way I was sent to a relm of complete darkness in which I couldn't feel see smell hear or taste to name a few sentences that were gone. if I could feel sick at that moment, I'd definitely be hurling. it was the worst and somehow the best experience of my life.

no more days of curling up in a ball from the amount of pain I was feeling anymore. no more putting a filthy toothbrush in my mouth and tasting bleach and poop eny more. no more constantly smelling smoke or alcohol. no more hearing the yelling of my father and never seeing again. this is the happiest i've ever felt in my life.

or death??? whatever, but at that moment of eternal happiness ended, I started to look around to see if I could find anything since I was starting to get bored. but then I realized I couldn't see like I just couldn't see there wasn't any light or darkness.

Well, if I could describe it, you'd need to have your eyeballs removed to even understand its Undescribable. and I'm starting to get scared at this. I look to try and see anything. but it's futile. I will just exist for an eternity in this relm I gess.

this is the first thing I've written. I hope you enjoy

if you can please comment if you enjoy the first part of the story

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