
The God and the Girl

"How many times do I have to tell you, GET OUT!"

He barked as he threw a vase across the room shattering as it hit the wall next to your head.

"Why do you insist on coming back here, every day I have to deal with you, your existence in itself is almost intolerable. Not to mention your presence is unbearable."

He walked over to the sofa and stretched himself across it as he glanced in your direction. The malice in his voice pierced you but you refused to let him see you uneasy.

"I must ask if you know how I feel about you, why do you insist on coming back here. Are you not afraid that one day I might snap and kill you."

He said looking across the room.

"Because you are my god, my life belongs to you. If you wish to kill me then so be it, but I love you. My sole purpose in life is to fulfill your every need."

You said in response as you crept closer to the sofa.

"God… GOD! That word means nothing coming from you. You are a disgrace."

He spat at you.

"I apologize, I didn't mean to anger you, my lord."

"Where is the rest of my harem?"

"I- I"

"You what, I don't like to repeat myself, answer my question."

"I am the harem."

You said as you moved your attention to the floor trying not to make eye contact.

"That's impossible, where are the rest of them?"

"You killed them all."

"How dare you accuse me of such a thing, I would do nothing of the sort to any woman who falls at my feet."

He said as he rose from the couch and walked towards you.

"It's disrespectful to make up such lies about your master, are you not ashamed?" "Deeply my lord, please forgive me."

You said as you looked up at him. He was tall and his face was defined, his hair well maintained and his body was perfect too.

"You're useless, get out."

He said as he pointed to the door.

"Yes my lord, as you wish."

You turned around and walked out as he retired up the stairs to his bedroom. Things haven't always been like this, you two used to be in love that was until things went wrong. One night you were coming home late and you were exhausted. You came through the door but he was nowhere to be found, you had just assumed he already went to bed. You walked up the stare and when you reached the bedroom you were shocked when you found him with another woman. He didn't even flinch when he saw you. He merely acted like you weren't there, not saying one word when you grabbed your things and walked out. That night you were so overwhelmed with rage and pain you lashed out and slept with Haruto, one of his most trusted advisors. His only trusted advisor for that matter, they had grown up together and Haruto was the only person who knew him just as well as you did. You knew that sleeping with him was a mistake but you did it anyway. You wanted him to hurt the way you did. Well, Kureno found out almost immediately and that's when he exempted the harem. He had changed not only because he had begun to hate you but he started to lash out at random times. He became so violent that he killed the women in his harem one by one until you were the only one left. He was awful the way he treated his servants, and the way he treated you but you loved him. You knew a side to him that he wouldn't dare let anyone see. The next morning you retired to his home and he was more irritable than usual, in the middle of breakfast he slammed his fist on the table and you once again fell victim to his sharp tongue.

"How can you pretend that this is a normal day, you're a manipulative liar who deserves nothing."

"What are you talking about Kureno?"

You asked genuinely confused.

"Oh you mean you don't know what today is? It's officially been a year since you slept with Haruto, do you feel like celebrating."

"Kureno, that was a long time ago, and if you don't recall you already punished me for it. And don't pretend like that was all my fault."

You said as you cleaned up the remnant of his food and began your chores.

"Are you implying that I am to blame for your adultery?"

You couldn't help but scoff at his arrogance, and how out of touch he was with reality.

"After all this time you still don't see it, I only slept with Haruto because you slept with Honoka, you wanna talk about adultery fine but don't pretend that I'm the only one with a broken sense of loyalty."

" It doesn't matter what I do! Your mine, your all mine. I can do what I want with you. It's my birthright. I'm a God!"

He yelled as he stood up from the table aggressively walking towards you invading your personal space completely. You knew these words were coming from a place of pain, this was his way of saying he wasn't okay but that's no excuse for the way he spoke to you.

"This is a waste of time."

You said softly attempting to defuse the situation.

"Where merely repeating the same argument we always do. I get that you're hurting but I don't pity you. You never looked at me the same way after that and it hurts. Every day it hurts but I come here anyway, can you tell me why that is."

Your eyes filled with tears you wanted him to say he loved you, but you both knew that wasn't going to happen.

" Because you owe me that much for betraying me."

"Because even though you broke my heart, I remain loyal to you and I had never once used any of your mistakes as weapons against you, that is why I stay."

You couldn't handle it anymore you were like a dam full of pain, and sorrow going to burst at any moment.

"Now if you'll please excuse me, I have work to do."

You walked out of the kitchen running up the stairs desperately trying to contain yourself. You loved him, you loved him so much sometimes if hurt. He was dance it's a sin to say but it's the truth, he cants see what's right in front of him and he took you for granted. He had always been one to act out, he never wanted to be a god. You had a choice of what to do with your life and he only said one door and he was being pushed through it. When you first met he was childish and explosive. You couldn't help but feel bad for him and when he said he had fallen in love with you you vowed to always stay by his side even if he stopped loving you. That is what you had been doing and that is what you intended to keep doing until you died. You had always worried about what he would do when you died, he couldn't die because he was immortal, he couldn't bear the inevitable truth that he would live forever and it scared him. He stood in the kitchen alone after you left drowning in his thoughts. He was frustrated because you were right, except he did not know how to accept defeat. He couldn't come to terms with the fact that he was wrong. It was the unbearable truth that he had destroyed his happiness from the inside out causing the last bit of his humanity to evaporate into what was a body full of rage, regret, pain, suffering, and loneliness. A few hours had passed and you quickly realized that you needed to go to the grocers in preparation for tomorrow's meals. After you cleaned up from his dinner you left. You were gone for longer than expected and when you arrived back at the estate you noticed something was off.


You walked in confused as to where he was, (TW Blood and self-inflicted harm) you noticed a small pool of blood on the floor.


you yelled and you dropped the groceries and ran upstairs where you found him lying in a pool of his blood.


You ran to him to see if he was still conscious, the remnants of tears flooded across his face as he slowly regained his strength. His wounds closed quickly after and he was able to sit up still weak and strained physically.

"Why did you do this again?"

You asked as you fought to hold back the panic in your voice.

"Because you don't want me, you want him. Haruto, you love him more, you want him more."

He said, barely able to keep his eyes open.

"No I don't, your the only one I care about, why can't you see that?"

YOu said as you squeezed him tighter into your arms trying to reassure him.

" I'll be right back, I need to go clean the blood out of the couch and off the carpets before it dries."

You said as you got up from under him.

"NO please stay." He asked as he grabbed your arm pulling you back towards him. "Just for tonight, please stay with me. Don't leave me again, please."

He said softly as tears fell from his eyes. Though he looked like a man, he was a child on the inside, unable to control his emotions and unable to cope with abandonment and that was something you knew all too well. You loved him so much that you wanted to spoil him rotten. All the pain, and the suffering, you would take it all. No matter how mean he was to you you would never leave. You called it love, others called in codependency. You were both twisted in your ways and you weren't exactly compatible either. You were like a rare flower and the sun, the flower couldn't live if the sun was not there, and if there was no flower the sun would have no purpose. He was your God and you were merely just a mistress but you could live with that because that just how twisted you were.

"Y/N I love you."

He whispered in his sleep. As you laid down, you couldn't help but think how hard it was to do this every day. You often wondered why you were unable to leave but at that moment it didn't matter.

"Kureno, I'm sorry."

You whispered and you closed your eyes knowing you would never wake up again.

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