
The God's Scheme

Noah, a normal kid, lives life as any other teenager, a simple mundane life, however unbeknownst to him, he is trapped in the center of a divine plot by #$@£ and other gods to prevent $@#_¡)€* As he grapples with his newfound abilities and his destiny to avert a certain "event", Noah's journey unfolds, a tale of self-discovery and the choices that will shape not only his fate but the destiny of entire realms. A tapestry of self-discovery, painting the portrait of a youth, destined to become something beyond the confines of mortal existence

Vonnn · Fantasie
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9 Chs


Seated on the fallen log, Frey dropped a bombshell that left both Yuki and Noah stunned.

"The Forbidden Grove... I'm sure you've heard of it, although I know the risk, however if anywhere can offer us animosity, it's there."

Yuki's eyes widened in disbelief, "Frey, are you serious? That place is off-limits for a reason. It's like... Chernobyl, but with monsters. Heck, even the 'Kings' stray away from such a place. "

Noah, skeptical, added, "Yeah, Frey, that's not a stroll through the park. Why would we even consider going to such a place?"

Frey, calm and composed, presented her rationale, "I get it. But think about this—our pursuers won't expect us to head into a forbidden zone. It's unexpected."

The Forbidden Grove, once a thriving state of korea, however, seven years ago ever since the "apocalypse" came upon the earth, it succumbed to numerous dungeon breaks. The monsters took over, turning it into a sealed-off, dangerous area never to be noticed, ever again.

She continued laying out the plan, "Kaito's connections are powerful, and hiding in plain sight won't work. This could be our best shot to disappear within its depths. We'll plan it out well, somehow sneak into the border and with the right preparations, we might just find the cover we need. It's a gamble, but the rewards could be worth it."

"Noah, Yuki, I get it. The Forbidden Grove is a gamble, but considering our options, it might be our best chance,"

Frey reasoned.

Noah, still uneasy, questioned,

"Are there any other options, Frey? This sounds like we're signing up for a suicide mission."

Yuki chimed in,

"Yeah, it's like jumping from the frying pan into the fire. Are there no safer alternatives?"

Frey met their skepticism with a steady gaze, with a question none of them could answer.

"Got any better ideas?"

As Frey challenged them verbally, Noah hesitated for a moment before suggesting,

"What if we try to disguise ourselves? Change our appearances, use fake IDs. Lay low until the heat dies down."

Yuki, chiming in again, suggested,

"Or maybe we could try to find a remote village, somewhere people won't recognize us. Blend in until things cool off."

However, as they discussed these options, the flaws and impracticalities of each idea became increasingly apparent. The weight of their situation settled in, and with a sigh, Noah admitted,

"I guess there's no perfect solution here. Frey's plan might be risky, but it's not like we have a lot of choices."

Yuki nodded in agreement, realizing the harsh truth of their predicament.

The duo exchanged glances, realizing the limited choices before them. With a collective sigh, they reluctantly agreed to Frey's risky proposal, understanding that desperate times called for desperate measures.

Frey picked up a sturdy stick from the forest floor and began drawing a rough map in the soft soil.

"Alright, listen up. We're currently in a hidden forest near Nagano. If we want to reach the Forbidden Grove, we'll have to head north, cross the sea, and then traverse through the deserted areas of South Korea. It's a journey of about a few hundred kilometers, give or take."

Yuki squinted at the hastily drawn lines, "So, what's our plan here? Swim across the sea?"

Frey smirked, "Not funny, anyway we'll have to find a boat. There's a small coastal town not too far from here. We'll set out early, find a boat, and cross the sea by dawn. Once we're in South Korea, we'll navigate through the deserted zones."

Noah, studying the map, remarked, "Sounds like a plan, but what about supplies? We can't exactly stop by convenience stores on the way."

Frey nodded, "Exactly. We'll need to stock up on essentials. We'll make a quick stop when we reach the coastal town, gather supplies, and set out at once."

The trio spent the next hour discussing the details of their plan, considering every possible challenge they might encounter. As the moon climbed higher in the night sky, they concluded their preparations.

Frey, taking charge, declared,

"Alright, we've got a lot to prepare. We'll sleep for now and wake up at 4:00 a.m. We need to be out of here before the city wakes up."

The trio, despite the weariness that clung to them, nodded in agreement. With a sense of urgency, they settled into makeshift beds under the canopy of trees, preparing for a night of restless sleep before setting off.

<morning >

As the first light of dawn painted the sky, the sun awake and the moon asleep, cutting through the shadows of the forest, Frey stirred awake. Fortunately, she didn't wake up to the scene of their deaths.

She roused Yuki and Noah, well, more of a slap to the face for a wake-up call.

"Get up, you two. Time to move,"

Frey called out, her voice rushing and their cheeks red from the "wake-up call"

Yuki groggily rubbed his eyes, the events of the previous day still lingering in his mind. Noah, despite the weariness etched across his face, rose to his feet.

Now, with the first light of dawn, they began their journey. They moved quickly, the forest gradually giving way to the outskirts of Nagano. As they reached the foothills of a nearby mountain, they decided to climb to the summit for a better view and to plan their route.

They climbed atop a vantage point, a weathered mountain that provided a view of the district. Frey, with a somber tone, pointed towards the expanse of Sankai.

"Look down there,"

Frey murmured, her gaze sweeping over the remnants of what once was.

"That's Sankai. Abandoned and forgotten. But remember, it's not the monsters we should worry about here. It's the soldiers patrolling the area."

The trio stepped down the mountain and approached the outskirts of Sankai under the cover of bushes. Frey, with her sheer strength, tore down sections of the fence to create an entry point. They slipped through the gap and found themselves at the edge of the district.

As they cautiously navigated the streets, a sense of foreboding hung in the air. The remains of buildings loomed like silent witnesses to the district's decline. The trio, moving as shadows, reached a highway that cut through Sankai.

Suddenly, the distant sound of military boots echoed, and the trio froze. Soldiers patrolled the area, their figures appearing from the shadows. One of them caught sight of the intruders and raised an alarm.

"Hey, stop right there!"

The soldiers closed in, their expressions stern. Frey, Yuki, and Noah exchanged tense glances. Time seemed to stretch as the soldiers approached, hands on their weapons.

"Hands over yo-"

The trio, skilled hunters with great strength surpassing normal humans, acted swiftly. As expected, in a synchronized motion, they knocked out the soldiers before any words could be exchanged.

Now standing over the unconscious soldiers, a brief silence enveloped the trio. Frey's eyes scanned their surroundings, ensuring that no additional patrols had detected the disturbance.

Noah then spoke with a contemplative tone, "What do we do with them? If we leave them here, they'll wake up and report us. That's trouble we don't need."

Yuki, looking at the subdued soldiers, hesitated. "We could... you know, make sure they don't wake up."

The suggestion hung in the air, carrying the weight of a moral dilemma. Frey, the head of decisions, considered the options.

"Silencing them might be our only choice. We can't afford to leave loose ends. It's a harsh reality, but we need to survive."

Noah hesitated, his gaze lingering on the unconscious soldiers sprawled on the ground. The weight of the situation pressed heavily on his conscience, after all he was a normal teen just yesterday. Frey and Yuki exchanged glances, understanding the internal struggle Noah faced.

Frey, recognizing the weight of the situation, approached him with a touch of reassurance. She placed a comforting hand on Noah's shoulder, her eyes reflecting a mix of understanding and empathy.

"Noah. Survival in this world sometimes demands difficult choices. Remember, we're in this together,"

Frey spoke with a soothing tone, offering a subtle therapy amidst the grim reality that enveloped them.

With a solemn nod, the trio, faced with the harsh choices of their journey, took the necessary steps to ensure their path remained shrouded in secrecy.

Noah, cleaning up the crimson "color" on his hand, spoke in a depressive and guilty tone,

"Forgive me..."

The weight of their actions hung in the air as they moved forward, after all there was no time for emotions here.

As the trio reached their desired destination, a supermarket emerged, its dimly lit interior promising the supplies they sought.

In an attempt to lighten the somber mood, Yuki quipped,

"Guess they should rename this place 'Silent Troop Mart.' Too bad we didn't get a discount for dealing with the security detail."

A faint chuckle escaped the trio, a brief respite as a coping mechanism.

Then, the trio closed in on the building, a step away.

Frey took charge, her eyes scanning the interior of the supermarket.

"Yuki, check the canned goods section. Noah, head over to the hygiene aisle. We need essentials—food, water, medical supplies."

Yuki nodded and made his way toward the canned goods section, his eyes assessing the rows of metal shelves stocked with various canned items. As he picked up a can of beans, he muttered,

"At least we won't go hungry. Got enough beans here to last a lifetime."

Meanwhile, Noah headed to the hygiene aisle, where shelves were filled with various products. He grabbed a few packs of bandages and antiseptic, contemplating their potential use in the journey ahead. "Can't be too careful with injuries," he thought aloud.

Frey, in the midst of the action, observed the choices her companions were making. "Grab some dried fruits, energy bars, and bottled water, Yuki. We don't know how long we'll be on the move"

Frey, her gaze scanning the shelves, issued a cautionary note,

"Watch out for contamination, and check the expiration dates. We can't afford any surprises."

Acknowledging her advice, Noah inspected a can as he spoke,

"Got it, don't want to end up with a meal that's worse than what we just faced."

Yuki, examining a box of packaged goods, added with a chuckle,

"Yeah, I'd rather not add food poisoning to our list of problems. Let's stick to the good stuff."

They continued their careful selection, making sure to pick items with distant expiration dates and avoiding anything that seemed compromised.

While Yuki and Noah carried out their assigned tasks, Frey focused on finding durable bags and containers to carry their supplies. She warned them about potential contamination and urged caution in their selections.

The trio moved through the supermarket, their footsteps echoing in the empty space. Occasionally, they encountered shelves that had collapsed over time or products scattered on the floor. Despite the eerie silence, the process of collecting supplies continued, bustling bags, the clinking of bottles, and the occasional sound of shifting debris heard.

As the trio filled their bags with the essential supplies, an unexpected sound cut through the symphony of their activities – the distant hum of military vehicles. Frey, her senses heightened, motioned for Yuki and Noah to hide among the shelves.

The aisles became their refuge, concealing them. Peering through the gaps, they witnessed a group of soldiers entering the supermarket. These were not ordinary soldiers; among them were individuals bearing the distinct marks of Hunters, same as them. The realization sent a shiver down their spines.

Unable to confront this new threat head-on, Frey, Yuki, and Noah exchanged anxious glances, silently acknowledging the severity of the situation. As the soldiers moved through the supermarket, the trio seized the opportunity to slip away, their footsteps silent as can be. With caution in their every step, they made a hasty retreat, leaving behind the abandoned aisles.

As the trio retreated, a creak beneath Noah's foot caught the attention of a passing soldier., the soldier paused, narrowing his gaze toward the trio. Tension thickened as he approached, eyes meeting Noah's, quite the funny scene it was.