
The Goblin King [By Storyteller]

This is the story of a woman named Liza Merrisu who die and reincarnated as a nameless baby male goblin. Through trial and hardship, slowly but surely Liza becomes stronger and fights her way becoming the Goblin King. This is a story I wrote on Wattpad, if you want read more or you want to see more art Goblin Liza than my Wattpad name is: StorytellerAnime2021

Sora_Gemini · Fantasie
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35 Chs

Chapter 8: Whose the real monster?

Liza turned around and glare at the three humans towering over her small form. Two men and one woman, the man in the center was wearing shiny armor and welded a bloodied sword.

The two behind him were bloody themselves. Not only that, the man standing next to the woman was the same man Liza encountered before. When most of her tribe was massacred.

It fueled Liza with pure anger and disgust, she was at the moment of bursting and launching her assault against the man. But Liza controlled herself, she wasn't dumb. She knew if she did do that, the knight standing in front of her would definitely strike her down right then and there if she'd try anything.

Liza frozen place as she continued glaring at three eyes filled with rage.

But suddenly Liza felt a cold chill crawling up her spine, almost like if she was unknowingly being watched. Her gaze shot up to the woman holding a staff now glowing a strange color. Liza snarled as visible veins showing up upon her forehead. Then shortly a Pop Up appeared.


'Appraisal? You meaning this woman was checking out my status?! Eww! What a creep!' Liza looked at the woman with an disgusted expression on her face.

The woman gave a confused look in return as she tries to used her Appraisal spell again.


The more times the woman used Appraisal, the more stronger that Liza's Appraisal Block became. Eventually, Liza Appraisal Block was at level ten and the woman couldn't use Appraisal anymore. The woman took deep breaths, as if she'd ran thirty miles.

Liza stood up straight as she grinned proudly. The woman got annoyed, she said something. But Liza couldn't understand her yet some words started form while the three humans spoke to one another.


Liza carefully listen over the humans conversation as her Pronunciation skill level raised up higher.



'Finally!!! Oh my God! I didn't thought that the common language between humans would be so difficult to learn. Is it because I'm a monster? Maybe, I definitely have to test that out later... that is if I somehow survive all of this,'

"What do you mean you couldn't see it's status?" Spoke the bloodied up man.

"I don't know, whenever I tried to used Appraisal. I'm immediately blocked out," responded the woman, making Liza cringe at her words.

"The creature must possessed a skill that nullifies your Appraisal skill," said the knight with deep and heavy voice.

The three then turned their attention to Liza who was just lazing around with a small wooden stick. Liza looked up at three humans before her with a lazy gaze. The knight swung his sword straight down upon Liza, which she dogged without any struggle and her bored expression was unfazed. The knight swung again, Liza dogged again. This continued before a Pop Up appeared.


'Evasion skill? Sounds interesting,'


'Hold up! What?! Extra skill? That's new, how neat!'

After that thought cross her mind, Liza started to feel a tingling sensation around the side of her body. Liza immediately jumped as the knight's sword slashed underneath her. When the Pop Up disappeared, Liza finally saw the frustrated expression on the knight's face.

It made Liza amused as she shows a overly confident grin before it turned into fear and confusion. Her body was frozen in place, Liza couldn't move. Once again Liza felt another tingling sensation, but this time it was painful. And before she knew it herself, the knight successfully landed an attack on Liza. Slashing across Liza's left eye.

'Damn it! But how? Was it the creepy woman? I should've took her out before! Damn it! Is this how die?' The image of her own corpse laying on the ground was absolutely terrifying to Liza.

She might've accepted her fate, but that didn't mean she was okay with it. Dying because she was bound by a spell only cause this bastard of an knight couldn't landed one scratch on her.

She had to be insane to even consider to accepting a type of fate like that. Liza always hated being mistreated and underestimated in her previous life, looks like it's that part of her didn't changed.

Being looked down on for her fragile body in her previous life, now she being looked down on because her simply being a goblin. What actually connects the two is only one thing, and that is the fact Liza was just born that way.

She had no say in it, she was simply born that way. Of course Liza envy people for having stronger bodies than her previous body, and envy monsters for the skills they had. But all that envy is nothing to compare the feeling she had now.

But there's a time to be stupid and there's time to be smart, and now was certainly one of those time to be smart.

But... the woman did used magic on Liza right after checking her status. The part of her mind growled, Liza tried to hold back her urges to try and kill the knight and the rest of their party.

Swords, magic, armor, have combatants skills and they have the nerve to attack a defenseless goblin that has no weapons, no magic or armor to speak of? Oh! But She was the monster here, and They are the ones who are human?!

'Why am I being looked down upon?! I'm the Goblin Warrior's son right?! They are just humans,'

Liza knew plenty of monsters tell stories about how humans always slaying there kind without batting an eye because they were weak.

And this... son of a Bastard so called knight was going to get a reality check if he thinks just swings around with his fancy sword and showing off his shiny armor, and actually managed to land one hit on her was going to make her begging for mercy.

Forget being smart, she was doing this for self-respect.

Would the knight make Liza regret? Oh yes.

Was she worried that he was going to kill her? Not by a long shot.

In a way, it's kinda funny. She honestly thought she would never put herself in life-threatening situations ever again. Guess not. Liza was going to pay a high price for self-respect today.