
Do Your Shoulders not Feel Heavy? (1)

Plum trees were blossoming, the sky was blue and the ground was full of greenery and colourful flowers. That's what the young man in a pure white robe sitting under a plum tree could discern through his hazy sight.

No sound could be heard, no breeze could be felt and neither could be felt the warm of the sun high in the blue sky.

It was strange. The young man felt it was it and looked down at his blurry hands.

However, he didn't have the time to decipher the oddity of the situation he was at.

As though he knew he wasn't alone anymore, he raised his head. The silhouette of a woman clad in a pinkish-red robe and her long black hair was more or less discerned by him.

Her hair was waving and so did his long black hair, though there was no breeze.

She was looking at him.

She was smiling and that wasn't all.

Her pink lips were moving but he couldn't hear anything.

He narrowed his eyes out of reflex trying to understand what she was saying but it was to no avail for a very long time.

"… Bon-Hwa." When he was giving up and widening his eyes, his name sounded clearly, "I have to go," and a soft and mild whisper followed it.

'No,' without knowing why he thought.

"Don't be sad." The whisper sounded softer, and the woman's silhouette became smaller; she was going away.

'No!' He got up from the ground and slipped from his quickness.

"You have to take care…"

"Nooo!" A cry came out from his thin lips and he extended his arm as he rose up once again trying to chase after her.


A pair of dark eyes opened wide and met the sunlight of a beautiful morning.


PAT! The owner of the dark eyes hit his forehead. He turned on the bed and TAP!

The ringing clock was turned off.

With the same hand he had turned off the alarm, he rubbed his messy dark hair, "What was I…" His dark eyes were squinted as he tried to remember something.

-Can you see me?- A small white hand waved before his squinted eyes but there was no response from their part, they were unfocused looking at the empty air.


-No, you couldn't since the beginning; you couldn't ten years ago; you couldn't yesterday and neither do today- The small white hand was retrieved and instead of it, the beautiful face of a young woman with a pouting expression stared at him.

-FUU- The young woman blew away some wandering threads of her wavy black hair from her beautiful face and remained squatted down and looking closely at him.


Frustrated, the young man on the bed furrowed his black eyebrows and shook his head before getting out of the bed.

The young woman followed him with her big dark eyes before getting up. She patted the red chima (skirt) of her hanbok. She straightened her back and her pink jeogori (long-sleeved blouse) couldn't soften her gorgeous body. It was so, that her beauty could only be described as gorgeous and stunning; however, there was no one who could appreciate it. She sat on his bed as he changed in a hurry.

She shook gracefully her head, -I don't know what the point is on putting so many alarms if you will always only hear the last one…-




Y University, inside the Art Department


"Your bed hair of today is the worst of the month, Bon-Hwa."

The gorgeous young woman wearing a hanbok nodded at the affirmation of a tall young man of brown hair wearing glasses; she had been following Bon-Hwa all the way from his home as she walked five steps behind him.

"And you are unusually lively in the morning as always, Joon," Bon-Hwa replied as he tried to arrange his disobedient ten centimetres or so long bangs of black hair.

The unnoticed gorgeous young woman nodded again as she kept following him to his classroom.

"Bon-Hwa Oppa!" Midway a sweet female voice called.

"Eun-Jung," Bon-Hwa smiled softly.

"I'm here too," Joon said.

"And… Joon Seonbae."

When the gorgeous young woman heard the sweet female voice, she froze briefly and her pink lips were drawn in a line when she saw the cute young woman with shoulder-length light brown hair took Bon-Hwa by the hand. Yet she still kept up to him.

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