Synopsis: The story takes place in two moments and then takes place in a magical and unique continent, formed by vast forests with green valleys. Nature thrives in this place, full of secrets. The protagonist is an orphan girl named Victoria is the Hospital of Manchester England, who is currently hospitalized thanks to a broken arm, going through difficult times in her life. Even with the pain of losing her parents in an accident, she was now asking for her suicide because she couldn't take the pain anymore... But one day, as Victoria looks out of the hospital window, a mysterious fox approaches her. To their surprise, the fox can talk! His name is Chacham and he becomes Ana's confidant and guide on an extraordinary journey. Chacham reveals to Victoria the existence of an ancient book, the keeper of the continent's secrets and magic. Within its pages lies a portal to a magical world similar to a Land full of Wonders. Together, Victoria and Chacham embark on an adventure to find the book and unlock the continent's secrets. However, upon entering the book, Ana finds herself transported to an enchanting magical world, full of mysteries and wonders. They discover that the enchanted continent holds an important lesson for her. Through her experiences, Victoria learns about the meaning of perseverance, overcoming obstacles and the power of love and friendship. Mixing elements of fantasy, history and emotion, "The Girl, the Fox and the Enchanted Green Continent" will take readers on an unforgettable journey through a world full of wonders, teachings and surprising discoveries.