
The girl in my eye [gl]

Song Yu, a resident of city B, was once jobless. She was having trouble finding work until she was eventually hired by China's top corporation, SHL. She was turned down for the interview without even being given a chance, and the company didn't even give her a reason. She was very upset because she didn't even have enough money to rent a place to live and because she had to pay for one expensive college course. She learned from the backbench one day while she was attending a college that Jiang Shu, the president of Company SHL, would be visiting. Shu rarely visits the campus because of work.Song Yu thought for a while that she had also been rejected from Company SHL without having an interview after learning that she was enrolled in the same college and class as Jiang Shu. well it's my first time writing novel. I had this story in mind for a long time so I decided to write it here. Comment your views on it..... [ The first 4 chapters may have many grammatical error but you can ignore it]

Ru_shl · LGBT+
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21 Chs

Best friend

Jiang shu's call ended and her gaze felt on assistant June who was standing not far away with some documents "bring it here", she told in a cold way.

"What's this", assistant June explained that this documents contains all the information of clients that she meet yesterday. Jiang shu nodded and told her to leave.

While leaving assistant June she told her to bring coffee in the hand of staff. June assistant left and did as Jiang shu told her, she wished one day if she have to resign from this company, she will definitely going to do so. She thought it was indeed for her in future if this keeps going to happen, like what is wrong with miss shu's mood recently, miss shu never acted this way to his assistant but recently she did.

Assistant June remember when she joined this company 6 years ago,it was all going good. But suddenly after 1 year a new president take over this company non other than the daughter of Jiang ye after that everything changed in her life .

Her position changed from employee to assistant of Jiang shu the daughter of previous president Jiang ye, at that time Jiang shu was young like the same age as her , like 20 year old Jiang shu was good at that time.

"But the recent 26 year old Jiang shu is scary, on the way of vip elevator assistant June got a call from someone and it was unexpectedlly the father of Jiang shu, to know the recent situation of company,but instead of calling his daughter he called her assistant".

While on Song yu's home after resting for 2 hours, she finally woke up again and felt hungry but before that she took out the thermometer and checked her temperature again while waiting she called in the coffee shop where she worked, and asked them for leave today.

But owner of the coffee shop said ,"we will going to deduct your one day working money from your month's salary", Song yu frowned how could they deduct your salary just for one day leave.

She thought, she needed money urgently this month if they going to deduct it will hard for her. So she immediately cancelled her leave and told them she will come.

After her call ended she took out the thermometer and saw the fever didn't come down after taking medicines also, and now in 2 hours her she have to left for her job.

She didn't have any choice but to came out from her thick blanket and put some mask and go for a job. On the way she eat something to relieve her hunger but it was just a piece of bread. On the bus she continuously coughing through her mask , she ignored it and put a new mask.

She thought after completing the part job, she will take some new medicine of cold and fever from medical store , and prepare to go college tomorrow. Song yu always thinks that hospital cost much money that she can't afford it, so it will be best to take medicine from stores itself.

Song yu reached at coffee shop and started doing her shift, but she can feel her leg weak that could faint at any time. She can't help it now she started taking orders from one table to another without wasting any time and started to prepare it after 5 orders.

Meanwhile Jiang shu had left the company to meet her close friend Ning Ruo, the one she studied with when she was in abroad. It's been 5 years and now she finally coming to China.

Ning Ruo and Jiang shu were beat friends in their high school time in abroad, but after the graduation Jiang shu left abroad to handle her father's company. After that they couldn't get meet at all, but only through phone calls sometimes, Jiang shu always hang phone while saying" she's been, will call tomorrow".

Now they are finally going to meet, Ning Ruo called Jiang shu in a small coffee shop cause she didn't want to get any public attention, Ning Ruo was famous artist in America and China both countries, her work were sold within 5 mins after online placement, and it was always been unique painting with high charging. That can only rich people could afford.

Ning Ruo arrived in a coffee shop and booked a table, meanwhile Jiang shu also arrived after 5 mins. They both saw each other and gave a warm hug , from the far away Song Yu has saw this seen but ignored it.

After some time Ning Ruo called a staff to order some coffee and it was song yu , "I want one cold coffee with some ice". "And you " she asked Jiang shu.

"Latte coffee "

While ordering Jiang shu's gaze felt on song yu , she could see her pale eyes but she couldn't understand why she was wearing a mask .

After that Song yu left and started to prepare this 2 orders , while Ning Ruo broke the silence ,"how are you doing" , Jiang shu replied," good and how about you how is your art going in America ".

Ning Ruo sighed and said ,"it was going good but my body is so tried"

"So take some rest " ,Jiang shu

"Yes, yes I have thought about it and came in China for some good rest".

"Ooo, good I can recommend you some good place in China to rest" Jiang shu said.

" No instead of recommending me why not we go together, as before"

"Sorry I can't go with you , I am busy with my company affairs, i will probably disturb your rest, so you can go by yourself " . "If you need any help, just ask me ".


While chatting together with each other , there coffee arrived. Song yu served Ning Ruo simply, but during serving Jiang shu her hand where started shaking due to the incident of yesterday. Jiang shu saw that and took the coffee,from the hands of Song yu.

While taking the coffee, when her hand touched Song yu's , the coffee dropped on Jiang shu's clothes and it was black suit that people wear on office,but Jiang shu clothes are expensive.

"Sorry, sorry , please forgive me I can give you a change of cloth" Song yu said

Jiang shu frowned and said "no need, just tell me where is the washroom or just take me there"

"Okay follow me"

Jiang shu told Ning Ruo to wait and she will come after redress her clothes lit bit , Ning Ruo nodded and Jiang shu followed Song yu.

During the way of washroom song yu was walking ahead and Jiang shu behind without talking to each other .

After they reach there Song yu was scared a lit bit if the owner will know her today's mistake they will definitely going to deduct money from her salary and it was a evil Jiang shu who hated her what if she told them , so song yu was preparing to leave after showing her.

But from behind someone grabbed her wrist tightly, she startled and saw behind it was indeed Jiang shu . "What are you doing, I already apologised and said I could give you a new pair of clothes but you said you don't want, now leave me " Song yu said fastly without breathing.

"If you have fever so you have to rest, not work" Jiang shu told and pull the mask of Song yu .

"Well thank you for your concern, but I am fine"

"That's why ,you were fainted yesterday"

Song yu"_"

Song yu push her hand that tightly grabbing her wrist, but she couldn't break free from it.

"Don't try ,you will only hurt yourself more"

Song yu tried her best to keep a calm expression and said ," well okay if I am fainted yesterday so what ,now I am perfectly fine , well now we are here so let me apologize you for yesterday's incident ".

" I didn't mean to slap you yesterday, but you throw my book into Dustin which was important to me , so I couldn't help it " . And as for seminar i didn't have any idea about that . I thought it was a free lecture that why I was resting, and honestly I didn't hear you calling me at all.

"And as for other , I want to pay you medical expenses, you can tell me your account number I will transfer it ".

"Finish" Jiang shu said

"Now listen to me , I don't want your money keep it to yourself and also I already forget about the incident, but be careful not sleep in other lecture "

"As for now , go to hospital if you don't want to faint again today Song yu"

Song yu startled it was her first time she listened her name from this person's mouth.

"Okay I will, now leave me " song yu said

"Do you think I am fool, you say that you will go and I would believe , don't try to be smart I already know that were you escaped from the hospital yesterday" Jiang shu told in cold way.

Please comment your thoughts about this novel I want to know if it's going good...

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