
THE GIFTED ACADEMY (Searching For The Lost Portal)

Meet a twenty-one-year-old adult teen, Phoebe Hampton. Orphaned from birth. She's adopted by Mrs Hampton, who only died leaving her to fend on her own. Just like any, other hardworking student. Phoebe works part-time to be able to make ends meet with her job, to enable her. . . pay school bills. Her normal routine. Work, school, eat and sleep. Until a tragic event, which brought her to an entirely, different world— Living her earthly body in ruins. She would rather run, than trained how to harness her power by the Stoic, Cold-hearted and Handsome, Alexander Xanthos. Trying to adjust to a new a world. Doesn't sit well for Phoebe. As evil lurks around the corner, waiting to devour her world. Evil knocks on the door of all magical creatures. Will she stand and fight along side the Good, as she's torn between two worlds— one her birth world and second, a Magical world, filled with Betrayal, Conflict and Love. Will she be able to find her way out? or forever be stuck in this Mystical world? Find out more. . . On The Gifted Academy.

Celine_Sky · Fantasie
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7 Chs


Somewhere in a dark, forest. There was a heavy downpour which carried leaves away to an unknown destination. At this hour, one could consider any breathing creatures, to be in it's habitat. But a sudden, rumble of thundered roared, which lit the forest for a second. . . Only to reveal, four hooded figures standing.

"You didn't have to tamper with the weather, you know." A female voice whined.

"For precaution, you never know. Even the trees has ears." A cool voice uttered. "Just like you predicted, the girl is extraordinary, Diviner Carrissa" He commented, with a smile on.

There was a shade of pink on the young woman's cheek. Which was covered by the hood she was putting on.

"You think, so highly of me, Louis." Carrissa replied, simply.

"If you are both done, with your little, 'Chit-chat' Shall we get started, then?" The woman asked, with a hint of coldness.

"Excuse us, Queen Zelda." He smiled briefly.

"Carissa, can you foretell the future now?" The woman known as Queen Zelda asked.

"No, i haven't recovered yet. Summoning her soul took more than necessary. . .until next, Lunar Eclipse." The young woman responded.

"And when is the next one, taking place?" She demanded.

"The twenty third, on the fourth month of the calendar."

"We need to abduct the girl, and extract the magical powers she bears within. Only then, are we going to discuss our next agenda." The woman declared, her voice devoid of emotion.

"Will that help us in finding the Lost Portal of the dragons?" The bald haired bulgy man, who had been quiet all this while inquired.

"First thing, first Endo. We capture the girl." Louis chipped in.

"But It won't be easy, sneaking in on the Academy without being caught." Carissa said.

"Leave it to me. Any questions?" She asked.

But there was none. "Then our meeting, here is done." She declared.

There was a loud rumble of thunder revealing four figures, which quickly vanished without a trace. And slowly, the rain subsided.


"It's Morning!!!"

"It's Morning!!!"

"Argh!" I yelped, feeling myself fall on the cold floor. I stood up grumpily, frowning at the empty space on the bed. I was still feeling sleepy.

How did I get, on the floor?

"It's time, for school." I heard a voice say.

I flinched. "Huh? Who just talked?" I asked no one in particular.

"I'm Sierra, a programmed Ai. I made use of non-living objects. You didn't look like, you were going to wake up sooner, so I thought of, doing the needful." She answered.

I sighed, as reality sinks in. Once a again.

The room was painted with bright blue paint. With an intricate drawing of shiny golden birds, perched on a tree branch. A grey curtain hunged on each side of the window. With a round-big looking mirror on the wall in front of the table. There was brown door which led to the bathroom. A comfortable sitting chair, and table was placed near the window, With a lamp stand for reading. One could say, the room was spacious. But the girl was not in the mood to take notice of.

She stood in front of the mirror staring at her reflection. Green tired eyes, ruffled black hair and bland look on her face.

How hard, could it be to survive here?

"You don't wanna be late." Sierra said, which brought me out of my reverie.

After taking my bath, I put on my school uniform. White top, black mini skirt and dark purple robe. Coupled with black fitting pair of boots.

My schedule and a brown satchel with two straps which I guessed, to be my bag had mysteriously appeared on the bed. Which was not there to begin with.

Putting my schedule inside my bag. I hastily head for the door, hearing Sierra called from behind.

"An assembly is being conducted, for every freshers. Have a nice day!"

"Thanks..." I muttered, before closing the door behind me.

The hall was oddly quiet. Once again, the dark looking red door was slightly opened. A strange noise was coming from inside. The door opposite mine was closed. Fighting the urge not to go have a look. I paused, before heading downstairs.

At the Assembly hall,

Luckily I was able to locate the assembly hall with the help of Margaret. Meeting her downstairs was a live saver. She was also a Fresher and Josh too. And how did I knew, Josh was a fresher? Margaret told me. The hall was filled with students. As bickering and whispers could be heard.

"How did it go, yesterday?" Margaret asked.

"I was told, we'll be having an entry exam?"

"Oh, yes. I supposed, since we are still freshers." She responded absent-mindedly, whilst searching for something or someone with her eyes.

Sharply I turned back, when I felt someone grabbed my waist tightly.

"Hi, babe." A deep sexy voice uttered.

Coming in contact with a Well toned guy. With short black curly hair. His eyes roamed around my body.

And I felt disgusted.

"Hey! stop being a douchebag." Margaret called out.

"Uhm, excuse me? I don't think, I know you from somewhere." I say, as I tried, breaking free from his tight– hold on me. But he wouldn't bulge.

"Such a stubborn, Kitten." He uttered, still not wanting to let go of me.

Suddenly, I was pulled back by a sudden force. I felt my back hit something hard.

Opening my eyes, I was surprised as I was no longer in his gripped.

"Is there a problem?" A voice asked coldly.

My heart skipped. Slowly I jerked my head up, only to see a familiar face, Alex.

I stiffened.

There was loud gasped. From the other students in the hall.

"Just trying to make a new friend. " The toned guy replied boldly. Before his eyes glanced briefly at me.

"We will meet again, Kitten." He said, smirking as he disappeared in the crowd.

I released the breath, I didn't know I was holding.

"Am, sorry." I blurted out. Oh, No! why did I just, apologized!? I shrieked internally.

I felt him, let go of my shoulder. Which I hadn't pay attention to. Like nothing had, happened. He walked, straight. Heading for the podium. As other students gave way.

"Wow! Alex to the rescue." A voice uttered.

"He's so cool!" Another one said.

"Are you okay?" Margaret asked, placing her hand on my back.

"Y-yes. . .of course." I nodded, feeling the urge to run away. You got this Phoebe.