
The Ghoul king of Yonaka

Kenchi is reborn as a ghoul and has to survive the enemies after him, while developing his own village, but it won't be easy because this world he's reincarnated into is more dark and twisted than he could have ever thought. Dear viewers, hope you enjoyed. Warning: best without text to speech Upload time: a chapter every 2 or 3 days

JPDragon · Fantasie
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77 Chs

A man's bestfriend is his treasures

The mountains are littered with greenery, and to the back of the mountains is a blue-glistening ocean. The greenery instantaneously combusted into golden flames. I golden-scaled dragon took flight into the smokey sky.


Soul Magic: Spirit Flame Dual Katana!

Kenchi dissevered the wings of the dragon sending it towards the ground.




On it.

Maki glided through the air.


Weapon Release: Sun Steel Eclipse!

A shimmering mix of black and red-coated her blaze. She swung her sword and burnt through the dragon's neck with ease. The dragon crashed into the ground...

~Later that day

~The Hunter's Guild Accountant

What the hell!! How did you guys kill the dragon?! It was a Triple Grade Calamity!


(We had to pick up jobs as Hunters since somebody ate all of the food). How much is the head of this dragon worth again?

~The Hunter's Guild Accountant

Well let's see you did the only X-Tier mission, and the reward with the bonus of your class is one thousand-two and sixty Gold Plats.

The guild fell silent as all the hunters looked at them in disbelief...

~later that night

Kenchi and Maki are walking down the road of St. Palacist.


At this rate, we'll earn more than enough to buy food supplies for fifty weeks.


I think we're being followed.


Of course, we're being followed by people, because we're walking on a road in the middle of St. Palacist.

Figure in the shadows suddenly took a swipe at Kenchi's armor, and ripped clean through it.


(What the hell)!

Kenchi darted a few steps away from the darkness, and Maki took a defensive pose in front of Kenchi.


You're outnumbered.


We didn't come to fight you.

A crew of beastmen, and humans, wearing bright and distinctive clothing and gold accessories surrounded the two. A beastman with lengthy claws stepped forward.

~The Crew Leader

Nice to meet yuh. Now that we're all acquainted, I have a job for you (Kenchi the Soul Reaper) and (Elegant Maki).

~Kenchi & Maki
