
The Genius Downfall

Shall we surrender ourselves to an unquenchable thirst for an everlasting tale, forever entwined in its captivating twists and turns? Or shall we succumb to the seductive allure of closure, allowing ourselves to fall into the depths of an obsession with history? "Know this, dear reader, that the end of the story is not the end of the journey. It is but a prelude to another tale, another dance with destiny."

Loeceane · Fantasie
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16 Chs

hunter’s game 2

The sun rose on the capital of Bohania, casting its warm golden rays upon the city. The news of the Vielleza massacre had already spread throughout the imperial court, reaching the ears of the military council and the secret societies of the black hunters and scarlet voyeurs. As whispers echoed within the palace walls, a clandestine meeting was convened with the emperor, the two captains, Noelly and Yeris, and five other individuals in attendance.

In the dimly lit chamber, adorned with ancient tapestries and flickering candlelight, the atmosphere crackled with tension. Emperor Valerius sat at the head of a grand oak table, his regal presence commanding respect. Noelly, a seasoned military strategist, stood tall at his side, her gaze sharp and focused. Yeris Doefuera, the successor to the late Ada, assumed a position opposite them, exuding an air of authority and mystery.

Seated around the table were the five black eyes carefully chosen for their expertise and loyalty. Each one represented a different aspect of the empire's intricate web: a master spy Mitchel, a skilled assassin katalea, an esteemed diplomat Sind, a renowned scholar Nille, and a trusted advisor Elgor.

Emperor Valerius broke the silence, his voice steady yet filled with concern. "The Vielleza massacre has sent shockwaves through our kingdom. We cannot let this act of violence go unanswered. Noelly, what is the current state of our military forces?"

Noelly, her voice resolute, responded, "Your Majesty, we have bolstered our defenses across key strategic points within the city. We've increased patrols and implemented heightened security measures. However, we must tread carefully. The Vielleza family held significant influence, and their sudden demise leaves a power vacuum that could lead to further instability."

Yeris, interjected, "Indeed, Noelly. The black hunters and scarlet voyeurs have been diligently investigating the perpetrators behind this massacre. Our preliminary findings indicate that this was a well-orchestrated attack, executed with precision and knowledge of the Vielleza estate's layout. We suspect the involvement of a highly skilled rogue organization."

Mitchel leaned forward, his voice a mere whisper. "I have infiltrated several underground networks, gathering intelligence. There are murmurs of a shadowy syndicate gaining power in the underbelly of Bohania. They operate in secrecy, their allegiance unknown. We must uncover their motives and put an end to their reign of terror."

Katalea, her eyes sharp and calculating, added, "I have been tracking a group of skilled assassins known as the Silent Blades. Their expertise matches the level of precision witnessed in the Vielleza massacre. They leave no trace and are known to work for the highest bidder. It's imperative that we find their employer and bring them to justice."

Sind, her voice calm and diplomatic, spoke up. "We must also consider the political ramifications of this tragedy. The Vielleza family had alliances and trade agreements with neighboring kingdoms. Their demise has sent shockwaves throughout the region. We need to reassure our allies that we are actively addressing the situation to avoid any potential conflicts."

Nille, his brow furrowed in deep contemplation, offered his insights. "I have been studying ancient texts that speak of a forbidden ritual, one that grants immense power at a great cost. It is said that those who seek this power will stop at nothing to achieve their goals. Could it be that the Vielleza massacre is connected to the pursuit of this dark magic?"

Elgor, his voice filled with wisdom, concluded, "We find ourselves at a crossroads, grappling with unanswered questions and the weight of responsibility. We must combine our resources, share information, and act with unwavering resolve. Bohania's future hangs in the balance, and we must navigate these treacherous waters together."

After the conclusion of the meeting in the courtyard of the palace's hidden caves, the five black eyes and the emperor left the room. Yeris and Noelly remained behind, walking away from the group. Yeris appeared lost in thought, which didn't sit well with Noelly. She spoke to him in a firm and disdainful tone:

"Captain, if you allow yourself to be consumed by personal matters, we won't be able to focus on our mission. We must separate personal problems from our work. Your sister meant a lot to you, but you're not the only one who has lost someone dear. It's a great loss for our empire, but we must move forward. Seek justice when we find the culprits, if there are any."

Noelly's words struck Yeris like a blow to the face. She had crossed a line by speaking about his sister in such a way. Yeris stopped abruptly, turned around, and forcefully pinned Noelly against the corridor wall. The rest of the group had already left, leaving only the two of them.

Noelly's gaze didn't waver, but Yeris pressed his fist against her throat, preventing her from breathing. It was a rare occurrence for Yeris and Noelly to confront each other like this. Noelly was a confident young woman who often belittled others, except for Ada. But now that Ada was gone, jealousy and inferiority fueled Noelly's actions. She believed she was better than everyone else.

"Listen closely, and listen well," Yeris said through clenched teeth. "You're nothing. You've always felt inferior to my sister, and you always will be. That's the harsh truth. She may no longer be with us, but I won't let an incompetent person like you disrespect her memory. You hold your position thanks to your family, not your abilities. Don't you dare mention her name or criticize the way I work. I swear, I could tear you apart."

With that, Yeris released Noelly, leaving her gasping for breath on the ground. Noelly watched Yeris's retreating figure, realizing she had crossed a line. She left the space, alone and contemplative.


Yeris couldn't continue his day at the general center. He went directly to his family's residence. Losing his temper and losing his sister had taken a toll on him. He didn't know where she was, and he was consumed by anguish. Noelly's words had struck a nerve, and he couldn't deny that Ada was his favorite sister. He felt lost without her, burdened with guilt for not having protected her. Yeris flipped a nearby table, causing it to break. He collapsed onto his knees, his head in his hands, his gaze empty. He neglected himself, even though his family relied on him, particularly his older sister, who led the family and depended on him as the Doefuera watchdog.

But his mind was elsewhere, torn apart by agony and helplessness. He wasn't a spirit mage and couldn't understand human nature. He was only a master of weapons. The only solace he sought was news of Lyanna, but after her declaration, she had fallen into a coma. Yeris remained in that state until nightfall, eventually falling asleep on the ground, utterly drained.

With the moon high in the sky, the city was unusually quiet. The Vielleza massacre had left everyone in anguish. Inside the living room where Yeris slept, a shadow moved near him. He woke up but remained still. The figure approached him on the ground, and just as their finger was about to touch his face, Yeris abruptly grabbed their wrist. However, before he made contact, the assailant vanished. A sigh filled the room. Yeris remained on guard, holding two daggers in his hands. Laughter echoed through the air. Yeris began to spin around, prepared for an attack from any direction. The scarlet color of his eyes intensified as he tried to perceive the assailant's aura in the room.

Then he saw it. Yeris threw one of his daggers toward the figure, and the sound of the blade piercing flesh was followed by a cry of pain. Yeris's attacker retaliated, stabbing him in the leg. Yeris used the opening to chase after them into the night. They ran with complete invisibility and silence. Yeris followed closely, never giving them a chance to escape. When Yeris was on the verge of catching up, an explosive fireball filled with greenish liquid struck him, causing an explosion that destroyed the surrounding neighborhood. The sounds of screams, bodies, and the crackling of fire filled the air. The smell of poison permeated the surroundings. Yeris found himself lost in the chaos. As he regained his balance, he received a blow to the back of the head and collapsed, his gaze fixed on the shadow which was looking at the scene from the top of a house which still remained a little stable, then black hole.

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