
Prologue My Autobiography

Born in the decent family of the Okafors. I was the fourth born of my family. My parents were blessed with six children, equally males and females. Like most other families, we weren't rich, niether were we poor. However we were blessed with Incredible knowledge. It seemed like a heritage as everyone of us were bright and brilliant.

Although my father didn't further his education to the university level. He made sure that my mother accomplished all that he couldn't. His love for education made him, struggle his very best to see that she got all that she needed.

My mother was a teacher and a hard working one. Long before she got married to my father. She had always been focused on her studies. Being the eldest in her family, with six siblings where each gender were equally shared. She strived to set as an example to the rest. Her father, my grandfather. During his youth was a No-nonsense-man and trained them up with an iron fist. Sadly he lost his sight at an early age. The cause of how it happened was what made me develop a phobia for hospitals.

It all happened on a faithful saturday morning when he was flogging my mother's eldest brother, for misbehaving. He usually locked his door so he could prevent my grandma from intervening. Since she was always known to have a soft heart. Unfortunately for him, that day was the day his problems who'd begin. As he was flogging my mum's brother, whom we often referred to as Brother Dan. The cane mistakenly hit the ceiling and a chunk of it fell into his eyes. He was later taken to the hospital for treatment, but unknowingly to them. The doctor was a quack. He performed a surgery on the wrong eye and ended up damaging both eyes. My grandp was a true devoted catholic. So he decided not to sue the doctor. Rather he made sure to expose him to the people and put him out of business.

Due to his lack of sight, fending for the family became a bit difficult. But it didn't stop him from struggling to further his children in their education. Back in those days, education was everything. Since people believed that white collar jobs paid more. Even before my mother finished her secondary education. She was constantly receiving suitors that came for her hand in marriage. However they were all turned down since her father knew the value of full education. But as she finished her secondary school education, the numbers increased and my grandparents didn't have much resources to further her education.

That was when my father came along. He was not the richest suitors she'd received. But she insisted on marrying him when she noticed he shared the same passion as her, for education.

He promised to further her in her education and she trusted him. It didn't take long for them to gave birth to my eldest sister, whom is now called Benita. And then came another, a boy. They named him as Kingsley. The birth of my first two siblings deemed as a big hindrance to my mother's dreams.

But she was still determined to achieve her goals. She later birthed a third, whom we know as Valentine. Then I was born, right after she conceived of two more. Both twin baby girls, Jane and Jessica.

Eventually we had to bring in a house help that would help with the works. Auntie Ebere our house help was brought in at a very tender age and since then we've regarded her as family.

Now you're probably wondering what could've gone wrong. Well it's simple, I lost my grace and am writing this because I'd hate to relive my past in your future.

My name is Okafor Kosiso Franklin and you're about to know how i became the former gifted child.