
The Forgotten Deity Heavenly God

Gloria_Drinka_1851 · Fantasie
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9 Chs

Chapter 9 {Bought A Cabin}

After that meeting Guo Yao had more questions but the look that Julia gave him told him to stop praying on this matter and not ask about Emmanuel. So Guo Yao didn't dare ask about him when they walked inside the office Julia said and she crossed her legs she stretched out her hands and let out a yawn as she groaned and tapped on the table.

"Prince you are so lucky."

"Hahah I broke the record how many Heaven and Silver Leave do I need to pay off?" Guo Yao asked.

"Zero," Julia said.

"What all of that but how?"

"Well the mission you took it turns out to be even harder then it showed of have been take it now you can do as you please what is your plan?" Julia said.

"Now I think about I don't even have my own temple at all I will go back to the mortal world build myself a temple and get some follows or even fans who believe in me."

"Alright do you need anything?"

"Nah I am good I will take this jug of wine though," Guo Yao said as he started to walk Julia stood up.

"Prince wait."

"Be careful, as you know Ghost Demons are good at disguise I am not sure why Emmanuel helped you but it must not be simple it's best if you stay away from him, he has created many enemies," Julia said.

Guo Yao waved by not saying anything. Now what should he do now as he walked toward his old home he opened his door and noticed everything was still in place. Guo Yao sat inside the bathtub and turned on a movie he noticed that Xiao Po was making different kinds of changes. As a golden cycle was wrapped around Xiao Po he let out a whimpering sound before it disappeared. Bi Bo on the other hand let out a yawn as it looked around and started to eat the spirit crystal. After the bath Guo Yao dried his hair he wrapped his ribbon around his leg and to his ankle and his wrist. After he finished getting dressed. Guo Yao threw himself on the bed and he thought about what he should and how he can handle everything else mmm where should he move to?

Two months later

Guo Yao was outside early in the morning taking care of the chickens, feeding the two stray dogs that he found which Guo Yao doesn't know these dogs are actually demonic beast but because they were deeply wounded they didn't have anywhere else to go but when they saw Guo Yao they felt a powerful spiritual aura around him and they didn't dare make a move. Ever since then these two cute wolves have been enjoying themselves to make it even more awesome is the food that Guo Yao makes have Qi, divine, and spiritual energy within it. 

Within two months Guo Yao bought a cabin found it was a scam the cabin was in a sorry state but with everyone help Guo Yao has become so found of Teslia Town that he would be happy staying for who knows how long. Guo Yao who just finished taking care of the animals walked back inside he grabbed his piece of paper and music which started playing in the back ground and he started to draw he felt like his mind was in peace while he was drawing. He chewed on his pen and wondered of they were for him to get follows this is going to be so bad who would even what to come to this place sigh. It's been two months and I asked people if they know a god named Elemental Deity God of course no one knew him and it meant he really had zero followers. This sucks he can't just keep on moping around he needs to do something oh well he might as well just go and see what is happening outside the city and maybe go and hunt?

If anything Guo Yao is a mortal as it can be the only thing he has is he can't die other then that he knows spells sure, he break some formation sure but other then he would rather run the other from any kind of danger. He would protect the mortal people which includes himself but he will still be scared in his heart. 

"Mr. Brown are you going out of town?" Guo Yao asked he was holding a basket.

"Yes I will be going to a near by town for whole day it's the biggest city near by us."

"Mmm can I come along," Guo Yao asked.

"Sure you can come along."

"Thanks," Guo Yao said with so mcuh excitement.

Guo Yao rushed back to his house he changed his clothes and he walked out as he jumped inside the back of the truck that horse wit. Guo Yao closed his eyes and he listened to music as the long two hour long ride started.

Star City.

When Mr. Brown parked his Guo Yao waved bye to Mr. Brown and Guo Yao walked around he started buying scraps. He noticed spell books so he bought those, he kept on walking around he waved the dagger around but he put it down when he saw some metals he couldn't help himself but bye all kind of rocks he kept on buying and putting it in his space storage bag. When he was done he looked at another place and Guo Yao bought a stream bun as he was eating he notice a young kid shaking and Guo Yao stared at the warm stream bun and he took off his gray robe and wrapped it around the small child and gave her bunch of stream buns. She looked up and she nodded her head she grabbed Guo Yao hand.

"What's your name?"

"Hua Xia."

"Thank you I will repay you."


Guo Yao walked toward another food stall and looked at the food he ordered bunch of food. He sat down and clapped his hands together. Let's dig in and enjoy our nice meal. He saw people dancing around a young seven year old stared at Guo Yao and pulled his hand and he watched there movements before following them and he danced around everyone clapped there hands as he spun around. 

"This young man can truly dance!" Someone shouted. The nine year old girl jumped forward and grabbed Guo Yao hand as they both moved at the same time. Guo Yao saw a silk ribbon that was hanging in the hair he did a back flip and held on the silk ribbon that hanging down at a cafe.

"What is this young person going to do! This is so high up!"

Guo Yao closed his eyes and he grabbed a mask as he spun around on the ribbon as he danced in the air and jumped to the next ribbon everyone took out their Corsi Device and took a live video. Guo Yao waved his hand as water wrapped around him and he let go of the ribbon and he spun around as he hooked his leg around the ribbon and he started walking down in the air and he landed on the ground. Guo Yao kept on dancing. After he was done he took off his mask and bowed as he smiled brightly.

"Amazing can you dance for us."

"Come to Teslia Town they will be a great festival in a month I will promise to dance for everyone," Guo Yao said. 

As Guo Yao walked down the streets he felt so happy. He bought food and he watched people doing magic tricks other acting out other selling something. For Guo Yao this is what he loved. As his walking he saw Mr. Brown he waved him over and Guo Yao let out a yawn he closed his eyes and he sat down behind the track as Guo Yao laid down he looked at the scroll and he saw some famous gods and he couldn't believe it this Dancing Lotus Sword God.

"Holy shit some people actually still remember that's good it doesn't matter gods and humans are created equal but it feels knowing people still view me as a famous god haha now that is good but how can everything go down?"

"Is it really equal?" A youth asked. Guo Yao didn't move he just stuck his hand out and looked at the stars and he let out a sigh.

"Not everything is equal for the gods they look can look down on the mortals but they forget that we were once humans as well, I can say to myself I am more of a mortal then anything I have had many trouble and the heaven punishment to the point I am not shocked when I get one, sigh but is everything equal I do not believe so but at the same time it's my wishful thinking to have the world to be equal," Guo Yao said.

The youth didn't say anything for a long time before he sat up he chewing on a wit grass.

"You aren't wrong but the same time humans are greed, selfish, and have hate."

"But I believe that's what makes them believe for us gods, fairies, elves, and ghost demons we have to two emotions either love or eat don't you want to feel all of those feelings as well many can kind it but we all show it, we all make mistake, I won't lie I am greed, I do hate some things, I get sad, and I can be happy."

"But it's foolish even falling in love it's pointless."

Guo Yao opened his mouth.

"I disagree with you, falling in love is the most beautiful thing don't you want to fall in love with someone and protect that person and make sure they don't fall in love with someone else, I keep my heart closed off but I have fallen in love many times kissed had sex and all those wonderful thing but still I can say falling in love is so beautiful it's much better then heaven or any kind of power," Guo Yao said as laid back down. The youth didn't say anything but he opened his eyes and he let out a sigh.

"If the gods can fall in love will you do it?"

"The gods can fall in love people get married of course they be together if they choose to, as for myself I am not sure, hey little brother."

"What if I am older then you?"

"Tsk I am much older then you let me ask you a question you seem to know a lot about the immortal world have you heard of this person name Red Butterfly Flower Moon Demon Celestial God Emmanuel?" Guo Yao asked.

"Mmm have I heard of him even people are in a sect have heard of that person his a powerful a ghost demon who challenged 97 gods."

"Yes I agree with that but what is he like?"

"Well what do you think?"

"Well with what I have gathered his someone who is cruel he won't show mercy to anyone, his every powerful but won't ever release his real power even though those who follow him are extremely powerful. Let's his most likely someone who really hates the gods for some reason but the same time I feel like his looking for some god who disappeared as you know they are gods who disappear and return much stronger, mmm his a ghost demon which means that he must had many bad things while he was a kid but he didn't care and if anything he didn't get his tale for nothing in the Ghost Demon Realm they must be someone strong and powerful you must fight the strong and defeat them so if I had to guess he had to keep on fighting the strong," Guo Yao said.

The youth cropped himself up with his hands and stared at Guo Yao who was staring at the stars.

"You aren't wrong but they are rumors about him that he has taken control over two hundred demon realms and anywhere he goes they is always blood that follows."

"I see, but what is his true abilities?"

"I am not sure what do you think?"

"I can't say he has many powerful abilities but if I had to guess his someone who only shows his card when he knows he will win even when his about to lose he has away to win, so he always back up plans he plans ahead he isn't scared to lose it shows it. He even has his on worshipers so it shows that people respect him, as for myself I am not sure weather to fear him, if he were to kill someone in front of me or frighten me in some way I would be scared of him but at the same time I can't judge a book by there cover," Guo Yao said.

"I see what about do you think his evil or good?"

"I believe he fall in evil for so much killing as if his good I won't know unless he shows me himself, honestly I kind of wish I was there when he challenged those fucker gods to watch them get beaten up I would so pay money for that shit but to bad I was gone but I can't remember what I was doing shit I mean I wish I was alive when that happened," Guo Yao said. The youth was close to Guo Yao staring at him. Guo Yao looked at the youth with his golden eyes and he crawled backwards shocked with the closeness. 

"I heard that Emmanuel had one eye," the youth said as he covered his left eye and he spoke.

"But why one eye did something happened?"

"Rumors he went into madness and dig out his own eye out."

Guo Yao frowned and he let out a sigh and he shook his head.

"Such a pitiful state huh they was once I was blind and couldn't see, for many years I had to learn without seeing, many people ask me why I don't wear shoes the reason is because when I was blind for so long my feet were the one that guiding me I could sense everything and now I am so used to it wearing shoes is so strange to me," Guo Yao said.

"I see but you can see now?"

"Yeah I don't even know when but I suddenly could see I felt so happy at that moment."

"Brother what should I call you?"


"Dawson, well call me Huo Xia," Guo Yao said as he held out his hand and Dawson looked at Guo Yao hand as he shook and Guo Yao smiled brightly.


"Mr. Brown?"

"Huh they is something in front of us," Mr. Brown said. Guo Yao looked at the youth who looked back at him and Guo Yao let out a breath.

"Have you ever hunted ghost before?"


"I see wait here," Guo Yao said as he jumped out from the truck and he ran forward and he nodded his head.

"Today should be a ghost festival," Guo Yao said.

"What Little Hua I don't handle ghost every wel-"

Guo Yao knocked out Mr. Brown and the youth jumped in front of the seat and looked at Guo Yao who threw the talisman in the front and he started to drive quietly.

"You seem to understand everything."

"Well I do understand but we need to be careful I don't have much magic I am really weak but I try my best."

In the corner of Guo Yao eye he watched Dawson his fair white skin, his pure black hair that fall down his back it was in a ponytail his eyes were deep grayish bluish color they were truly beautiful and large, he had long black eyelashes, thin lips, his handsomeness was striking beautiful. When Dawson stared at Guo Yao he looked back at Dawson not ashamed but his ears were red because he was court. Dawson cracked a smirk and he looked at Guo Yao who was holding on the steeling tightly.

"Do you not fear demons?" Dawson asked.

Guo Yao was quiet for a long moment and he looked straight at Dawson and he nodded his head.

"I fear them I really do fear demons and high ranking ghost demons are frightening as well they are many times where I almost died so fear is within my heart but I can't do anything about it," Guo Yao said. Dawson's lips carved into a smirk as he looked out the window and he closed his eyes. 

"Well demons are all the same they like blood and like the strong if you are strong they will show you respect."

"Is it bad being weak?" Guo Yao mattered and Dawson moved closer to Guo Yao and he grinned ever so slightly.

"How about we protect each other?"

"Why should I? You might want to kill me."

"I wanted to kill you I would of done it long time ago."

Guo Yao let out a groan and he pointed his finger straight at Dawson.

"That isn't funny at all and to tell you this have fun trying to kill me."

Dawson let out a sigh and he crossed his arms but didn't say anything the drive out the words was safe. Guo Yao felt like his luck was good for today but who knows for the next time around?