

Ruth lives a happy simple life with her husband and their beautiful beloved dog Megan. This family loved Megan so much because they were infertile. Megan was the only child of the house. One day Megan went to their neighbor's house unfortunately the kitchen door was left open. Megan went in found some fresh fish in a plastic bag off the kitchen island. She ate all the fish. When the neighbor found out that Megan ate their fish Kate the wife of the neighbor did not give Ruth the chance to amend their relationship bond by reimbursing what Megan owes Kate. Kate told Ruth she only needs the fish that Megan ate. Her mind is made she only wants the life of Megan. Ruth tried all that she could but Kate was not in the mood to change her mind with the replacement of the fish. Kate gave Megan a portion of food with poison in it. Megan life is taken by the angry neighbor's wife Kate and leave Ruth and her husband Joe in bitter grief.