
Chapter 36: No Going Back

I don't call Dante. Historically, I've never been particularly good at stopping to think before I speak, and I'm so worked up right now that I know I'll only end up putting my foot in my mouth if I'm not careful. But texting will give me the chance to look over my words before he sees them.

Still, it takes me a very long time to get my initial message exactly right. I write and erase several texts before I finally send him one that's short and casually indifferent:

I saw your interview.

And then I quickly pour myself another glass of wine. I'm prepared for a long evening of drinking and chastising myself, but no sooner have I set the bottle down again than my cell beeps with an incoming text. I hold my breath as I pull up Dante's response:

I was hoping you would.

Nothing more. Nothing to give me any clues as to how to proceed from here. It takes me a moment to come up with my next message.

And what did you hope would happen now?