
The flashes op twin brother.

SUPREME GODDESS :What do you desire? Money and wealth? Glory? Honour and pride? Authority and power? Revenge? Or something that transcends all of them? Whatever you desire I CAN GIVE. Now mortal what do you wish for. Mc:can you give me a drill. SUPREME GODDESS :???????,IM SORRY I DONT THINK YOU HEARD CORECTLY LET ME REAPEAT MY SLE.... mc:I heard you the first time and I said I want a my drill. SUPRRME GODDESS :'what's wrong with this stupid mortal.'"wh,why do you want a drill." mc looks at the supreme being and then at his transparent self.The mc was looking at something that the supreme being couldn't.In the middle of his chest there was the tiniest of swirls tho negliable to some it wasent to the him. The mc smiles And looks to the supreme godess with a smile so genuine even the supreme godess can't help but be mesmerized. Mc:ah ha ha hehe hahahaha,why I chose a drill over all others things I could have. well it's pretty simple really, it's because...it's because...I believe ... ........................MY DRILL IS MY SOUL..................... (AN"will anyone get the reference to what sort of powers he will have.")

Etiger789 · Anime und Comics
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37 Chs

My wife kicked me out...


Cat" Why are you walking like that?"

Kara" I took your advice to get my head out of the clouds, so I took a kickboxing class. I'm a little sore." Kara says as she reads the new article ." Supergirl Failure to Launch?"

Cat" I don't need you to read it to me. I wrote it. Get it to copy for the noon posting."

Kara" I don't get it. Why do you keep criticizing Supergirl for trying to save the city? When Superman started... He, he, he."

Cat" Him, him, him. I am so sick of hearing about the Man of Steel. Every woman worth her salt knows that we have to work twice as hard as a man to be thought of as half as good."

Kara" Well, she did rescue that plane."

Cat" Yes, which she ditched, bobbing in a bay. Engineers are working around the clock trying to remove it."

Kara" She saved that tanker from exploding."

Cat" Causing an oil slick, which they're still trying to clean up. Now, I don't like the fishes, but it does reassure me to know that they're still under there swimming about."

Kara" Well, if Supergirl were here, what would you suggest she do?"

Cat" Calm the hell down. She's taking on way too much, way too fast. She's trying to save the day. By screwing everything up? No, this inexperienced idiot has barely had a run in her tights, and yet there she is at the epicentre of danger. What's next?, I think I'll catch the meteor that's headed straight for the White House?, There is a learning curve. You don't just walk through the front door and suddenly own the company."

Cat" I started out as Perry White's assistant. I worked my ass off until one day I finally had the chance to write an article for the gossip column. Every step of the way, I had to fight, to work hard, to get better, to come out ahead. No, catching planes and boats on fire, hmm... How about we start small and work our way up? Supergirl should take a page out of your book, Kara. Uh, this fish isn't local, is it?"

Kara" No, of course not." walking out cat grants office she walks up to Winn and whispers.

Kara" Meet me in the alley in five minutes."

Winn" Thank God you didn't say the roof."


Winn walks out the backdoor only to see he wasn't alone.

James" Hey, what's up?"

Winn" Nothing, nothing. (CLEARS THROAT) I... I like to come out here to smoke. Which I like to do in private. What are you doing here."

Kai" Just exploring the mysteries of life, gazing at the stars."

James/Winn" it's day time."

Kai" Oh, Your right it is. I hadn't even noticed. my wife also kicked me out so I thought I would just rest here for the night."

At this point, they just decided to ignore him.

James" Anyway I'm Actually, meeting someone right now so..."

Winn" Yeah, you can meet them inside the building."

James" Yeah? No, uh, my friend likes to make an entrance."


Kara lands right in front of the trio in her super girl outfit.

James" He knows." pointing at Winn.

Winn" He knows?" Pointing at James.

kai" I knew." while pointing at himself.

Winn"You told him?"

Kara" James already knew. And Winn's my friend. Yeah."

Kara says while completely ignoring kai. To say that the sad kai who was just at the corner drawing circles with a stick wasn't cute would be a lie.

But that was his punishment for embarrassing her in front of her sister and director. Tho what he said was right, he still deserves punishment. I also didn't let him back in the house. And if he did sneak in there would be no fluff time for the rest of the month.

Kara" If I'm going to be a hero, and prove to everyone that I know what I'm doing, I'm gonna need to practice. Start small, get better. And to do that, I'm gonna need your help.

Winn" I'm in."

Kara" I'm in."

Kai just whispers silently to himself" what's the point of this life if there will be no fluff."

After the two left kara walked towards the dumpster kai was now calling his home. she wanted to laugh but she knew it was her that made him sad. so she quickly floated in the dumpster and lay down next to kai who had his arms wide open making kara use his arm as a pillow. she looked straight at Kai's face which didn't even look at her.

Kara" I'm sorry. I know what I did was childish and that I heart your feelings. when I first saw you at the training hall, the thing I wanted to do most was run up and hug you, but I didn't expect that instead of praising me that you would scold me. I thought did he really speak the truth when he said he wanted to make my dream come true or was that just a lie to get close to me. I was angry, confused but most of all sad that you weren't there. I realized that all anyone of you only wants me to be safe. I'm not invincible, I can die, your right. But...But with the help of those around me I know I can make it...."

Kara was suddenly pulled in by him and hugged tightly. He said no words and only continued hugging.

Kara' This is it, the feeling, this is the feeling I never want leaving me. Thank you for everything kai. I know One day..maybe one day you can make me feel more than... I just hope you're here by my side...' unknown to her she started falling asleep in Kais embrace.

Kai Seeing her sleeping face smiled and teleported to her bed while he still laying next to her.

Kai" I'll be here for a long time." As if understanding what he said kara smiles and snuggles even closer to him.

Kai takes out his phone from his pocket and dials someone.

Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring

Cat" what is it you want now." she asks in an exasperated tone.

Kai" Give kara the rest of the day of."

Cat" where is my assistant."

Kai" Sleeping and resting in my arms."

Cat" I want Access to April and level 5 clearance level for one day."

Kai" You can use her for an hour and you only get level 2 clearance.

Cat" Deal." And with that cat hanged up. kai went back to staring at kara lovingly while also wondering when his other lover will return.

Please tell me if there are any spelling mistakes or parts/paragraphs that don't quite make sense even after reading twice.

April is an A.I that kai created on earth - 1 and broght to Earth - 38. She's also referenced at chapter 9.

Thanks for reading.

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