
The flashes op twin brother.

SUPREME GODDESS :What do you desire? Money and wealth? Glory? Honour and pride? Authority and power? Revenge? Or something that transcends all of them? Whatever you desire I CAN GIVE. Now mortal what do you wish for. Mc:can you give me a drill. SUPREME GODDESS :???????,IM SORRY I DONT THINK YOU HEARD CORECTLY LET ME REAPEAT MY SLE.... mc:I heard you the first time and I said I want a my drill. SUPRRME GODDESS :'what's wrong with this stupid mortal.'"wh,why do you want a drill." mc looks at the supreme being and then at his transparent self.The mc was looking at something that the supreme being couldn't.In the middle of his chest there was the tiniest of swirls tho negliable to some it wasent to the him. The mc smiles And looks to the supreme godess with a smile so genuine even the supreme godess can't help but be mesmerized. Mc:ah ha ha hehe hahahaha,why I chose a drill over all others things I could have. well it's pretty simple really, it's because...it's because...I believe ... ........................MY DRILL IS MY SOUL..................... (AN"will anyone get the reference to what sort of powers he will have.")

Etiger789 · Anime und Comics
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37 Chs

Karas new found determination...



Alex" Kara, it's me. Can we talk? I know you can see me. I know what you're thinking. That this is all your fault. But it's not. Before you came to live with us, I was the star.

And then, I mean, how could I compete with you? With someone who could touch the stars? You know, I was happy when you decided not to use your powers. You know, you feeling like less, somehow made me feel like more. Now the world needs you to fly, Kara."

kara suddenly opens the door which surprises Alex and kara and says" I can't, Alex. I can't do it."

Alex" Yeah, you can. Your family believes in you."

Kara" I know you do."

Alex " Oh, I don't mean me." she then proceeds to give kara a weird octangular device.

Kars" That's Kryptonese writing."

Alex" Yeah. Hank and his old team recovered it from the pod that brought you to Earth."


Taking a deep breath kara turns on the device. A hologram of her mother shows up which surprises her.

Kara" Mom."

Alora" Kara, my brave daughter. By now you have become the woman I knew you would grow up to be. And though you were sent to Earth to protect young Kal-El, your destiny is not tied to his. There is no correct path in life. You will lose your way many times. What's important is that you find your way back to the brave girl you always were. Be wise, be strong and always be true to your"

With that, the message terminates and kara sobs but with a newfound determination.

Kara" So, what do we do now?"

Alex "First things first. You need to change. I'll be waiting downstairs." Alex leaves while kara quickly changes into her Supergirl suit. Done changing she checks herself out in the mirror.

she's was about to jump out the window when she suddenly pauses.

Kara" You're here aren't you kai." Although they have only spent a week together. she knows a lot about him. Including that he's able to hide his presence from her, that includes his heartbeat or his breathing. However, her sixth sense could always pick up his stare. so she decided to trust her instincts and call out to him.

And her hope wasn't lost as right after she called out his name a strong pair of arms wrapped around her waist. she knew his smell. she knew his touch. she knew it was him and she melted like chocolate on his chest. He didn't say anything so kara decided to speak first.

Kara" When I was fighting him I was scared. I thought, could I really defeat hundreds of powerful criminals when I couldn't even defeat one and almost die as well. But listening to my mother's words, remembering yours and my sister's motivation towards doing what I want. It finally hit me. what I always wanted to do be. And that's to be a hero kai.

You said you would support me in anything I do. Once I step out this apartment it will be official, and at any moment I might die. would you still stay by my side knowing that."

Kai stares at karas head and proceeds to spin her around so she's facing him. He goes down on one knee and takes out a bracelet. This time it's blue and white with the S on it.

Kai" I kai Allen son of Henry and Nora Allen swear to stay by Kara zor-el Danvers side now and forever. To protect and serve whenever she may need ." As he finishes he slips it on karas wrist and taps the S.

If kara wasn't already surprised about his kneeling and promise. she was definitely dumbfounded when her suit started changing colours from red and blue to white and blue. Even her hair turned that colour. Kara ignores kai who's still kneeling and runs to the to admire herself.

Seeing her cute reaction kai can only laugh awkwardly. Finishing admiring herself she jumps and wraps her legs around Kai's waist and kisses him passionately.

Kara" Thank you, sadly it's time for me to leave."

Kai" I'll be here when you come back."

kara" mhh," she flies out the window but before that she looks back one more time and says."

Kara" And thank you for protecting me...archer."

Kai" Hahahahahah no idea what you're talking about...princess"

Kara" You may be able to hide your presence, but I will always know what your stare feels like. Because it's the stare that gives me the confidence to raise my head higher." Not to waste any more time she quickly flies off and disappears into the night.

Kai' Sigh, what am I gonna do with this girl. The more time I spend with her the harder it is for me holding back. If this continues I really might erase every one of her enemies so she makes more time for me.'


Hank" It's Agent Danvers and her sister from another planet.'

Alex" She's here to help us fight Vartox."

Hank" I told you I don't trust aliens."

Alex" There's no one I trust more. Like her cousin, she was sent here, too, to help us. And if you want any more of my help, we're gonna let her."

Vasquez: I found Vartox. Sir. Uh, ma'ams.

Hank" Where?"

Vasquez" The sliver of metal you extracted from Supergirl's arm. Vartox's axe has a unique nuclear thumbprint. Satellites picked him up heading towards the city."

Kara" Vartox said he was ready to start killing humans."

Hank" Order a strike team to intercept."

Kara" Your men will not be able to stop him."

Hank"Thank you for your opinion, Miss Danvers."

Kara" Director Henshaw. People of this city will die because of something I did. I started this. You have to let me stop it."

He was about to refuse for a third time until the bracket that Kara gave Henshaw wrang out. Reading the text he could only grit his teeth and look at kara with eyes full of hate.

Hank" Make sure you damn win."

Kara" I will" kara smiles as she knows why he suddenly agreed.' Thank you kai.'

While Alex is confused and makes a mental note to do a background check on this kai Allen that seems close to her sister and seems to bring fear into the director.


A truck was speeding down that road when suddenly a figure jumps right in front of it and stops it with her bare hands. Not expecting it the driver Is flung out the window.

Hank" Do you have eyes on the target?"

Kara" I got him." looking at the man who almost killed her she still as some lingering fears. she's still afraid to fail a second time. she was about to fight vartox when she suddenly felt a gaze, no to be more precise his gaze."


Kai" You said you were able to feel my gaze and that it gave you the strength to look up without fear. so know now, I'm here and I'll support you whenever you may need."

Lifting his bow from the shelf he materializes a drill pointed sword and attaches it to the string and pulls back as far as the bow can handle. which would be a draw rate of about 80 tons.

Kai' You can do this princess, know that I'm right here.'


She was about to fight vartox when she suddenly felt a gaze, no to be more precise his gaze. She knew this was him telling her he was watching over her.

Vartox" You never should have come back for more."

Kara' Guess this is round two' They both clash but this time it was an equal fight but even with his one arm he had the slight advantage over kara.


Hank" She's not strong enough."

Alex" Why? Because she's just a girl? It's exactly what we were counting on. I analyzed the metal on the axe. It's powered by a self-generating atomic charge reaching temperatures up to 2500 degrees."

Hank" How does that help?"

Alex" If it gets any hotter than that it's gonna explode. She just has to get close enough to do her thing."



Both sides clash until kara is kicked and falls on her back with a heavy breath.

Kara" Stop, I give up. I don't wanna die." Kara says as vartox holds up his axe ready to kill her.

vartox" Give your mother my regards."

Alex" Kara, do it now." with that signal kara grabs the axe and uses her heat vision to destroy it, creating a massive explosion and sending the already beat up vartox flying.

Getting up slowly she walks up to vartox and says." It's over."

Vartox" You think I'm the threat? (PANTING) You have no idea what's coming." with that he proceeds to kill himself while kara watches on in silence feeling shocked but also relief.


(CHEERING) The whole DOE staff were thrilled that they won, and we're celebrating.

Alex" She followed your orders and she won."

Hank" Yeah. This time."

Alex" Director Henshaw. I wasn't only recruited because of my sister, was I?"

Hank" Yeah, she's why you got in. And you are why you get to stay."

Please tell me if there are any spelling mistakes or parts/paragraphs that don't quite make sense even after reading twice.

I'll link karas suit and kais in the comments.

Thanks for reading.

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