
The Flash A New Blur (The Flash/ Barry Allen x reader)

This is a story about you as the reader whose parents are Clark and Lois but you were sent away at 18moths old as they thought Argo City was going to die. Once your pod landed you were taken in by the Queen family adopted but Oliver after his father passed away was keeping secrets of who you actually were. If you would like to find out more read this book.

AlainaHylian · TV
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4 Chs

Chapter two

Many years later…

Your P.o.v

I was living in Central City as I was walking to CC Jitters when I accidentally bumped into someone spilling my coffee on the floor as the boy quickly apologized to me. When I looked forward I saw him, a cute looking guy, he was tall, fit and very attractive too, he later brought me another coffee as we sat down and talked. We shared a few laughs and some stories as later on I went off to my job at CCPD, this was my life: work as a police officer arresting bad guys and putting them in jail. It was nice cause I was good at my job and I didn't want anything to change, I was raised of course by a family in I believe Star City. I don't exactly remember much about my real parents but I know that my mother was human and my father was most likely superman.

Barry's p.o.v

I was happy I met this girl today, it really brightened my day as I walked home to my mom and dad house that was in a little town outside Central City. I opened the door and as I saw my mom cooking in the kitchen, I walked in closing the door behind me. I said, "Mom you won't believe this but I met the most beautiful girl today and she was so kind to me she bought me coffee after I paid for a new coffee for her." She turned her head looking at me as she said, "Aw that is great my son I am glad that you met someone." I said, "Yeah I hope I will run into her again and maybe we can hang out and get to know each other."

Your p.o.v

After I arrest the Mardin brothers and put them behind bars I was in my lab when it was raining hard, I was of course watching the news as they said the partial accelerator was affected by the storm. I tried to stop the leak in the roof but failed but then I noticed that liquid started floating around me. I wasn't expecting it but I was soon struck by lightning as I hit the floor falling unconscious.

Oliver's p.o.v

I was on the phone with the doctor stating that she was in a coma so naturally I drove to Central City to see my adopted sister. Once I got there they wouldn't let me in the room as it was having unexpected power outages and she was flat lining. A scientist named Welia said that she could stabilize her so Naturally I agreed to let her be taken into Welia's care.

Welia's p.o.v

Once I took Oliver's sister to S.T.A.R Labs my assistant Catie managed to get her stable but she however wasn't able to put an IV in her arm. It was odd that we were unsuccessful to give her an IV to help give her fluids that she might have lost. So all we could do is wait until she wakes up but instead we contacted Metropolis DEO and gave us the equipment using the red sun being able to put an IV in.

Catie p.o.v

Welia brought a person in that was a potential victim of the Partial accelerator accident, we were able to get an IV in her with DEO tech of a red sun light to be able to do that. We eventually knew that she was half Kryptonian and human, she looked a bit like Superman the used to live in Metropolis. It took nine months for her to wake up but late at night Welia asked me to watch her while she went home.

Your p.o.v

I wanted to wake up so badly as I felt my hand grip the sheets of the hospital bed, I felt how soft they were as my eyes opened but everything was blurry as I gasped for air as if I was drowning in water. I sat up immediately as I caught my breath but then this girl walked up to me saying, "Glad your awake. Your brother stayed the night with you to make sure you were going to wake up. He said he was going to take you home." I looked by me to see my adoptive brother Oliver as he was still asleep, I looked back at her as I asked, "How long was I out?" She took a breath as she spoke, " Your were in a coma for nine months."

Oliver's p.o.v

When I heard my adoptive sister's voice I woke up as I saw her wide awake being glad that she was okay. I stood up from my chair as I walked over to her taking hold of her hand as I said, "(Y/n) you had me scared to death I though you died. I was so worried that you wouldn't wake up." She looks at me as she sighs knowing I was going to take her back home with me but she doesn't know that I am the Green Arrow. Later we got into a car as I drove it to her apartment but she was looking out the window spacing out as I stopped at her place I spoke, "Something on your mind sis?" She soon snapped out of it as she looked at me saying, "Yeah brother I met this boy nine months ago and he was really sweet to me and bought me coffee."

Your P.o.v

He looked at me as he asked, "Who's the boy, do you even know his name?" I thought for a moment as I said, "No I don't but if I meet him again I will ask big brother." After I got out of his car, he drove off back to Star City which is where I was from but I know deep down he was hiding where I came from originally. I wanted to do some digging to find out who my real parents were but where would I start if I wanted answers to questions I don't have yet.

Patricia's p.o.v

When she got home I was waiting for her as I said, " Where have you been!?" My best friend got spooked as she said, "O-Oh bestie I didn't know you were visiting me today." She took out her apartment keys and unlocked the door, both of us walking in closing the door behind us. Once I was inside her apartment I noticed she was still wearing an old necklace but I thought nothing of it as I said, "I heard you met a boy. Is he cute? What does he look like?" She looked at me as (Y/n) said, "Yeah he is and he is tall with blue eyes and brown hair like me."

Your P.o.v

After I told her that she squealed as she said, "You should ask him out." I looked at her as I spoke, "Yeah but Patricia I barely know anything about him we met nine months ago." After a few hours she convinced me to tell him the next time we met, the very next day I had a day off from work since there was hardly any crime happening, as I walked into CC Jitters I saw him again getting a cup of coffee. I felt my face heat up at the sight of him as I tried to hide my blushing face, I sat down after getting my coffee calmed down but then he sat down across from me at the table.

Barry's P.o.v

The next day when I went to the CC Jitters I saw her walk in as she sat down waiting patiently for her turn to buy coffee. One she got her coffee she sat down alone so I decided to sit with her at the table across from her as I thought now would be a good time to introduce myself to her. I took a confident breath in as I spoke, "Hi we've met before but nine months ago actually. My name is Barry Allen and my I ask for your name?"

Your P.o.v

When he told me his name I felt my face heat up a little bit as I take a breath of air breathing out speaking, "I'm (Y/n) Queen, I was adopted and used to live in Star City when I was a kid but I moved here to get a good job after I graduate from highschool a long time ago." He smiles as he said, "You know your actually really pretty and sweet." I blush almost immediately when he told me that as I respond, "O-oh um thank you that's very kind of you. Your um very handsome looking.

Barry's p.o.v

Much later we started to walk to the park as we talked some more, several months later when I went to CC Jitters I saw her again as she waved at me. She told me she bought me coffee as I sat down with her at the very same table, we talked about our childhood and she told me her father died and she didn't know where her brother was until he turned up years later. Her stories were intriguing but once we had finished our coffee I mustered up the courage to ask her out.

Your p.o.v

When I noticed how nervous he was seeing him speak as he said, "(Y/n) will you um go out with me?" I smiled brightly as I speak, "Yes of course I will go out with you Barry." A couple of years pass as me and Barry were dating and it was nice, after work we went out for pizza. We hanged out at my apartment as we watched a movie together with him spending the night and when the movie was over both of us were sleeping on the couch.

Barry's p.o.v

By morning I woke up seeing my beautiful girlfriend asleep still and she had the day off cause she worked hard at her job. I leaned in kissing her forehead as I got up putting a blanket over her sleeping form as I laid her down on the couch making sure she was comfortable. To be honest I do love her she made my world go round, I was getting ready to leave but I heard her mumble something, I got closer hearing, "I love you Barry", I smiled happy that she said it and I whispered in her ear, "I love you too babe."

Your P.o.v

Later in the morning I woke up and found myself laying on the couch with a blanket as I blankly remember being kissed on the forehead. I immediately blush bright red knowing that he did that also remembering that I told him I loved him as well hearing him say I love you too me. I felt happy that I met him, it was as if it was fate that brought us together. I started making breakfast in my kitchen making pancakes, after I made them I placed them on a plate on the table and started to eat as I drank some coffee that I made fresh.

Patricia p.o.v

I was heading down the hall when I walked past Barry, who was my best friend's boyfriend now and they've been dating for two years now. I walked up to her door lightly knocking as a few moments later she opened the door letting me inside. I said, "I saw your boyfriend (Y/n), so how did your date go last night?" She was staring at the ceiling for a moment then looks at me saying, "Huh?"

Your P.o.v

When my best friend Patricia came over we sat down on the couch as she asked me how my date was last night. I was spacing out as she snap her fingers right in front of me as I then looked at her hearing her repeat the question. I smiled speaking, "Oh well it actually went pretty well last night, we watched a musical movie and ate popcorn together but at the end of the movie we both fell asleep at the credits." She smiled at me as she was happy for me but she didn't know and neither my boyfriend that I was secretly a superhero on the side and also going to work at the CCPD.

Barry's p.o.v

After I got home to my house my mom and dad greeted me when I walked in as my mom asked how my date with my new girlfriend went. I looked at my mom as I speak, "It went well mom we both had a great time together", she smiled as she then asks, "So when are you going to pop the question to her since you've both been dating for two years now?"

Barry's mom p.o.v

When I had asked my son when he was going to pop the question to his girlfriend his face turn bright red as I laughed a little. My son said, "Mom, I was going to wait another year before asking her." His father then walked in the door from work as he spoke, "Son I think your ready so when the time is right, when your ready take her out to dinner and get on one knee to ask her. If she says no and she isn't ready wait a year to ask her again."

Barry's Father's p.o.v

When I told him that I went into the my wife room bringing out a box of our engagement ring as I put it in his hand. I said, "Here son take this engagement ring it is a real diamond ring. The next time you two go out on a date at a restaurant gather up all your courage and when you're ready ask her to marry you." He looked at the black box in his hand as he looked back at me saying, "Thanks dad for everything I just hope that she will say yes when I am ready to ask her to marry me.