
The Fittest Survive

Discontinued! A young girl and her struggles to survive in a cruel world where the strong thrive and the weak are crush underfoot. This is fiction. Any resemblance to real life is just a coincidence. Constructive criticism is welcomed. Just a warning, my updates will be sporadic but I will try to update at least once per week. One thing I promise is I won't abandoned this story without putting up a notification. I hate it when people just abandon a story and don't at least let people know they stopped.

Wolfhowls · Fantasie
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33 Chs


It's been a season ago and it's now spring. I've learned a lot from my team. The hunt I went on was fairly successful. The beast tamers taught me much. Some have been basic like skinning pelts and stuff. They also taught me knowledge generally only beast tamers know like which herbs are good for making narcotics and how to use a blowgun. I haven't learned any secrets though. Mark showed me how to non lethally shoot animals and to coat my darts in narcotics. I can confidently say I can take care of almost any animal. I had also been training my core. I had been mediating and playing with the lights. I hadn't been manipulating water though. Manipulating water is tough for me. When I went to the priests, they told me you have to understand your element. No idea what they mean though

"Hey Fia, Chief wants to see you." "Ok, thanks I'll head over there." I walked to the chief's house and knocked on the door. "Come in." I walked in the house. I noticed the chief and Zion were both in here. "What did you need from me Chief?". "Well," He said. " We are sending you to the Blood Isles. Not only do you not have a partner, you also don't have a mentor. While sending someone to the Blood Isles isn't mandatory, doing so means you can't afford to do so. Essentially, our tribe would be considered weak."

The chief paused for a moment to breath before continuing. "That means other tribes would try to start a war. I'll just say this bluntly- you refuse to stand up for yourself. We cannot have people unwilling to fight. If you survive the Blood Isles, it will change you. It's not like you have other options though. Nobody is willing to fight for you. If you try to run, even if you escape, you'll just become a drifter."

"The people at Blood Isle will explain what it is to you. We are leaving at morning. Understand?" I nodded, wondering what the Blood Isle were. It didn't sound like anything good but I didn't have any other options. I went back to the tamers to see if they needed anything before I got my dinner rations and went to the cave to sleep

Meanwhile, back at the chief's house. " Why were you so harsh to her?" Zion questioned. " I am not saying you were in the wrong, merely wondering what was going through your head."

"She needs to toughen up. One of the best ways to do that is to realize no one is going to protect you. I only hope her will is strong enough to keep going after she realizes that."