
Chapter 1: Prologue [edited]

In the middle of the night, A sound of a baby crying can be heard at the village's entrance, almost waking everyone who is sleeping nearby.

"Wake up, honey!"

The woman spoke to her husband, who was sleeping next to her.

"What is it?"

"Do you hear that?

"It sounds like a crying baby."

"Yeah, let's go check it out."

The couple left their house and followed the sound of a crying baby until they arrived at the village entrance.

"Look, honey!" the woman exclaimed as she discovered a baby in a basket.

"Let's go see the chief elder," the husband suggested.

After arriving at the Chief elder residence, the couple called the village Chief. As they discussed the situation, the elder decided to take care of the abandoned child for the time being, hoping that whoever abandoned the child would return.


"Hu! Ha!"


"Grandfather I don't want to train as a Knight, I want to train in magic like you!" While swinging his sword, Arthrex expressed boredom.


As he watches young Arthrex train, the chief elder laughs.

"Here we are again, Grandpa, you always laugh when I ask you about magic." Arthrex grumbled.

"I've told you many times that you only have a small amount of mana in your body, so you're not destined to use magic." The chief elder sighed.

"But I still want to learn magic, even if it's simple." Young Arthrex said as he cast a pitying glance at his grandfather.

"All right, fine, I'll teach you some simple magic but you have to practice hard with your sword." After seeing Arthrex's pitiful expression, the chief elder finally gives up.

"Ye Hey,!! Granpa, thank you "Arthrex expressed his delight.

It's been ten years now since Arthrex was discovered at the village entrance in Northwich.

The chief elder waited for a long time, hoping that the parents would return to pick up the boy, but no one did, so he decided to raise Arthrex as his own, showering him with affection and ensuring that he would not be lonely as he grew up.

Arthrex is fascinated by magic. When he was five years old, he awakened his mana core, but it was so tiny that he could barely release his mana to perform magic, but Arthrex persisted in asking his grandfather to teach him magic.

The village chief elder was once an adventurer who specialized in fire magic, earning the nickname Fiercely Fire. His rank was Upper tier magician, but he was unable to progress to Grand magi because he also had a small mana core.

He didn't want Arthrex to be like him, unable to advance to the next tier. As a reason, he decided to train him to be a knight. Fortunately, he has a knight's manual book from his period as an adventurer.

The chief elder learned that Arthrex was a genius after allowing him to train the breathing technique from the knight's manual.

Arthrex entered to a lower tier Knight after only a few seconds of using the breathing technique, then when he was eight years old, he ranked up to upper tier knight and then he turned 10 years old he also progress and achieving lower tier Advanced knight.

The majority of ten-year-old children can barely enter lower-tier knight, but Arthrex was already an advanced Knight, which would shock the entire continent if anyone knew, but chief elder advised Arthrex to keep quiet about his strength because he didn't want him to become famous or targeted.

"Grandpa, now that I've finished my training, could you teach me how to use magic?" Arthrex exclaimed with glee.

"Okay, listen carefully, magic is everything, and everything can turn into magic as long as you understand the theory behind it. However, in order to use magic, you must first understand what type of element you possess. For example, if you have the element fire, you can create fire with magic, but first you must understand the theory behind it. On this continent, anyone can be a mage or a knight if they have the necessary talent. Most people would prefer to be a mage because it is more destructive. Mage also has a major and minor element. Being a knight, on the other hand, is beneficial because it strengthens your body, improves your speed and etc." The chief elder spoke slowly and explained.

"Did you get it?" The chief elder spoke up again when he noticed young Arthrex was deep in thought.

"Hmmmmmm, so everything can be turned into magic," Arthrex Thought.

Arthrex wasn't paying attention, but the only thing that came to mind was that anything could turn into magic.

"All right, Grandpa, I'll give it a shot." Arthrex nodded.

"What's the deal? Why isn't it working?" As he looked at his grandfather, Arthrex expressed his frustration.

"ho ho ho ho!" Chief elder laughed and smirked.

"Let me ask you a question: do you understand what fire is? Or do you know how can you make fire? That's why I said you needed to understand the theory first before you could cast magic. "The Chief Elder stated and explained

"Here is a book containing my knowledge of fire magic, but I want you to focus on your Knight's training and only study this book when you have free time." Chief elder stated firmly.

"Thank you, Grandpa!" Arthrex said and hugged his Grandpa


Somewhere far away, a man was looking out the window, as if he was thinking so hard that he was like a statue standing there, when he heard his wife crying again, he felt heartbroken. It was already ten years since they had lost their son, and they had been looking everywhere for news but still couldn't find him.

Ten years ago, their rival kingdom sent a powerful assassin who nearly annihilated their kingdom; as a result, they had no choice but to send their son somewhere far away because they did not want to end their lineage.

But they had no idea that the butler who had brought their child had been attacked and badly injured. The butler had left the child at the village entrance and had drawn all the pursuers away from the child.


"Darling, where is our son?" "Darling, when can I see my son?"

A woman sobs to her husband.

This woman appears to have lost a lot of weight; she appears to be very thin, but her beauty has not been diminished in the least.

"Soon Alisha, Soon."

The king said this as he tries to give his wife hope, but even himself is having difficulty believing what he said.

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