
The Fight of Dawn

A starting adventurer, John Falier, finds his first mission. Meeting familiar faces while being chased by villains, he is tasked with delivering a message to the Empress himself. He faces challenges that makes him, re-think his and the groups decisions. Was delivering the Scroll worth it? What could he have done differently? John must decide a position in this war-torn world.

Scroll_ill_021 · Fantasie
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5 Chs

A Village of Pebble

As the day came up, we traveled for two hours far from the last village, but into a new small territory where a Village of Midgets stayed. They were called Gnomes at first, but since they were just like humans but small, the term Midgets was appropriately used. I had never seen a Midget but have seen a Dwarf a few times back. I wonder if they are somewhat the same as Dwarfs, aside from the knowledge and battle history of course. When we arrived there, we were waiting for the village people to greet us. 






As I got out of the carriage from a nonstop ride, the fresh air reset my body. Last night was horrific, the smell from the smoke smelled like crushed coal tar. A material ranked zero in the currency list, it's more common to buy tar in small cities. The bigger cities are more advanced using oil, it flows better and is used more efficiently than tar. Mostly tar is used with wood or for people's needs, like cooking, forging, a basic light source, and of course for war. 






The farmers of the village started to farm their wheat wields, as others started working around noon time. The place was very lively with their houses built inside the hills, trees, and along their small riverway. The plant life thrived as people planted flowers near their homes, inside pots and gardens. People were air drying their laundry, kids were playing outside, and the smell of freshly baked bread from the bakery shop. A small group of people came to us, in a happy mood. 






"Greetings traveler, I am the leader of this fine village, Mayor Timber. Here with me are a few companions of mine, here on my left is August from the Fungus Guard". He just nodded and looked proud at Gura, as they were 3 through 3 ½ feet tall and hadn't seen a brute like her. Standing at nearly 7 feet tall and with very wide shoulders, she was the ideal protector. 






  "Here on my right is my right arm assistant Irene, she's an elf and is quite a brilliant worker". She was standing right in front of me, almost the same height as Ariel. She had a scent like maple syrup, reminding me of something that I knew. I couldn't figure it out, so I left it there. 






She looked away while trying to look at me shyly. I can tell she was very shy and quiet. She wore a green dress with little butterfly designs with a small wooden crown. The Mayor continues to introduce a few people, but that doesn't concern me, the only thing that had my mind was thinking about this girl. I do like Ariel from her kindness when we were kids and being able to meet the girl I saved again. On the other hand, Irene has light blonde hair with blue eyes. Not to mention her slender body, I wonder if I could date her. I still need to expand my love list as days go by, leaving such little time. 






When the Mayor ended his greetings, Gura rode the carriage next to a little barn as she and her Granddaughters met up with us. The Mayor needed help with a festival, something to do with a year of peace. The girls went with Irene to freshen up and help the bakery with the foods, Gura went to the Mayor's house to discuss what happened yesterday. I helped with guarding the village, sitting on a small wall doing nothing, how fun… I suppose. 






For the next 2 hours, I sat, protected the wall, and lay down for a long time. I threw pebbles in the air and tried hitting it with my sword, but got bored of that. Lily came with a sandwich and a glass bottle of grape juice. I thanked her, but she just gave me the food and walked away. I was going to ask if anyone else needed my help, so I wouldn't die from boredom. 






After 3 more hours of guarding, I was resting on top of the wall. Staring at the sky, I wonder how many times I will enjoy this moment. As footsteps approached, I turned my head to see Irene wearing a blue short coat with a white plain shirt. With a black skirt, as she kept walking, she blushed a bit while fidgeting her hands in front of her. 






"Hey there… I didn't get your name at the beginning," she said. 






"My name is John, sorry for looking at you so much in the afternoon. I wasn't trying to make you uncomfortable; I was just taken away by your beauty". 






"It's ok, I wasn't expecting guests or to see a Human male before. I was weird back then, trying to look at you while not being too noticeable" She says. 






"It's all right, I understand that you haven't interacted with outsiders before. Since I guess you're an orphan child… like me". 






Irene was shocked, "You were an orphan? How was it for you when it started". 






"Well, it might take a long time to explain what happened but I will pass the time until the Festival starts". She sat closer to me, above my head while looking at people setting up the party. 






"It started about when I was 7 years old, I was in my village on a normal cloudy day. It was around mid-afternoon, and I was playing with my friends in the woods. While my parents were working at home, they were the village's medical people. We decided to play hide and seek in the woods, which we always play every week. I was a hider and a few kids too; the seeker was my friend Stan. Stan was a fast runner and more adventurous than us". 






Irene pouts "It sounds like a fun day John. For me, I just keep working around the village with little fun". 






"Well, it wasn't a normal day, as we played hide and seek. The game went longer than an hour as I expected, Stan would find us all in less than 30 minutes. I hid in a well-covered bush; I didn't want to peek at my surroundings as I thought Stan was playing a trick. An hour went by and I heard many footsteps and chains. As I lifted a leaf off the bush, I saw Orcs, they caught Stan and the rest of my friends". Irene started petting my forehead. 






"My friends were caught by Orcs right in front of me, they tried to resist and fight, but their hands were cuffed in chains. One Orc asked the other if they could have a little snack, the Orc said we are here for magic users and these nubs don't look like one. They gutted a few of my friends and ate them".

  I teared a bit, as I sat up from the wall, Irene hugged me from behind. "It's ok, I'm here for you". 






"When they left, I ran back to the village which was being raided by more Orcs. I went home and my parents hid me in a closet, while they went outside. I got out of the closet to look at the window to see two orcs behind a man and a little girl dressed in black. I know they had planned this raid as they chatted out there. They entered the house as they went upstairs to where I'm in. The man in a black coat and hat smiled and left the girl like my age with me. We just chatted about nature and weapons". 






"Was the girl pretty?" Irene says. I responded "She was, and she smelled like something sweet, she had a pendant in the shape of a golden butterfly" 






  "Hmm," she mumbled. I changed my position and now I'm talking in front of her. 






"As we finished chatting for 30 minutes, the man in black came and took the girl away. I watched outside as they left but saw orcs firing fire arrows at my house, I ran down to see my parents. My mom was spared, yet unconscious. However, my father was tied to a chair alive. He had both of his legs impaled by a knife, his right hand was missing three fingers and a cutout eye. He was still alive, so I tried to save him. But he insisted on my survival by staying alive. I left at the back door entrance dragging my mom and saw more dead bodies lying everywhere slaughtered. Saw a few of my neighbors' heads stuck on wooden spears, blood staining the wood pole". 






I took a rest and took a breather. Irene looked down at her shoes being still. 






"I'm sorry about your parents and your village. I hope you feel better" as she patted my back. 






"Thanks, I'll end this quickly. A few minutes after all the fire died down, Gura came and rescued me and my mom. She's the big lady you saw when we first met". 






"That's her, she looks tough as nails," she smiles. 






"She saved us and raised me to the man I am today". As night began to rise the sounds of music rang in the middle of the village. "Let's go and enjoy the party, I smelled fresh bread when I got here". 






She had something in her pocket, but she tucked it away. "Let's go and have fun" she grabs my arm and guides me there.