
Just in time

Barty Crouch Jr. was successfully trapped in the Headmaster's office at the price of some nasty injuries, and Alastor was able to get out of the trunk before his physical condition degraded thanks to Snape's search. He would still have to spend a week in the Hogwarts infirmary under Madam Pompfrey's care, but he would be able to resume his duties as a teacher with renewed strength. He was truly embarrassed to have been caught off guard despite his well-known motto.

The matter was not made known to the students, as is natural to avoid panic, but it was said that the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher went to the Forbidden Forest to get more materials for his lessons and was ambushed by malicious creatures, managing to escape with some injuries.

That would give a reminder of why students can't go there and at the same time served as a cover. And Soisen, who was responsible absent from the event, was currently playing a game of Gwent against Cedric.

Novigrad vs Skellige

-I lost again," Cedric sighed, "Shall we do one more? I was so close this time!

-Keep repeating that and maybe one day it will come true -Soisen chuckled under his breath as he picked up his cards -You are the worst Gwent player among us all and you know it," he stated mercilessly.

Even Hagrid, with his enlarged Monster deck, is a better player than Cedric.

-It's not my fault! He failed to connect with the heart of the cards.

-I think you're getting confused with another one of my card games.....

Cho came running in like an exhalation and stopped next to Cedric.

-Hello, Soisen! -He greeted before speaking without waiting for an answer, "Have you heard the latest news? -said Cho and seeing the blank expression, he knew he needed to continue- -Professor Moody won't be able to give lessons for a week!

-Oh, I think I heard something happened to him in the Forbidden Forest -Cedric rubbed his chin with his hand- I don't remember when something similar happened, but if even one teacher has ended up like this, all the more reason to stay away.

-Maybe now they'll at least put up a wooden sign with a: DANGER! Forbidden to enter," Soisen said mockingly without lowering his voice.

No, seriously, he suggested to the dean of his house, Professor Sinistra, that some kind of protection or barrier should be thrown up at the edge of the forest, but apparently his advice fell on a broken and bottomless sack. No matter, she already made plans halfway through the tournament.

Cedric and Cho exchanged silent glances after hearing him. It was after one of the Order meetings, that the subject of how outdated the school is came up and after hearing Soisen's arguments, they too began to see flaws everywhere.

It had to be known that the last improvement was to install plumbing for the toilets and showers!

It's been many decades since then and not even that good of a job was done?

Sure, ancestral protections and all that's great, but Hogwarts couldn't live in the past if it really wanted to keep claiming to be the best school in Britain without blushing.

Soisen felt his connection to the place grow stronger this year as soon as he set foot inside, and no doubt when he would start his fifth year, he would assume his role as "owner" of the castle, which would earn him the authority to modify it as he pleased.

Not even Dumbledore would be able to intervene in how he uses his private property!

So while Cedric and the champions of the other schools fight in the Tournament for that "eternal glory," he will use the Marauder's Map to start creating the blueprints for the big upgrade. He'll even modify some of the enchantments left by those selfish founders throughout the building, like the botched Grand Staircase enchantment that gives students so much trouble.

He doesn't even have to worry about the magical consumption of the upgrade, as Hogwarts itself was on a rich vein of magic that would provide him with an endless supply.

-By the way, Cedric, ready to represent Hogwarts in the Tournament? -Soisen asked.

-You really think the Goblet would pick me, huh? -Cedric shook his head while keeping a slight smile on his lips.

-Of course, my boyfriend is the best after all! -Cho proclaimed as she straightened her back.

Soisen watched out of the corner of her eye as Potter gulped down the pumpkin juice in his cup and coughed as he tried to pretend he wasn't eavesdropping.

-I told you, my bet's on you," Soisen shrugged. He just has to step in a little at the end to keep me from dying.

-And you don't want me to put your paper in the goblet for you? -Cedric asked, lowering his voice.

-Do it and I'll make sure everyone knows that story you told me involving you, the bag of jelly slugs, the cat in the cauldron and the garden gnome," Soisen whispered with narrowed eyes.

Cedric blanched as he heard her unveiled threat.

Why on earth would he tell her about that great mistake of his youth?

Damn you, butterbeer!

Or perhaps he should curse his poor resistance to even the mildest of beverages?

-Jelly slugs? -Cho asked curiously, catching only part of the conversation.

-It's nothing! -Cedric jumped up waving his hands as he winked at Soisen, silently pleading.

-And you, Cho? -Soisen didn't pursue the subject further to Cedric's relief, he had made it clear that he doesn't want to participate -Will you try to think of some way to participate?

-No," Cho didn't even hesitate for a second, "I'll support Cedric if the Goblet chooses him or whoever the Hogwarts champion is. I just hope that what they say is true and the Goblet chooses the most capable one," he added while smiling, "Oh, now that I think about it, Professor Flitwick asked me to go see him tomorrow morning in his office after breakfast.

-Did he tell you the reason? -Soisen asked a little puzzled.

It hadn't even been a week since he started fourth year and he had no idea why one of the teachers would call him. He was pretty sure that he had completed all the tasks he was assigned very well.

-Actually, yes," Cho nodded, "It has to do with your exchange time at Beauxbatons, I think he mentioned something about helping to host schools or something.

-All right, thanks for letting me know.

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