

Fate is something completely unknown, something we can absolutely not control, something that is run by God, only he knows where to start, where to stop, and where to end. Anyone who claims otherwise is stupid But what if there are forces that we do not know anything about, forces that are not new, but at the same time unexpected The cake of your ordinary, boring, monotonous destiny, where you study, then work, then marry, then have children, then die. It suddenly hits a thorn in the middle, and when I talk about the thorn, I mean giant gates and imaginary monsters thirsty for violence and blood, so I think you should rethink the matter of marriage!

Omar_Rezk · Urban
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6 Chs


Zayn was screaming as he was swallowed down by the giant worm

_ Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

He kept screaming until his face was slammed against a somewhat sticky and soft surface, but he soon got up, panting, looking around, but nothing.

He can't see anything. It's so dark!

Night vision activation

Then everything appears suddenly, and the scene seemed majestic. It seemed like a giant red room, its walls and floor were soft, and a simple movement moved, and the walls were perforated with rather large holes.

Zain grabbed his head and said: "Where am I, for God's sake!"

"Inside the 'Desert Worm Stomach' Of course you idiot!"

_ Huh? Are you that space?

She shouted in his head: Not that space, but only space!

Well, well, my ears!

Then he continued with a sigh of relief: Why did Talia push me out of there?

Don't create a conspiracy theory now, this is just an exercise.

Zain said with a funny nervousness: Rather, this is madness, all this madness! An hour or more ago, I was on the planet going to buy onions!

And he shouted: What am I doing in the stomach of a giant worm now while I am completely naked!!!!

Sisi nervously: Calm down, you bastard ⊙~⊙!"

_ I will but tell me how to get out of here!

"First defeat the parasites"

What parasites!

No sooner had Zain finished his word than large creatures, almost the size of a wolf, emerged from the holes, very much like a centipede, except that they looked as close as possible to black bloody masses.

It has a sharp jaw and many legs that move quickly!

_ What is this for God's sake!

"Those are nothing, punch them."

Here a centipede jumped on Zain savagely, opening his mouth and jaws, but Zain, with an involuntary movement stemming from fear, raised his hands, avoiding the attack that

that did not affect him!

The centipede was clinging to his arm, closing his cutting jaw and looking like he was having a hard time!

Zayn looked at his hand in astonishment and then quickly turned disgusted when he saw the sticky bloody centipede clinging to his arm

_ Disgusting, get away!

To punch him with a simple punch that penetrated his body! Zayn was instantly disgusted by the dark crimson masses that covered his arm and threw the centipede away.

"Well done, keep punching, I'll watch you with pleasure <◇~◇<"

_ Damn you

Here, several centipedes attack Zain. There are those who bite him from the body, those who bite him from his feet, head and neck, and those who bite him from his left arm, but he is not affected.

With a quick punch, he pierced the centipede's head, which bit his foot, followed by punching the centipede on his left hand with a punch that tore his body, then grabbed the centipede's jaws around his waist and opened them, breaking them! And he did the same with the one who was attached to his neck, but this time he pulled the jaws and crammed them with the head of the one who was attached to his head.

There were more centipedes coming in the air, and Zain kicked them with quick punches that ripped them apart and dispersed the black blood clotting on their bodies.

For a quarter of an hour, Zain continued punching dozens of centipedes non-stop until his body was covered with dark scarlet blood, and most of it was on his fists.

He stood on the soft ground, eyes wide, then took a long breath, filled his chest, and then exhaled in exclamation, not fatigue.

"☆~☆ nice"

Zain in funny distress: Damn you!

"I marvel at the chemical reactions in your mind, really, unjustified fear mixed with foolish amazement, with the adrenaline I've been preventing from flowing for the past quarter of an hour."

_ I was fighting a centipede the size of a wolf with my fists and I won without a scratch!! Of course I will be afraid and I will be amazed and my mind will release adrenaline!

"You will get used to it, do not worry, as here is information, your body is harder than diamonds, so it is difficult to penetrate it."


"stupid surprise again"

_ Well, I will stop, but let me know what to do here and how to finish the training, as I remember next. She said I will meet you in 24 hours

"Yes, indeed, you will. As for the training, it is as follows:

Eleven stages and all

In each stage you will learn to use a specific ability out of the ten abilities that you have

And in each of the stages you will face a monster that has a counter ability

As at the end of each stage, you will move to a different universe.

_ Hmmm

_ I was going to ask you about the eleventh stage, but that idea suddenly sprouted in my head

"Yeah, she's been planning this for a long time."

_ You read my thoughts!

"Literally, you can hear me inside your mind, so it is natural for me to hear what is going on in your mind. Sometimes words may expose your position, so this is a blessing, not a curse."

"I see, but anyway, why didn't Talia actually do that?" Don't tell me she's tired of this nonsense, I can't believe it

"I will not hide a secret from you, since you are now my owner, but she is already tired and wants to retire and dreams of sitting on a clear sea where you can see the fish of its purity while the sun is warm covering her body."

_ Wow, that's a good dream

"It won't happen anytime soon."

_ Why is that?

"I'll answer you, but you already wasted a lot of time. You should have been on your way to the first boss ¤~¤."

"Oh, okay, but how do I get out of here?"

" I have a question for you "

_ Ha?

"Did you feel while fighting the centipede that you were tired? Or that you were using your maximum strength}~{?"

_ No, I didn't feel weak or that I was using excessive force, but it was easy. I feel that I can do more

And clenched his right fist

"Good, so now I need you to stretch a body."

So he did

"clench your fists more."

So he did

Spur your feet to jump higher.

So he did

And jump up while punching as hard as you can.

So he did!

With super speed, he jumped up while directing his fist with a super powerful punch! It pierced the worm's stomach, its guts, its blood, its body, and the scorching sands of the desert, jumping up!

"Maybe you exaggerated a little ○~○"

And for a while while he was in the air while the wind blew him and while the fingertips of his hand were permeated by the sunlight, he smiled a cute smile, followed by a loud happy laugh.

Then he lands on the sand with his feet, making a small explosion around him, then takes a deep breath while looking at the horizon with eyes that shine.

And he says: My story has begun!

Space interrupts this moment abruptly

"Who are you talking to, let's go, the sun is burning ■_■!"

Zayn exhaled in a fit of boredom, then said: Where to?

"Just move forward."

"but before that"

Here came out of Zain's back a thin white tissue that wrapped around his whole body to cover it except for his hands, making a thin white leather suit

And on the center of the chest, doodles were drawn that made wings, as if it were the emblem of a superhero

_ Oh, that's great! But can't it be black because I don't like this color very much

"As you wish[◇~◇]"

The suit turned black immediately with the color of the logo changing, as the scribbles remained white to make black wings.

Zayn laughed a little and said, "That's amazing."

"It's nothing man, look till you see your superpowers #_#"

"Okay, but let's test your physical strength a bit."

So he stretched and stretched every joint in his body as a form of heating

Then he started running at a breakneck speed

_ Can you calculate my speed?

Of course you are now running at 100 miles an hour.

Zayn felt that he was not doing enough, so he increased his speed

"150 miles an hour."


"230 miles an hour."


"280 miles an hour."


"400 mph Congratulations, you've overtaken the Koenigsegg Jesko, the fastest car in the world, by 100 mph. Well done, but you can go up ☆~☆!"

_ So how about jumping!

Here Zayn took a high jump

"150 meters"

Then he landed, completing his run, and then followed it up with another, more powerful jump

"300 meters"

once again!

"410m is not bad with this jump you can almost jump the middle of the Burj Khalifa that's great bro but hold your ground now because you're here ₩~₩"

I feel you are changing

"I am affected by the mentality and culture of the user, so you see that I have somewhat adapted to you, but this does not mean, of course, that I become stupid like you, because I am still the most genius in the universe ¥~¥"

_ Zain felt insulted, his face smiled thickly, and he did not speak

He had landed beside a well which was rather wide and seemed deserted

_ The entrance from the well?

"Okay ok I'm not really stupid after all ^~^"

_ Hmm, what is the matter with these expressions that appear in my head!

"This expresses my facial form, an alternative to the features ●~●"

Zayn whispered: Foolish

"What did you say!"

_ I? I didn't say anything

"No, you said fool, I'll kill you, you bastard⊙~⊙!"

_ Tehehehe I didn't

"Ban_kai ⊙~⊙!"

Here Zayn electrified and screamed

_ Oh, what was that?


_ Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Stop admitting that I am

"One for All Full Call! ⊙~⊙"


"Don't mess with me again, boy ■~■"

Oh my God, I won't!

"Good○~○ Now jump into the well!"

So he did without hesitation