
The Fan(GL)

This story is about two women who always found and loved each other in every lifetime but not meant to be together. This story is about two people who fell in love at the wrong time and opportunity. It is the love of two women named Freen Sarocha, a servant and Rebecca Armstrong, daughter of a noble foreigner. Their love was not accepted and understood by the people in the 16th century that brought them to disaster and death. But even death cannot stop their love because it not only overflows in their hearts but also in the depths of their souls. This is because of the red thread that binds their souls that no matter what happens at any time they will still find each other. But this connection is just a part of Freen's life to teach her a lesson that until she overcomes it will just happen again and again in a cycle. Just like she would repeatedly see her beloved Rebecca die in her arms in every timeline. But the last time Freen died, she found a way choosing to live in the opposite situation, is this the time that she can finally change the course of their story? A/N This is a freenbeck fanfic story this is my first time doing a fanfic. I just can't get over yet with this two so I decided to write a fanfic.

Maryflor · LGBT+
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55 Chs

Your spell on me

Freen was 8 years old when all the horrible things started happening in the past. Her family was hidden by Blew's family in the private island to save the remaining blood line of Sarocha Clan. Blew's family is close family to Sarocha clan.

Freen's family businesses was on the brisk of bankruptcy at the time because of the killings that's happening it get worst when Blew's father who is also a shareholder of the company died . Investors started pulling back the day his dad was found dead inside his office with a bullet plug in to his forehead.

Blew's grandfather who was the current president of the company at the time was voted to take over to be the acting CEO as Freen's father's reputation as the CEO has been questioned by board of Directors as the case of murders that has been 

And Freen's father around is putting everyone's lives at risk . Her father didn't fight and just obliged to what the majority wants for the safety of everyone.

One particular night when Freen was awaken by shouts and cries on her parents room .They are fighting again, she thought . She cannot take listening to her moms cries so she got up and walk towards her parents room.

''You are an Idiot! Why did you let them take the company from us? Aren't you thinking that it was all just a scheme to get us to this point?'' Freen can hear her mom shout at her Father.

''Can't you understand a word I was saying ? I had no choice!!'' Her father shout back but with a begging voice.

''You have a choice, It was your choice not to do anything about the situation you let them control you!'' Her mother answered back breaking down.

''What do you mean ? I am doing everything I can do .What do you think about this papers? This fucking case is the reason I am not sleeping just to find that motherfucking killer!!'' Her father shouted and shove all the papers on the table.

The papers flew all over the floor and some of it landed on Freen's feet where she is standing on the slightly opened door. Her parents saw how Freen's eyes widened upon seeing the printed pictures dead people.

Freen started crying horrified by the sight she was seeing and her parents quickly run towards her direction in panicked .

Her parents embraced her that night to comfort her but never did she knew it was the last warmth of their body that she could ever experience as they died that night and she saw everything.

She saw how her father protected her and her mother from those gunshots coming from a masked man's pistol and then seconds after that her mom also fell on the floor on the ground.

''What? '' Freen ask when she saw Becky looking for something with crease brows.

''Shit.'' Becky cursed when she realized something.

''What?'' Freen ask again with a higher tone as Becky is glaring at her.

''Give me your phone.'' Becky demanded.

''What? why?'' Freen ask more confuse.

''Just give it to me.'' Becky said with authority that widens Freen's eyes and glared at Becky.

The audacity of this kid raising her voice to me? Freen thought and stared intently at Becky.

But Becky ignored her stares and grabbed Freen's bag which place at the backseat that Freen snatch quickly from Becky's hold not letting Becky get what she wants.

''No.'' Freen said with conviction and widen her eyes to emphasize her point not backing down to Becky's glaring eyes but she immediately look back on the road not letting them crash just because of this tiny little brat beside her acting like a child.

''Urgh'' Becky groaned with her fist punching up in the air annoyed in Freen's stubbornness because she can't hit Freen now because its driving .

''Why would you need my phone for?'' Freen ask trying to calm herself down unable to resist the younger girl sulking face.

''Never mind. Just keep your phone to yourself and plug it in your lungs.'' Becky's rants with cross arms pouting that put a smile in Freen's lips.

How could this kid looks more cute when she's sulking like that? In Freen's mind.

But she didn't show Becky her admiration towards her and remained in a serious face while driving in silence.

Freen really miss this kid no doubt with that. She just can't figure how to explain to her the whole thing, and Becky being stubborn and acting so dumb is not helping her getting things done smoothly.

Freen is still thinking on how to deal with what she did earlier in the studio's building.

The ride to Freen's unit was wrapped with comfortable silence both are smiling for no reasons , maybe their hearts are happy even though minds are still contemplating about what just happen earlier.

Freen smiled thinking of the thing that will surely make Becky happy. She is just not sure if the kid is still fond of it.

She made a turn to change their direction Becky turn her face to Freen's direction confuse to what Freen is thinking but just shrug her shoulders and smiled at Becky .

Becky didn't mind anymore to what Freen is planning she felt exhausted . She leaned her head to the windshield .

Becky POV

I was awaken by a light tap on my shoulder I blink a few times and I see a beautiful woman which smiling at me I can't see her face clearly but my inner voice is saying that I am with a goddess.

She was saying something but I don't understand it , but its like she's inviting me to go with her so I tried to get up and I notice something odd.

The heck why am I wearing an old dress? I look around me and I covered my eyes with my left arm because of the sun shining so bright.

But me and Freen left the building in the evening .

Did I overslept?

Who was that woman standing a few feet away from me?

It was then that I realize we are on a beach.

Wow this place is paradise!

The woman then run back to me and drag me near the beach I felt so happy.

No the person I am in is happy because this is not me but me .Urgh.

I don't know how to explain it .

It was like this me but not me. Whatever it was just it.

I look down on our hands she is holding it tight my heart is beating so fast and then I look up to her face her hair is beautifully dancing in the air as we ran towards the beach .

Her warm hands is addicting and I hold tight not letting go as we dipped into the water with our clothes on .

This is one of the happiest moment in my life I have never been too happy in my life all my life I was raise to be perfect and build with grace to prepare in marrying a man I just met the moment we came her in my mothers place.

I can literally hear the inner voice of this woman I am in.

We get back to the beach side and lay down on the sand beside each other we were waiting for the waves to hit us and we laugh our heart out.

And she look at me and I do the same she was still holding my hand not letting me go I smiled at her

I ask what is it but she just smile at me that made my heart skip a beat.

I sat up with a smile and get near her I don't know what I am doing but I want to get near her and do something stupid .

My heart is beating so hard for no reasons or its just I won't accept it .

God I love her eyes especially when she is looking at me innocently.

As I was nearer she grinned at me .

I don't like that grin.

And there , she throw a ball of sand in my face and she spread it in my face and push me on the ground before she run away from me while laughing to her hearts content.

I got up and chase her . When I was able to get near her I jump at her and we both fell to the ground and we laugh like children.

I would never ever forget this day and this particular place.

I would never ever go to this place without her it wouldn't be the same without her.

We are now sitting under a tree looking at the sunset in front of us .

I lay my head in her shoulder and I look down to what she was writing on the ground with a stick she was holding.

I was amazed as I see she draw two people sitting on the ground and the shorter one was leaning its head to the taller one.

Did she just draw us sitting here? It made my heart feel warm inside.

She is really good at sketching I just continue watching what she is doing

And then she draw a girl holding a heart and it seems that the taller girl holding a heart was giving her heart to the shorter one which made me look at her.

And as I look in her face I can see a lot of emotion and the look in her eyes is saying things through her eyes that she is cannot speak with her mouth.

I wasn't able to move at that moment.

I was just looking in her eyes shock unable to comprehend what is happening.

Speechless. Until I saw hurt in her eyes as she look away and give me an awkward eyes and was about to erase the sketch she did.

But I stop her and snatch the stick from her hold. I look at her intently before I erase the smaller girl in the drawing in the sand. I grabbed her hand as she was about to stand up she stop I look up to her and gestured her to get back and sit beside me that she thankfully obliged.

So impatient.

When was finally back to her position I gestured her to see what I was about to draw.

My drawing is not that good but I will try to make an effort to make her understand we feel the same.

I draw a stick like girl accepting her heart and I look at her with wide smile as she become a statue in her position.

She finally recovered and look at me with a confused look maybe not believing what I just did so I nod my head as confirmation. And there her eyes was streaming like a waterfalls and I embraced her and imprison her in my arms.

And we pulled back and wipe each others eyes . I wipe her tears as she wipe mine with our thumbs as we look in to each others eyes both caressing each others face .

God, thank you for giving me this day, thank you for giving this life, thank you for giving me girl.

We just found ourselves leaning in as we stared at each others lips and eyes back and forth as the sun is settling down the sky becoming more perfect with its red orange color to crimson to the fighting night sky and the stars starting to show up like the sky or the whole universe was celebrating with us as we become united like it was a divine thing and is meant to happen and was written in the book of lives before we even existed.

As I feel something like an explosion that unites not just hearts but our souls being one as our lips came as one .

This is perfect .

She is perfect.

We are perfect.

''Rebecca?!'' Shouted the man standing a few feet away from us with soldiers behind him as we pull our faces to breath. We both look to the mans direction and both our eyes turned big.

''Kill that witch !! Putting a spell on my bride!! '' Shouted the man and the soldiers run towards us I am so terrified.

''They found us .'' I blurted out but the woman drag my hand and we both run away from the men chasing us.

''Becca, wake up .'' I can hear a familiar voice calling my name as I feel a light tap on my shoulder.

Í was crying .

My heart is aching.

I felt a tight hug . She put my head on her shoulder and I cried my heart out in her inside her arms .

''No. They killed her. They killed her, Freen. They killed her in front of me.'' I can't stop crying.

''Its just a nightmare. You are okay now.'' Says Freen as she lightly tap my back to calm me down.

She pulled back and hold both sides of face look at me intently.

'' Shh.. look at me . It was just a nightmare no one died. We are safe.'' She said that finally brought me back to my senses .

I can see in her eyes that she was so worried I can even feel her hands shaking I look at her for a few seconds before I get back in to her arms as I also embrace so tight.

''Ah, are you done now? '' She said with a different tone but I just ignore her I miss her so much and this might be my chance to express it.

I miss hugging her.

''I would really love to hug you but I don't sway that way child. I didn't know you admire me that much . And can you please stop massaging my chest its disgusting'' I immediately pull myself away from her.

''I-I am not doing that. Y-you are really so full of yourself and you are not my type!!'' I shouted at her to hide my embarrassment. I didn't even realize I was doing that.

''OKAY.'' She just answered with hands up .

I realized we stopped and we are still inside the car but I saw her grinning at me that made my face warm I quickly open the door and got out of the car but frozen in my position as I see where we are.

''This can't be.''