
The False-God of Entertainment

... I don't know what to put here either.

Shijin_Kama · Anime und Comics
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2 Chs

The Beginning


Colorful Language


~ The False-God of Entertainment ~


Within the endless void a nameless soul floats through the void. It floats contemplating its life. A insignificante person in the large scheme of life. A somewhat smart person, but still insignificant.

It lived a short life of 16 years without anything of significance. The only thing he can even consider an accomplishment is keeping his grades up… Besides PE, it didn't really like P.E. Way too much work…

'... Is this the normal way people go through or? Am I gonna get visited by a rob? Though I have to say I don't understand how people get PTSD from this… It's kinda peaceful. The quietness is kinda unsettling though.' The soul closes his eyes, somehow laying while it was floating.

As it was relaxing, the soul was suddenly awoken from an unexpected voice.

"Huh… You must not be right in the head if you find this place relaxing…" The being mumbles under his breath, "Even I'm unsettled by this place."

The soul looks around to find a completely white version of him standing upside down.


The being shakes his head, "The void doesn't operate on logic, law, or reason, it's one of the reasons so many isekai stories start here. There is no limiting force when you are in the void, so you can do pretty much whatever as long as you have the power. Which means you can walk, sit or even lay anywhere."

"... So in theory, I could be relaxing on the ceiling and not even know it?"

"Correct. Though the void has no ceiling so you are really just laying upside down on air."

"I don't know how to react to that…"

"Anyway," A grin forms on the being's stolen face. "Want the Isekai PLUS Package?"


"Allowed 3 wishes, though they have to be within reason of course. A specific world you want to go to. And lastly a system based on… anything really, though it will connect to your powers and allow you to upgrade them, even if it's a 'Class System' or a horrid 'Gacha System'."

"Sure I guess?"

"Alright… Before we go into wishes, what is the world you want to go to?"

"I don't really know to be honest…" The soul crosses its arms before closing his eyes. A minute passes before he says, "Noragami."

"Huh..?" The being makes a confused noise. "Why that one..?"

"You'll find out once I make my wishes…"

"Heh… Always liked you humans, you guys are packed full of surprises even with your small life span."

"... Can I say my wishes now?" The soul says hesitantly.

"Go ahead." The being sits down on a chair with a cup of coffee.

"... Can I have some?"

"No. My coffee."

"... For my first wish, I want to be able to manipulate and control anything that can create a form of entertainment like code, pencils, paint, ink, papers, etc.

"The second, Entertainment Manipulation on any entertainment media I have directed, drawn, coded, designed, and/or animated.

"Third and finally, Instinctual Supernatural-Level Creativity."

The being finishes his coffee before silently staring at the soul. The soul starts getting nervous.

"... I like you." The being states.

"Thank you?" The soul says confused.

"Now… The first one has to be limited, it is WAY too powerful. You will have to buy the manipulations from the System. You also can't create the object unless you also buy the Creation aspect of the manipulation. Also, you can only use manipulation to create entertainment mediums unless you have both manipulation and creation.

"The second one is fine.

"The third is also fine."

The soul pumps his hand up in victory. "YEAH! I got somewhat limited, but still YEAH!"

"Yes. Yes. The system you get will be based on your wishes and will be activated 3 days after you awake in the world."

"... Why not as soon as I enter the world."

"The system is personalized based on your personality, wishes and actions during those 2 days."

"... Alright… Guess that's alright."

"Before I let you go. What is the manipulation and/or creation ability you want first?"

"Ink." The soul replies almost immediately.

"Also, all the items you need like your birth certificate, social security number, citizenship evidence, your ID, even gave you an anime store that is upgradeable with the system, it even has a house on the second floor too, etc. etc. will be in a backpack you will have." The being doesn't even wait for the soul to reply, "Off you go then…" He waves his hand, making the soul disappear into a light-blue portal.


~ The False-God of Entertainment ~ 2 Days after being isekaied.


A 16 year-old looking boy lays tiredly on the couch of his home. It is basically a one bedroom studio apartment, so pretty luxuriorious for something that asshole cooked up. All the appliances are up to date, nothing is worn or torn, and best of all it comes stocked with a kitchen full of food. There is even an art studio extension room.

Back on topic. This boy as you can guess is the soul from earlier, now in a body. Black silky hair and onyx black irises, basically everything that we, otakus, can never reach… Pure Handsomeness. He wears a pull-over navy blue sweatshirt with black baggy sweatpants. With comfortable looking sneakers to top off his look.

The first day he was struggling since he got lost in Tokyo… almost got mugged if it wasn't for him stealing 'some' ink cartridges from a HP shop he came across…. Fucking hate those bastards.. Kinda wish they weren't in the world, but who would he steal ink from?

He had to sleep on a park bench… He really wanted to punch the rob in the face during that whole debacle, he knew that that motherfucker was the cause.

6 hours into the second day he finally found the apartment. He collapsed on the couch and here we are now…

"Fucking… Bullshit…" the teen says his voice somehow not getting muffled by the couch.

He turns over to look at the ceiling, "I could've been making manga or at least coding a game… but nooo… That ROB had to have some fun and fuck up my first day… At least I got something out of it." He says, staring at the pile of ink cartridges with laptops. He somehow came across a HP store walking and started… borrowing some things before running out of the accursed store. Somehow no one saw him and the alarm didn't ring… he's still trying to figure out why.

Pretty lucky all things considered.

He looks over to a phantom that has been following him. It was in the shape of a cat and completely purple. It looked like it was made of mist as well. And for some reason instead of eyes all over it or just one, it instead had two eyes both looked to be in the eye sockets. The eyes were completely white without an iris or a pupil, another anomaly.

He stares at the cat phantom, "Why are you following me…" He stares at the phantom, "I'm not considered human anymore, considering I can see you… So why the fuck are you following me."

"...Then Am I considered a god? They are canonically attracted to Gods and Shiki… Maybe I'm possibly a Shiki?" The teen starts to question his existence.


The teen looks at the cat, "Why do you torment me so??" He flops on the floor.



He looks up to the cat that is now on the coffee table looking down on him. 'The superior look it has… It really pisses me off.' He glares at the cat. He sighs in defeat, 'I can't even touch it without getting tainted… Even if I don't get tainted, I don't want to test it with my luck currently.'

He walks through the wall way connecting the bathroom, his bedroom and the laundry room with the place he is going to spend a lot of time in being the last door. The Art Studio. A place with a bunch of stuff from different types of drawn entertainment from an animation desk to a wall of copic markers, even stacks upon stacks of high-quality paper.

He stares at all the items, his mind running at supersonic speeds. He thinks back to the ink he stole before looking over to the ink bottles on the shelf. The teen takes one of the bottles before walking out of the room. He pauses as he feels nothing in his hand.

He looks back into the room and sees the bottle back on the shelf…

"Fucking bastard of a ROB…"

~ The False-God of Entertainment ~

Do hope you enjoyed this… If not… fuck you. This is top quality content, you cannot get better than this you fucks.

Anyway, feel free to comment on how handsome and smart I am in the reviews or chapter comments.