
Chapter 85

LEON SWORE UNDER his breath. The last thing they needed were trespassers

giving them a hard time while the Guard team tried to leave the lab with a

cart full of irreplaceable equipment. “Who’s here?”

Kyle reviewed the details on his wrist read-out. “Looks like vibration

signatures for two individuals on the sensor I left by the front door.”

“Not an army, at least,” Nia muttered.

“No, but that doesn’t mean they can’t hurt us,” Ari replied, readying his

handgun on the sonic stun setting. “Let’s move the cart closer to the entry and

find a secure location to leave it. Then we can see who’s out there.”

Nia nodded, drawing her own handgun. She led the way down the hall

with Kyle while Ari pushed the hovercart.

When they neared the door to the lobby, they turned off the lights on their


“Let me get the cart,” Leon suggested. “I haven’t practiced much with


Ari nodded and stepped aside for Leon to take over. The soldier drew his