

Kyla sat at a corner in The Wild Dreams bar secretly observing the bartender Sophia had been staring at the last time she visited.

"I've got to meet him" she said to herself, but as she stood to her feet in an attempt to walk towards the counter, Sophia stormed in. The bartender turned just in time to lock eyes with Sophia and right there, a lasting gaze with an uneasy aura filled the room. The bartender was obviously surprised to see Sophia, and on the other hand, Sophia was also shocked the bartender had seen her. Too surprised for words, the bartender took the back door out of the bar, but Sophia hurried after him to Kyla's surprise. She grabbed her bag and followed them secretly. She tiptoed trying not to be noticed, but the next scene that befell her eyes made her gasp in awe. Right there in a secluded spot near the bar, where the dim rays of the light reflecting from the bar shone, Sophia was pinned to the wall with her lips locked passionately in the bartender's mouth. Her arms were wrapped tightly around the bartender, as she stood on her toes. Kyla stared in shock, but that was just the beginning. She watched as Sophia reached out to the bartender's shirt, and how easily the buttons came off exposing the bartender's black brassiere.

"What?!" Kyla exclaimed

"S... she's a girl?!" She asked in shock, but that was not all. Sophia gently removed the hat and the pins in the bartender's hair and slowly, it fell loosely on her shoulders.

"I missed you D.J" Sophia said as a tear rolled down her cheek.

"I miss this look even more" she said as she reached for D.J's buckles behind her, but the beautiful girl with a chiseled physique and a breathtaking aura held on to Sophia's hand. A smile crept across her face, as she cupped Sophia's face in her hands.

"Where have you been baby?" She asked in a rather manly tone

"You left me for so long, I couldn't concentrate on anything else. Why did you leave without saying goodbye? I searched everywhere for you, but I just couldn't find you " she cried

"I thought I had lost you forever, I...I thought...I..." She struggled for her words, but Sophia hugged her to herself.

"I'm so sorry D.J" came Sophia

"I'm such a coward, I'm sorry I left you all alone, I should have held on to your hands but I left anyway, I feel so stupid right now " she cried, but D.J wiped her tears with her thumb.

"Forgive me D.J" Sophia pleaded

"I love you so much, I can't live without you in my life, I love you a lot please forgive me " she cried, but D.J embraced her even more caressing her hair.

"It's fine Baby, don't cry, I totally understand you" she said. Kyla hurried back into the bar still in awe.

"This is huge" she said to herself

"It's no wonder she doesn't like Ryan, the bartender is her lover"

"I've got do something about this and fast."

Meanwhile, D.J escorted Sophia to her car, but she refused to leave.

"I want to see you every day D.J" she said

"I'm always here baby" D.J replied, but Sophia wasn't satisfied with this answer. She flung her arms around D.J and Kissed her again.

"I want it D.J" she said with the most pitiable expression anyone could wear, but D.J gently kissed her forehead.

"You aren't ready for this Baby,

"Just go home tonight, we'll meet again I promise" she said, but Sophia held on to her. When she saw that D.J wasn't going to give in, she kissed her again then got out her car keys.

"I'll see you tomorrow" she said

"Alright baby" D.J replied. Happily, Sophia zoomed off in her car, but D.J became sad. She stared into space as the last moments she spent with Sophia flashed through her head.

Meanwhile, Greg had grown so impatient with Kyla. He had been to her apartment so many times but couldn't find her. He tried so many times to reach her through her phone, but couldn't either. When he couldn't take it anymore, he visited Ryan to talk to him about Kyla's lost of interest in their relationship. To his surprise, he met Ryan in a similar situation as him.

"I really can't get through to Catherine either" Ryan complained

"And Sophia Walker?" Greg asked, but Ryan didn't speak a word in reply.

"It shouldn't be like this" Greg complained.

"We've got to figure out a way out of this mess" he said

"Have you got any ideas?" He asked"

"Yes." Ryan replied,

"But we need to get Sophia Walker involved in it" he said.

Kyla however, sat alone in her room thinking so much about what she had seen the previous night

"I can't believe Sophia Walker is into girls " she muttered to herself. Her phone rang out the lyrics of Calum Scott's "you're the reason"

"Hello dad" she said

"I'd like to see you in person" he said

"Alright dad will be right there" she replied. Back home, Mr Jordan passed a brown envelope to Kyla.

"What's this dad?" She asked

"It's yet another failed attempt to get promoted to the position of a CEO." He said

"Kyla, I cannot continue like this, I deserve this position, everyone thinks so too,but I'm being denied it everytime it comes up. you're the only one that can pull me out of this embarrassment and humiliation Kyla" he begged.

Kyla was a little lost

"What would you have me do dad?' she asked, and Mr Jordan grinned. He whispered into her ears, and too shocked for words, Kyla's eyes shone wide in amazement.

"I'll try" she finally replied and the Mr Jordan hugged her.