

In a space full of darkness, four figure are talking to one another.

???1: so what should we do about this ?

???2: your asking me , I don't even know what to do this is the first time some thing like this has happen.

???3: agreed we should think this through carefully before we take action.

while the other three are thinking of ways on how to solve this problem, the last of the four suggested a solution

???4: what if we reincarnate him to that world.

the other three were surprised of his suggestion

???2: are you sure about that , from what I can see this soul has knowledge about that world , so if we reincarnate him there it will be easy for him to get stronger.

???3: it may also disrupt the world's order if too many changes happen .

???1: agreed

the other voice disapproval of his suggestion when he said

???4: I know about that so I suggest removed his knowledge of that world , but shall also give him some kind of talent that will help him get stronger

after hearing of his proposal the three agreed on the decision on reincarnating the soul and what kind of talent he should have

???1: look's like we're all on an agreement on this proposal.

the other three noded and started chanting , below the soul a magic circle appeared and started to process of reincarnation.

after a few hour's the soul was successful reincarnated to the other world .

??? 4: may you forged your destiny in the world of
