
Chapter 20

Walking down the stairs after getting dressed in a pair of black jeans, a grey button up shirt and black sneakers.

Arriving in the garage to see everybody is there.

Both Cole and Vídarr were dressed in tuxedos, Sitara is wearing a yellow floral dress and a yellow hijab.

They look nervous about the meeting.

"Great you're here, its time for us to get moving." Vídarr says relieved.

He turns to exits the garage accompanied with Cole and Sitara.

Following them we exit the garage and walking towards two cars parked alongside the road which both happens to be a Mercedes Benz G-Wagon.

My dream car.

"I'm driving!" Shouting with my hand in the air.

Cole turns to face me with unimpressed look on his face.


"But why?"

"Because you will scratch my car."

"But that's why you have two. One for you and one for me." I commented.

"Fine." Cole mutters as he walks to the cars.

"I'll make sure he doesn't scratch your precious car." Sitara added.

"I'll lead." Vídarr says before jumping in the passenger seat.

Getting in the car, these seats are just as comfy as I always hoped it to be. Cole starts the car and drives off.

"You ready?" Sitara asks while putting on her seat belt.


Soon after that I start the engine and drive away from New Heaven, still following Cole and Vidarr.

After a couple of minutes later Sitara breaks the silence.

"Who do you think will be there?"

"The Hunters, the Werewolf Council, Council of Vampires and maybe the Magik Council."

"And us."

"Yup." Is all I say.

After 20 minutes we are on the road which directly leads to Camp Hope. Everything looks the same just like I remembered it.

We stop at the gate where two guards are stationed with guns.

Seeing Vídarr roiling down his window and shows the guard the invitation. The guard steps away and yells something to the other guard that rushing over to open the gate.

Driving through the gate, we immediately make a right going down the path and then making a left.

The road eventually leads us to the concrete bridge, we go over it to reach the other side.

We're close.

We drive through the thick forest and we finally reached the opening where would people usually camp.

In the middle of the field there are gazebos and people sitting under it, the gazebos are aligned so that each one can face one another.

Stopping the car next to Vídarr's, we got out.

The first thing I noticed was the smell of a wet dog and death.

And something else.

I must still be coming out of my 'coma' or it's the Demon and Vampire blood which is still in my system.

Maybe it probably strengthens my senses a little.

I smell fear but it's not coming for us, it's coming from them.

Meeting up with Cole and Vidarr in front of their car we exchange looks. Together we slowly walk to where the Councils are.

They all stopped talking and looked at us as we were a few meters away from the gazebo.

One of them stands up and I immediately recognize.

"Kai, nice seeing you again." Mr. Argento greets.

Staring directly at him.

"Oh, shove it old man." I say.

Looking surprised at my answer he quickly sits back down.

Walking under the first gazebo which has only one chair under, gesturing for Sitara to take it. 

"I thought I asked of you to bring no one but yourself." A guy asks who is sitting under the gazebo opposite from ours.

"To be honest, they're here for your protection and I could ask the same about you same thing." I shot back.

"There is no need to argue, human." Alpha Kingston voiced.

Looking closer at him, there is a clear scar running over his left eye and another one running down his right cheekbone.

"There won't be as long as you don't push for one, pug." I commented.

In return this pug growls at me proving to me that I should not mess with him.

"Kai, don't start a fight. No one needs to get hurt." Lucian says as he stands up from his chair under the last gazebo on the right.

Turning at them a close my fists, I can feel my knuckles turning white. Feeling a hand on my shoulder. I look at who it belongs to seeing its Vídarr.

Opening my fists, Vídarr steps forward.

"You invited us Alpha Kingston, what do you want?" Vídarr asks.

"We simply just want an alliance with you, is that too much to ask?" Alpha Kingston smirks mischievously.

"I know you Grayson, you want us on your side so that we can grant you immunity from everyone here. Plus, you want me to kill them." I say.

Where the fuck did that come from?

I just met this guy and I already know what he wants.

Alpha Kingston jumps up from his chair.

"Listen human, I have a pack that can and will kill everybody in your pathetic excuse of an army." He spat while his eyes turned darker which means his wolf is in control.

Sitara stands up and walks forward and stops.

"You all are basically the same you know that. You all have an army filled with people who you control, who fear you." Sitara says.

"Kai does not have an army, he as friends. People who love and respect him." Cole interjects.

"Cole Robertson what are you doing with the enemy." A man shouts who stands up and points to me.

That's Alexander Nikola Robertson, the oldest and wealthiest Vampire to ever live.

"I'm changing this world to be a better one than it is now, Father" Cole shouts back at him.

"Changing the world how?" A lady asks with red hair and who is wearing a grey dress.

Judging by her sent she must be a vampire. She is sitting under another gazebo with four bodyguards standing behind her.

"Well Madam Elizabeth, we are changing it for the better. How things were before everybody got reckless, destroying the Earth." Vídarr says.

"Oh, so it was you who brought back the dinosaurs." Madam Elizabeth starts to laugh.

"Wait, it's you who sink California." A guy interrupts.

"Sorry for barging in on your conversation. I am Finnick Williams and the is my wife Danny Williams." He introduces himself and his wife waves.

"What else are you trying to do?" Kingston questions.

"We are trying to take back control. To stop wars, pollutions, poaching, deforestation and corruption." I add, looking at Mr Aregento when I said corruption.

"You want to create a world that is free and healthy." Hayden says.

"Yes." I say without looking at them.

"This has to be a joke. You guys can't be falling for this." Another Werewolf yells.

"Oh, shut up Jonathan. I don't know how you made it onto the Council when you are fucking useless." Alpha Kingston talk back.

"I am going to tell the rest of the Council, this means war." He growls, claws coming out.

He runs to me, wanting me dead. Before he could get any closer, Sitara pushes me out the way and pulls out her Revolver and shoots him right between the eyes causing him to collapse onto the ground dead.

"I never liked him, sexist pig." Madam Elizabeth says.

"I hope you are ready for a war Malakai because that is exactly what you are going to get." Mr. Argento says standing up from his char and leaves the other Head Hunters does the same following him to their cars.

"Kai, I see something in you. Something strong, something powerful and I believe what you are doing is the right thing." Danny says with a soft voice.

"We will fight with you." Her husband adds.

"You must be braindead. This is treason." An old lady says who is sitting next to them.

"I will inform the others about this at once." She says standing up taking her leave.

"I will fight with you, cutey." Madam Elizabeth says with wink.

"Madam Elizabeth what has gotten in you!" Cole's father shouts at her.

"Father just leave, you are not welcomed." Cole said to his father who looked pissed by his words.

"Cole if you do this, you will not be my son anymore."

"It isn't like I ever was your son to begin with."

In a blink an eye Cole's father disappears.

"We will stand with you Kai." Lucian said.

"I don't need your help."

"Vidarr, brother-" Hayden gets cut off by Vídarr.

"I am not your brother, you bastard children." Vídarr snaps.


I turn to Alpha Kingston who is talking.

"It looks like you made a new friend."

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