
The Ex Husbands Revenge

When a wife cheats on their husband and gets pregnant with another man's child, one would expect the husband to kick her out of the home and ask for a divorce. Oddly enough, it was the complete opposite for 26-year-old Leon Wolf. As if being treated like a slave by his in-laws was not bad enough, he was thrown out on the street by his wife and her family after she proudly declared to him that she got pregnant with someone else's baby! Distraught and resentful, Leon found himself wandering all the way to the cemetery, where he chanced upon the attempted assassination of a beautiful woman. In his bid to save her, Leon received a fatal stab wound on his chest and dragged the thug with him into a nearby river to drown together… All signs pointed to Leon's death, for he never surfaced again even though the distressed woman had waited for hours. Believing he had passed on to the afterlife, she left, but not before calling out to the river, "My name is Iris Young. Come and see me sometime…" A wisp of consciousness manifested underwater… 'Iris… What a beautiful name…'

anshu_hooda · Urban
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75 Chs


The requirements for that sort of ordinary jade were not as demanding as that for the core. At the very least, it had to be pea–green jadeites worth several thousand dollars. As Leon was not at all short on money, he spent about nine hundred thousand or so to buy those 18 pieces of finished white jadeite and then packed them all together with him. After leaving the store, Leon walked toward the place where he parked his motorcycle. 

Within moments, he saw Brody and Marilyn approaching him menacingly with their two bodyguards. 

"You're finally out, Leon. I've been waiting for you for ages!" Brody had a violent look on his face and a malicious smile on the corner of his mouth. 

"What are you going to do, Brody?" Leon's face sank and he had a bad feeling. 

"What do you think?" 

"The other day's incident at the Civil Records Office and today's incident at the jade store are two scores that you and I are settling right here!" Brody grinned coldly. With a wave of his hand, his two bodyguards rushed forward and surrounded Leon. "Just you two? I'm afraid you're no match for me!" Leon glanced coldly at Brody and silently put down his bag full of jade. 

"Haha… Is there something wrong with your brain? Did you forget that my bodyguards beat you to a pulp in the Civil Records Office? You must be kidding yourself if you think you're no match for me!" Brody pointed at Leon's nose. He then cackled like a madman, as if he heard the funniest joke in the world! The two bodyguards also smiled in disdain and had a look of contempt on their faces. Both of them were professional bodyguards, and they generally had no problem dealing with five or even six people! 

Leon, on the other hand, was just an ordinary person. He was previously beaten badly by the two of them and had no power to fight back at all. 

In their eyes, Leon dug his grave by challenging them only a few days after his injuries healed and he forgot the pain that was inflicted on him! 

"It's only been a few days since I last saw you, and I must say your bragging skills have improved quite a bit even though you don't have anything else going for you!" Marilyn sneered, she really could not understand where a loser like Leon would gain that kind of confidenceand courage! 

"I'm not the same person I once was. The past is the past, and the present is thepresent! This is your last chance though. If you leave now, I'll just pretend as if nothing happened. But if you refuse my courtesy, then do excuse me if I go all out on you!" Leon said calmly. 

Having turned into a practitioner, he had enough strength to crack stone tablets and split rocks in half. Two ordinary bodyguards were nothing to him! 

The only catch was that he could not provoke the wealthy Sullivans, as he did not want to have any head–on conflict with Brody, at least not for the time being. 

Nevertheless, that did not mean he would just let himself be pushed around if Brody insisted on causing him trouble!"Oh? Then show us what you've got! Break this kid's legs for me! I'll bear whatever consequences as long as you don't kill him!"

Brody sneered and gave his order."We got beat up the other day because of you, so we're getting payback today and by beating you up to ten times harder!"The two bodyguards grinned menacingly and rushed violently toward Leon.They, along with Brody, were severely beaten by Iris's bodyguards several days ago at the Civil Records Office.The two of them blamed it all on Leon, and they spared no mercy as they attacked Leon's vital points!"Beat him up! Kill that son–of–a–b*tch and show him just how powerful we are!"

Marilyn said with a violent look onher face.Rather than pity Leon on account of him being her ex–

husband, Marilyn felt that it was a shameful stain on her life! 

Marilyn said that, Leon delivered a thumping kick to one of the bodyguards in front of him. 

The crisp sound of cracking bones could be heard, and the bodyguard spurted out a mouthful of blood. His body was sent flying back about three or four meters away and fell heavily to the ground. 

The bodyguard felt as if his bones were crumbling apart, and he groaned miserably because he was in so much pain. 

At least five or six of his ribs were broken, and he could not get up from the ground! At that point, the other bodyguard attacked Leon and punched him in the face. 

Leon turned around, grabbed the fist, and grasped his opponent's arm before giving it a hard twist. A click was heard, and the opponent let out a blood–curdling scream ás his arm broke due to the forceful twist. 

Then, Leon clasped the bodyguard's shoulder and seized the chance to give the opponent a shoulder throw. He then took one step forward, put his foot on his opponent's chest, and exuded a condescendingly awe–inspiring and intimidating presence. 

Upon seeing what happened, both Brody and Marilyn were dumbfounded. 

Neither of them could ever dream that Leon–whom they deemed a loser–would take less than three seconds to knock down two very highly skilled bodyguards! They could not believe what was going on, and they were convinced that they had to be dreaming! 

Brody and Marilyn could not even laugh anymore. They glanced blankly at each other and saw the look in each other's eyes! 

"How… How's this possible…" 

The two bodyguards who collapsed on the ground were also terror–stricken and unable to believe what was happening to them. They just gave Leon a good beating several days ago, and back then, he was like a little helpless puppy who was unable to resist. Fast forward to a few days later, the two of them were reduced to mere ants in front of

Leon, who inflicted serious injury on them with only two moves!

They could not believe what was happening! 

The two of them gulped hard and were reeling in fear from Leon's powerful strength! "It's 

your turn now, Brody!" An expressionless Leon took several slow steps toward Brody. "W–w–what are you… Whoa there… D–d–d–don't come any closer…" Brody was horrified and retreated one step for every step Leon took. "Didn't you say you wanted to break my legs? Well, I'm going to grant you wish and break both legs today!" Leon smiled coldly and a stern, sharp glimmer appeared in his eyes. He never intended to get into a head–on conflict with Brody, but Brody provoked him time and again. As if cucking himwas not bad enough, Brody continued to persecute him repeatedly!It reached a point where Leon could no longer tolerate it!Since the animosity between both sides reached a point where neither could tolerate the other's existence, there was no longer any need for Leon to show any courtesy!"I dare 

you to come at me! I'm warning you: the Sullivans are not to be messed with. If you so much as lay a finger on me, I swear to God that I'll never let you get awaywith this…" Brody scolded with a stern look."Whether or not you'll let me get away with this in the future is not my concern, because right now, I have no intentionof letting you get away with what you did to me!" Leon sneered and kicked Brody's knee fiercely.Following the crisp crack of Brody's bones, he let out a shrill scream and

fell to the ground with a thud."Now for the other leg!" Leon raised his foot, aimed it toward Brody's other leg, and felt the sweet taste of revenge in his heart!"Leon,stop! How dare you hurt my husband! I'll take you on myself!" Marilyn roared like a madwoman and charged aggressively toward Leon.Leon reacted quickly and slapped Marilyn hard on the face, knocking her to the ground.