
Prince of Arcana

Pacing through the kingdom royal wing, I wring my hands together. The birds chirping, the wind rustling, and sunny skies do not lighten the mood casted over the castle today.

The double doors made out of gold swing open, and I glare at the witch doctor, halting him in his steps. The witch doctor is an old man from the South with a long white beard and spectacles. He is also a good friend of my father.

"How is he?"

The witch doctor, Leonidas, bows his head deeply. "Crown prince Fallon."

He straightens up and clears his voice, sadness creeping into his eyes. "His majesty is not doing to well. Your mother is standing close by his side. His breathing is abnormal, but still breathing luckily.

I have put swindle root in his tea to help get rid of the residing moisture in his lungs. Until we figure out what mutated vegetation he ingested, I do not how to fully treat him. And I likely still will not be able to. Healing, medicine, and such are not my specialty, your highness."

I pause, drinking in the information. Time passes, and I ask the dreaded question. "How long does he have?"

The old warlock sighs. "About five to six weeks or so."

My fangs elongate due to the rage coursing through my body. Grinding on my molars I reel in the nasty words climbing up my throat. Leonidas does not deserve my rage. He has done nothing wrong. But how can life be so unfair?

I laugh, humorlessly. How can I be so foolish? Nothing in this world comes free without a price. My father's happiness, my family's happiness and prosperity are not destined to last forever. My father was a bright creature, always lively and had a word to say with everyone. I want to rip the culprit to shreds. He does not deserve this.

My father was at a business meeting a week ago, meeting with humans for a treaty to help populate the decreasing vampire race. The human race are declining, and so are the vampires. Creating hybrid creatures are starting to become regularized, so might as well take advantage of the situation.

Recollecting what I could remember about the matter, the human kingdoms very amiable and did not show any sign of hatred or resentment. Could they have turned on Arcana? The corruption of his body was quick, it happened in flash. The poisoning could have not happened in our kingdom, Arcana, as his diet is closely watched.

The days after my father returned, it was normal until a day ago. My mother woke us all up by screaming. The whole situation was frightening to see your father in such a delicate state. He was bedridden and could barely comprehend words. It was an unsettling nightmare to watch him die slowly in front of my eyes. His breathing stopped a couple times, bringing chaos to the castle.

The disease in my father's blood is extremely deadly to the vampire kind. It spreads fast, making the body unable to digest blood and not letting the body heal itself. Recovering in seconds is the usual time of a healthy vampire. But while fighting this disease, it stops the immune system, hindering the healing process. Contracting this illness is essentially a death sentence if not treated early on. Cures for this disease are as rare as the disease itself and are extremely hard to attain.

Shoving Leonidas to the side, I whip open the doors, slamming them shut behind me. The room is dark, with the black curtains drawn to keep the sunlight out. The room reeks of useless medicine and other herbs. My father's frail body is in the middle of the bed, shivering.

"Fallon!" my mother scolds before soothing my father as starts to speak incomprehensible words.

"My apologies, Mother. Any good news?"

She slowly nods. "Your father was able to write his will earlier this morning."

Clenching my fists, I let out a heated breath. Seriously? Coralie and I could have had a moment to speak with him, but instead he wrote his will. My mother's eyes are sad, and it seems as if she has accepted the fact that she was going to lose her loved one. I will not give up on father that easily. He deserves someone fighting for him. And he deserves so much more.

"What did he write?"

My mother sends me a watery smile. "He wants you and Coralie to be happy."

My heart painfully twists, and I walk to my father's side, leaning to kiss my father's forehead before leaving the room. I cannot be in this room for too long, or else the depressing ambiance of the room is going to get to me. It hurts to leave my father alone in the room, but he has my mother. Hopefully, that is enough for now.

I cut off my mother's sentence by closing the doors before she can say anything more. I cannot listen to that right now. I am not mentally able to handle it yet.

Coralie comes running down the hall. She grabs my arm before I can walk away.

"Is Father okay? Please tell me he is still breathing! The doctor would not let me see him!"

It was actually a strict order from me. If Coralie saw Father in this state, she would never stop crying. I pat her hand softly.

"He is doing well. As best as he can manage."

The lie sits heavy on my tongue, but I roll with it. I have to protect her, even if it means that I will end up with a shriveled heart by the end of this. A cold heart to protect a warm one. A sacrifice I will gladly make for my sister any day.

Coralie's eyes start to fill with tears. "He is still alive?"

I nod. Her body starts to quiver, and I pull her in for a hug. Tears leak from her eyes and sobs wreck her petite frame. She cries her heart out for our father, and the sad news we are not ready to bear.

The longer our father endures this, the more pain he is in. Maybe I am being selfish for wanting him to keep fighting. Maybe he wants to finally rest. But still... I will not let him. It is not his time yet. I know it in my gut; it is not his time to die yet.

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