
The Eternal of Chaos

Reiko has lived a very long life and experienced many things. She seeks any and all forms of entertainment, adventuring in mostly unexplored dimensions and planets, ruling territories, delving into labyrinths or simply watching TV. There is very little left in existence which can truly surprise her or what she doesn't know, however, a new adventure is brewing. Her older son, Akito, is old enough to learn the truth about himself and set off on the path of growing stronger in this harsh universe. And just to entertain herself, Reiko is planning to accompany him on his journey. She had passed down much of what she knows to her eldest two children and now it is Akito's turn. How will his talent compare to his older siblings and what trouble will Reiko cause in the universe as they travel from place to place.

GraphitePencil · Fantasie
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10 Chs

Disappointed Erika

An hour had passed by the time Anna managed to calm down and remembered Reiko's request to look after Akito.

She got up from the couch and went to his bedroom. Turning on the lights when entering she already noticed that Akito was changing.

Before being unsealed his hair had been a dark brown, it had gotten significantly longer and was now black with the ends glowing violet.

He also seemed to have gotten taller but Anna couldn't be sure as he was lying down.

Although she was told to look after him she didn't really know where to start.

'How do I even look after someone unconscious... He is breathing fine I suppose, She sat and thought for a while about what to do but nothing came to mind. 'I will message his mother, she will know what needs to be done.'


Having unsealed Akito, Reiko had returned to Iris and used magic to alter the time dilation. She didn't want to wait years for him to wake up. The next thing she did was went to her forge to sort out the materials for his weapon.

'Okay, I have some hide and a horn from a lesser dragon for the hilt if he wants a sword. I have a decent amount of mithril, enough to forge pretty much any weapon he wants. I might be a bit short if he decides he wants a war scythe or a great-axe.'

'I will leave everything how it is, I won't start making anything... I can't wait to train him. Hopefully he will be as good as Yuto', one of the many things Reiko had done as entertainment was teach people.

Out of all the people she had taught her eldest son was one of the very best pupils she had. His growth rate had been monstrous, mastering 5 weapons within the space of a year and achieving unbelievable proficiency with abyss magic. He had been training alongside Chie, who was in her own right a little monster and had crushed her one-sidedly, making her glare daggers at him for 500 years.

Considering her other two children had turned out, she was greatly anticipating training Akito.

After putting the materials away the next thing Reiko needed to do in preparation for Akito's training was to prepare some training grounds. She had trained Chie and Yuto very long ago and the place she had taught them had now become the Valkyrie's training grounds. Instead of kicking the Valkyries out of the training grounds she wanted to prepare new ones. To do so she looked into the distance, found a suitable mountain a few thousand miles away, and teleported there. She first had to flatten out the mountain peak to prepare training grounds and a place for Akito to live.

Reiko had many ways of doing so at her disposal, however, she went with the simplest. Walking down from the mountain peak she took a combat stance and punched the mountain. Rather than shattering, the mountain peak evaporated and an ear-shattering explosion shook the whole dimension.

Erika was training a few thousand miles away with a few of her fellow Valkyries. She had sensed Reiko's arrival in Iris when she teleported in. There were no reports to give her, so Erika chose to test the abilities of the Valkyrie squadron remaining in Iris.

No more than 20 minutes passed since Reiko had arrived and an explosion shook the dimension. When the shockwave passed over the Valkyries settlement a majority of them had their windows shattered. The Valor settlement was lucky as it was shielded by a cliff from that direction.

'Haaaaah... That's a lot of shattered windows... I don't even want to think how much it's going to cost to repair everything', all the valkyries had stopped and were looking at the chaos that had been caused.

Some were mildly angry, but most just gave Erika a sympathetic look. It was her job to figure out how to clean up such messes.

"Alright Valkyries, that's enough training for now, it seems I have some new urgent work to do."

She looked in the direction of the explosion and saw Reiko standing there.

Back on the mountainside, Reiko was standing there surveying the result of her 'work' with a very satisfied look on her face. At least, that was until she realised that she may have caused quite a bit of trouble. Looking over in the direction of the Valkyrie village she could see mayhem, and she could also see Erika giving her a disappointed look.

'Oops, I overdid it... I should apologise.'

[Sorry, I forgot your village wasn't protected by magic. I will pay for the damage], Reiko rarely got a disappointed look from Erika, and she wasn't pleased to be on the receiving end of one right now.

[I was going to use your funds to pay for the damage in the first place. You are lucky the Valor city didn't get caught in the shockwave or you would be emptying your pockets], Erika continued to look at Reiko for a little while.

Shaking her head she turned away and started ordering people to check for any surviving windows and go to their homes to note down what window sizes they needed.

After the short exchange with Erika, she flattened the peak less destructively.

'Note to self, place a magic barrier around the Valkyrie village and Valor city. I don't want to be on the receiving end of that look ever again.'

'If I am building his training grounds here I should probably build his house near here as well', Akito would be staying in Iris for the first phase of his training. She could teleport him back and forth from Earth but didn't want to. So she looked around for a suitable location for a home. There was plenty of space at the edge of the training grounds, but that might cause him to feel pressured to train all the time, which was not what she was aiming for. Reiko thought up a few potential designs and looked at a few different locations but was not satisfied with any of them.

After a few more minutes of searching and a good deal of creative thinking, she struck gold. 'Oh, this is ideal... I think it's an oak?', she had found a sapling.

'This is actually so perfect', not wasting any time at all, she isolated the sapling from the space around it and used time manipulation magic to make it grow far faster, as well as creating magic to alter how it grew. She supplied the sapling with her mana, the ground would have run out of nutrients if she had not done so.

After a few minutes, she had literally grown a home.

Once she was done the sapling had grown into a massive tree which was over 400 metres tall, halfway up the tree there was a door which led to a cozy little house. The house he had 'grown' for Akito had two floors. She had used magic to create some basic On the lower of the two floors, there was a living room, kitchen and bathroom. On the upper floor, there were two bedrooms, and a study with a balcony that faced away from the mountain.

'Now I need to get someone to decorate this place with a few things, I will get someone to move the stuff from his apartment here, it's better if I make it feel somewhat familiar for him...'

'Hmmm...', after thinking for a few seconds she focused her senses on finding a certain person, and then teleported to them.

Erika was giving out orders to clean up the mess made by Reiko, which involved using telekinesis to gather and pick up all the shattered glass, and ordering people to take the measurements of all the windows which were to be replaced. She was waiting for the report containing the number of windows and dimensions to be finished and delivered to her in her office. While waiting she had transferred a significant amount of money from Reiko to herself to pay for it all and felt space fluctuate next to her. She knew who it was without looking, "Wow, aren't you shameless, you cause a mess which I have to clean up and then teleport here wanting me to do something for you."

She turned around and glared at Reiko, who was trying her best to play innocent, "No idea what you could possibly be referring to. Anyways, could you do something for me?"

Rather than reply Erika continued glaring at Reiko. Seeing that she was not amused Reiko pulled out the ace from her sleeve and used her ultimate convincing move, puppy eyes.

They were completely ineffective, they had a rather opposite effect.

"You aren't a little girl. You should be ashamed of doing that at your age. What do you want." She had made a mistake as soon as she had said it. Reiko was extremely sensitive when it came to people telling her to act her age.

Her eyes widened in anger, she grabbed Erika's head and applied pressure, a lot of it.

"Ok ok ok!. I'm sorry, please stop." Erika may be a Valkyrie and the being that was closest to Reiko in strength within Iris at the moment, however, the closest in strength was by no means 'close'. Her head was slowly getting crushed.

The pressure stopped increasing, Reiko let go after a few seconds and then pointed in the direction of the massive tree. "Could you please send some volunteers to Akito's apartment, collect anything of possible sentimental value and take it to the new tree house I made over on that mountain." They were inside Erika's office at the moment, Reiko was a god, and Erika was a god-level being, a wall was not much of an obstacle for them.

"I will do it after this mess is cleaned up and all the new windows are installed."

Nodding, Reiko turned around and left, leaving Erika with a sore head and slightly upset. Although, she knew it was entirely her fault she had her head crushed.