
The Eternal Aeon

“Even if you are an immortal, you can still be killed. Even if you are invincible, I will outlive you. Because from the beginning to the very end, only I will remain eternal!” Xue Chang sacrificed himself one day in order to save his twin brother Xue Hai. And as his brother ascended to become immortal, he was left behind stricken with a never ending curse. But he wasn’t just going to let that stop him. Discovering that his curse held more secrets than he knew, Xue Chang ventures forth to discover the truth about his world.

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115 Chs


Xue Chang didn't know where he was or how he got here. Surrounded by darkness, he couldn't tell is he was floating or on solid ground. He felt like he was swimming in lava. His body felt hot and he couldn't feel his arms or legs.

His vision was pitch black and the only sound he heard was the rhythmic thumping of his chest.

In a panic, he tried to suck in air but couldn't. It was as if something was clogging up his throat, nothing could get in or out. He felt as if he was isolated from the world.

Xue Chang did not understand why this was happening. The last thing he remembered was being pierced by the cursed finger. He was panicking, he was screaming, he was dying...

Just as his mentality was about to break apart, a voice suddenly rang in his head.

"Do you want to live?"

The voice spoke with a chilling calmness. It was neither male nor female, instead it was a mixture of both. And although it was clearly just one voice, within Xue Chang's head, it sounded like thousands.

But even if he wanted to respond, Xue Chang couldn't. The pitch black darkness was drowning him, and all that went through his mind was panic.


"Hey... um kid?"


"Oi... are you ignoring me?"


"HEY! KID! Are you listening?!?"


"At least stop screaming!"


"Grrrrrrrr, SHUT UP!"

The voice shouted within his head and a sense of calm suddenly enveloped him. As the panic and fear inside of Xue Chang disappeared, he realized despite his inability to breathe and the heat running amok in his body, he wasn't really being harmed in anyway.

His body didn't feel uncomfortable at all. In fact his situation felt natural.

"Finally calmed down now?"

Although the voice continued to question him, he thought it was a little stupid as he couldn't really speak even if he wanted to. No sound escaped from his mouth and his screaming was just internal monologue.

But then it suddenly occurred to him that the voice heard his 'screaming' despite it being inside his head.

"Finally you're using that brain of yours. Then you must be finally figuring out what I am and where you're at."

Now that Xue Chang had calmed down, he was able to think things through and think of what was going on...

He was dreaming!

Suddenly something lightly smacked against his head.

"I swear you're the stupidest one yet! I can hear every one of your thoughts and they're all idiotic! No, you're not dreaming! You are on the brink of life and death. Right here is the plane between heaven and hell, a sort of purgatory perhaps. You appeared here after I entered your body."

Now everything was coming together, he really was dying. But he paused for a second.

"Entered my body? Who exactly are you?"

The voice sounded almost as if it was smirking as it responded, "You already know."

Hearing this answer, Xue Chang lowered his head in contemplation and thought of what the identity of the voice could be. Then when it finally dawned on him, a look of shock covered his face.

"The finger! Eternal Ascension!"

Although he wasn't sure if he was right, the voice not denying anything was enough evidence for him.

Xue Chang's understanding of the finger was little to nothing. All he knew was what his father told him and what he sensed from Xue Hai. Never in his life could he imagine such a horrifying object having an actual persona.

The finger gave off a sigh of disappointment, "Eternal Ascension? Is that what the outside world calls me now? Hahaha, they really have forgotten about this old man."

"You aren't called Eternal Ascension? Then what or who are you?"

Once again the gave off an arrogant snort as it stated almost condescendingly, "Of course, I am the heavens!"

"The heavens?" This was a concept he did not completely understand yet, but for some reason hearing this made a chill crawl down Xue Chang's spine.

"Don't worry about that for now kid, more importantly though, I ask again. Do you want to live?"

While Xue Chang didn't completely comprehend the situation, he responded honestly.

"I do!"


"Because I don't know what death is like, but I hear it's scary. My dad says death is the end and that was why cultivators fought for immortality, so they didn't have to end. Plus if I died, my parents would be sad wouldn't they? My uncle says great grandfather died recently and my parents were very sad from that, I don't want them to be sad over me too."

"Is that the only reason?"

"Nope! If I were to die, then that would mean Xue Hai would be all alone. You don't know this, but he is a very good person! He might get bullied if I'm not there to help him!"

"Like I said, stupidest one yet. Do you really not want to live for any other reason? Think for once! Don't you have anything you want to do?!"

Xue Chang pauses for a second and thought it through, but he really couldn't think of anything.

Xue Chang has lived a long and happy life and yes, he didn't want to die, but no one did. Other than that fact alone, he didn't really have any regrets or anything like that. His biggest regret would be disappointing his family, but he couldn't really do anything about that right now.

The voice was starting to understand what type of person Xue Chang was, and this intrigued him.

Revenge, love, greed, desire. Throughout the eons, the finger had struck many times and met many different people. And all of them had their own reason for wanting to live.

And while he couldn't say that despair was what he enjoyed seeing. Witnessing the expression of horror as they woke from their coma to discover their inability to cultivate had been a norm for him. Yet this kid didn't even considering the idea of cultivating from the first place. He worried more for his family than anything else, and although he had some desires, they were too simple.

Xue Chang was definitely the most unique person the finger had met by far.

"Hmph, let me ask you this then. If you were to choose between saving your parents and saving your brother, who would you save?"

Xue Chang paused for a second. He took the question into consideration and then came up with an answer.

"I don't know."

Even the finger couldn't believe what he was hearing right now.

Usually people like Xue Chang would brood over the question and put it into thought.

He had asked this question before and had heard a number of answers.

From saving the parents, saving the sibling, saving both, or saving neither, the finger had heard every answer possible. And heard these answers repeat multiple times as well. Yet for once, someone actually said they didn't know. How was he supposed to respond to this?

"Well what if you just tried to imagine the scenario, if you were in such a situation which would it be? Just pretend you had to choose right now."

Still Xue Chang said he did not know. The finger was getting annoyed by his response and couldn't help but begin to scream.

"How hard can it be to imagine the scene! Just think of it! You must have one you favor over the other or something, can't you give a straight answer?!"

"I can't give a straight answer. I can say anything I want to right now, but when the time truly comes I don't know what I would do. You can't say you'll do one thing with complete certainty until you've actually experienced it for yourself."

The finger listened to Xue Chang's response and paused. It was surprised by the insights coming from the child's mouth. And it began to look st him in a new light. No longer was this a silly child that did not understand its situation. He was a silly child that didn't understand his situation, AND had some interesting thoughts.

"You really are an odd child."

"Yeah, mother says that sometimes."

The finger couldn't help but laugh at his response. Everyone he had met before had been too weak minded and weak willed, but this kid was different. He was someone truly unique among the masses.

Suddenly a flash of white light engulfed Xue Chang and finally a breath of fresh air was able to enter his lungs. Xue Chang was surprised by the series of events and asked the finger what was happening.

"You're returning to the world of the living. Your family was able to keep you alive, but it is useless in my eyes. As long as I wish for you to stay here then you'll be unable to escape. But now I think it's time for you to go. It was fun, but you have your own things to attend to and I have mine."

The only thing Xue Chang gleamed out of that was that the finger was allowing him to return home. Although he wasn't sure about its purpose on bringing him here in the first place was, the fact that it chose not to kill him directly was pretty nice.

Xue Chang could feel his body approach the white light slowly, as he was leaving he thought back to the finger.

"Thanks for letting me go back finger! Bye!"

Just as he was about to disappear completely, he turned back and witnessed a strange ethereal figure seemingly just floating there in the void. The figure looked up at him with a smirk and whispered out, "One last thing Xue Chang. Your soul will be under constant strain due to your now eternal body, as such in forty years it will dissipate . But this does not reflect on your body itself. An eternal body with no soul will crumble on itself, becoming ash. But an eternal body with a soul equates to an unlimited supply of life force."

Every word the figure said was immediately etched into the deepest parts of his mind. Although he did not know why the finger wanted him to know this, something told him that this information was vital.

It wasn't long before the scent of food pervaded his nostrils. Opening his eyes slowly, Xue Chang turned to his side to find a maid placing down a bowl of soup. He found himself in a plain wooden room with only a single door, window, and nightstand.

When the maid saw him open his eyes, she gave off a gasp of surprise, threw the plate down, and ran out of the room. Seconds later, Xue Chang was met with the welcomed surprise of his family entering the room.

"Xue Chang!"

"Big brother!"

It took just one hour for them to catch him up with all that had happened. From him being unconscious for a day, to the assassins invading their home, to the unexpected help from a stranger. After he learned of all that occurred, Xue Chang was curious about who it was that saved them?

His father, Zhao Wei, patted his son's head and stepped aside. Revealing a man that was hidden right behind him.

"Hello young child, my name is Ling Chen. I'm here to take your brother."

Before Xue Chang could ask what he meant by that, Zhao Wei quickly stepped in to explain.

"Sir Ling says he comes from a sect that had taken notice of the apparitions above and wanted to take Hai'er in as a disciple. Apparently, the Heavenly Blessing had chosen him to be gifted and as such he has the talent and potential to achieve great things."

This explained everything. Xue Chang understood that joining a sect was a huge deal. Not only did that mean he would have access to resources rogue cultivators like his father could only dream of, but he would also get a new status that normal families like theirs would kill for.

As such, being scouted personally by the sect itself was a huge deal. This meant that they expected a lot from you and wouldn't treat you badly.

But despite Zhao Wei's excited expression, a tinge of worry could be seen in his eyes. He both wanted his son to go and to not go to the sect.

Sects usually had extreme competition on the inside, and he just worried that Xue Hai would get caught up in them and be harmed.

But he did not know what to do. It wasn't his fate to decide on this for Xue Hai. He needed to let the boy make his own decision.

After explaining everything to him, he told Xue Chang how Xue Hai still had not made a decision on whether or not he would go with Ling Chen. He said he wanted to talk to him about it first.

The group chose to leave the room after telling him this, leaving only the twins left in the room.

The two brothers were finally left alone together. But an awkward silence pervaded the room. Xue Hai approached his brother slowly and mumbled under his breath, "I'm glad you're okay. I was really worried when you weren't waking up."

Although Xue Hai was speaking softly and kindly, the atmosphere felt cold and ambivalent. The entire time, Xue Chang did not respond at all. He was still in a daze trying to process everything he was told.

Xue Hai was invited to a sect? He could cultivate with resources even their father couldn't obtain? The Heavenly Blessing, his Heavenly Blessing had been given to Xue Hai instead?

"I don't think I'll go to the sect. Although mother and father say I'll receive power and status far beyond anything I've ever known, with you crippled as you are, I worry that bad things might happen."

Still Xue Chang remained silent, as if he didn't hear a single thing Xue Hai was saying.

"Plus, I don't really deserve it. This talent...these abilities... they don't belong to me. They're rightfully yours!"

Finally at this moment Xue Chang reacted. But what he did was unexpected. He got out of bed and slammed his fist directly into Xue Hai's face!


Xue Hai looked overmatched to see a dark scowl stretched apart his twins face. A look of pure outrage could be seen on his face.

"You're right! I am crippled! And that talent and sect invitation does belong to me! YET WHY DID YOU OBTAIN IT IN THE END!"

The older brother began to beat down on his younger sibling. Throwing a flurry of punches that Xue Hai could not stop or dodge. Fist by fist, strike by strike, Xue Chang was relentless in his attacks.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU'LL STAY HERE BECAUSE I'M CRIPPLED?! So what if you do?! Who do you think fault it is that I'm like this anyway!"

Giving off one last weak punch, Xue Chang fell onto his back panting heavily.

"You heard father, that cursed made it so I can't cultivate ever, I'm permanently crippled now. And why is that? Because you were weak and useless! Every single time, every single damn time you get into a bad situation I have to get you out of it! You cause so much trouble and I have to fix the things you ruin! And now look at you, taking what was mine and saying how you'll protect me? YOU HAVE NOT DONE THAT YET!"

Although the flurry of punches drained him of his strength, Xue Chang still had enough power the slam his palm into the wooden ground with a resounding thud.

"LEAVE! I'm tired of protecting you! Go to your stupid sect and use those talents you stole from me dammit! Stop being a bother and getting me into trouble! Just go!"

The. Xue Chang went silent again and returned to his bed. Sitting there he silently gazed out of his window without even giving Xue Hai another look.

The little brother got up from the floor and stumbled to the door out of the room. He too didn't look at his brother the entire time.

When the door of the room skin open, he found his parents and Ling Chen standing there calmly. Zhao Wei and Xue Mei were not aware of what occurred within the room. Despite Zhao Wei having senses many times better than any mortal, he chose to close his ears for this.

What Xue Chang would say to his brother should be done with privacy.

Unfortunately Ling Chen wasn't as courteous as Zhao Wei was, so he did know about what happened. And he was very pleased. As long as Xue Hai put in enough effort, he would definitely eventually become his junior martial brother.

After all his master said it himself. This child had the potential to be the last disciple, and with him being a heavenly fate it was all but certain.

Xue Hai Gabe off a determined expression as he turned to his parents, "I wish to go to the sect!"

Zhao wei and Xue Mei were both thrilled and worried. Now that the decision was made they couldn't do anything to stop him. But still, they told him he had to protect himself and be wary of others.

"Remember Hai'er, you must always be wary of those around you. Pick your friends wisely and don't just trust anyone." Xue Mei told him this as she fixed his hair and clothing.

Meanwhile Zhao Wei was digging inside of his robe, looking for something. Pulling out a single paper book, he handed it to Xue Hai and said, "This had saved me many times throughout my life. Use it wisely."

Xue Hai tool the book in his hands and on the front cover the words "Giant Fortification" were written boldly across the page.

Saying his final good byes, Ling Chen finally took Xue Hai and left the house.

"Are you ready Xue Hai? Being a disciple in the sect won't be easy. You must put in more effort than any other to even get a chance to have any success, and despite it sounding like a paradise the competition within is intense. Plus you'll be starting as an outer sect disciple, nothing more."

Xue Hai of course knew what an outer sect disciple was. It was like the branch members of his own clan. But even so he gave a determined nod.

"I will succeed no matter what and make my parents and older brother proud!"

These words surprised Ling Chen as he knew of the fight within the room. He had met many forgiving people before but for such a serious fight to happen and just be washed away was something even Ling Chen had to raise his eyebrow to.

"Don't you hate your brother?"

"Hmmm, why would I? My brothers's the best!"

"Well I hope you don't mind but as a cultivator I was able to hear everything that happened with you and your brother in the room. Why are you so happy right now despite your falling out?"

Xue Hai on the other hand just grinned and said nothing. How could Ling Chen understand the weird connection they had as twins.

Although it might seem like Xue Chang was angry at him, the entire time Xue Hai could tell what he was really feeling. The entire fight was just an act so that he wouldn't feel guilty for leaving to go to a sect. He knew his brother too well. Plus, if he meant what he said, then why did he save him from the curse in the first place.

Xue Hai wasn't a bright child but he wasn't foolish either. This was why he said Xue Chang was the best, because no one knew him better than he did!

Meanwhile in the room Xue Chang was recovering at, he continued to look out the window with a prideful grin on his face.

Quietly he thought to himself, "That was my best act yet!" Not knowing that he was seen through easily.