
Alto,The Enduring

He awoke,as did his brothers.A rumbling filled the cavern and the crystals that twinkled like stars on the pitch black ceiling shook.

He slowly formed into a roughly humanoid shape made of boulders and crystals.A look into the wide expanse of the cave showed other hulking figures beginning to take shape.

His attention was snapped up by a doorway of light

The Way Out.

The name naturally came into his head and he tumbled in annoyance of having something giving him thoughts.He did not like other people in his head.

Unfortunately or him,He would experience this sensation very often in the future.

He knew The Way Out but he also knew he wasn't worthy yet,not till he killed his brothers.

The rumbling turned into an earthquake and rumbling roars echoed from the hulking shadows and they took lumbering steps to the middle of the cavern,spotlighted by an unusually dense patch of crystals.

He came face to face with another like him,however where he was stony and had veins of crystal blue light snaking throughout,his brother was made of pure white stone,with glittering veins of gold forming an elaborate work of art.

The Marble Family.

He once again rumbled in annoyance at the information at his head but was as excited as a rock could be.

A member of The Marble Family was a worthy first opponent for him.

They finally came without striking distance and they sent out massive fists of rock that collided in an explosion of dust and rock.His fist had deformed into a misshapen rock but he felt no pain.

Only excitement.

His opponents fist was better of then his as his body seemed to be more sturdy but that was of no matter.

He would simply fight until one was a pile of rock and the other was a proud golem leaving through The Way Out.

He had been rebounded by the force of their collision but had quickly recovered,sending his massive noggin for a powerful headbut.

He collided with his brothers chest leaving a boulder shaped crater and sending the other off balance.

He rushed as fast as his rocky feet could take him but by the time he got there his brother had recovered enough to send out a foot that caught him in the shin destroying it.

He tumbled down as he lost his foot onto his brother and they sent fist upon fist,leaving dents and craters on each others sturdy body.

The earth tumbled as their massive bodies were overturned and hit,crystals fell from the roof and shattered on the floor.

Of any human were too see this waste of resources they would cry them selves to sleep,but they were golems and they just fought.


He ended up on top of his brother one of his legs missing below the "kneecap" and missing an entire left arm.His body was destroyed from powerful fists and he appeared to be missing about 25% of his entire body.

His gazed upon his brother who let out an unwilling rumble,no golem wants to be defeated in combat but they could understand if they honorably lost to one of their brothers.

He sent what remained of a fist straight into the head of his brother where it exploded upon impact.

His brothers head exploded into white and gold dust that permeated the air.

He rumbled in joy he gazed upon the cave and most of the victors were also standing upon piles of multi colored rocks dust.Their numbers were halved but their forging wasn't done yet.


He had easily smashed his fist into the head of his next brother who had barely put up any resistance,it seemed his last battle was hard fought and he simply could not put up a last stand.

His next opponent had not given him any room to "breathe" as his fist slammed into his wide back sending cracks throughout his torso.

He span and shoulder charged his opponent onto the ground where he immediately paved his brothers face into the ground.

He had no mercy for un-honorable fools who disgraced golems and this sacred ground.

He looked like a sloppy piece of work now,with dust of many different colors on his cracked body that misses several vital parts that would normally kill any living thing.

There were only a few brethren left now,some in better shape than he and some much worse.

In fact as he looked one simply crumbled upon itself and let off one final rumble of anger.

There were only three left and they simply lumbered over to the spotlight as fast as their stained bodies could take them.He was missing most of a leg and an arm and he had to crawl to their center,unwilling to miss the final bout.

As soon as they converged it turned into a brawl that would forever be engraved into him.

Each fighting for their family of stone,their desire for The Way Out,and their own honor.

Fists were thrown body parts exploded into dust.Whatever had been left of their bodies began to vanish as they fought fist after headbut,after elbow,etc.

He now barely remained whole as he sent the last fist of the brawl to a brother that belonged to The Steel Family, of course he was made of iron as steel doesn't form naturally but it was fitting as his opponent had been simply astonishing.He had shrugged off blows with his compact body and his fists hit like well boulders of steel.

However in their brawl he had taken the most damage as they focused upon him,his other brother was extinguished halfway through the melee in a cry of honor as he blew into a pile of brown stone that he had no recollection of.

His fist collapsed what was left of his strong brother who let loose a roar that resounded of strength and honor.

His body exploded into rocks and dust of iron that fell upon his now wiry frame.

He bathed in the spotlight as the cavern rumbled the starry "sky" of crystals shook and soon rocks from his family rolled across the floor and attached onto his body.They made him whole again.

He was as stronger now,after enduring the conflict his body was remade to be more compact and his crystal veins became more prominent throughout his body.

The spotlight became strange and it began to engrave with a focused beam of light onto his back.

It did not hurt at first,in fact he had no lt yet experienced pain but the he soon felt it halfway through the engraving.

He could not move,the pain was so paralyzing that he wanted to crumble into dust and be blown away into the wind.

He roared Into the empty cave,clenched his rocky fists,and finally when the engraving was done and the cave stopped rumbling.

If he could see his back he would see words spelled out in veins of starlight.

Centered on his wide back were three words.

Alto,The Enduring.

However he could sense that he had been given a title by the cave...no his cave,he knew it,and he was proud to be given such as auspicious title.

Alto rumbled in pleasure and finally made his way through The Way Out.

His hunchback form that more clearly resembled a hulking 3-4 meter hunchback made of stone and glittering light walked through the tunnel of light for what seemed like ages until he finally made it out.

Alto was greeted by a deep blue sky clear of clouds and two suns that shone bright in the middle of the sky.

Hello everyone!

I just had a cool concept and decided to write it down.

I might continue later if I feel motivated enough haha.

I hope you enjoyed Altos rocky start ;)

SmallAmbitionscreators' thoughts
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