

Alexander stood on a porch overlooking a small forest on the phone with a serious expression.

"Yes, contact our people everywhere and find out if they heard anything."

"Yes, send word back immediately if they do."

"Until then."

Alexander ended the call and walked to Cassandra, pulling her into his embrace.

"That witch peered at the World's Secret and died, so that means what she said has an element of truth."

Cassandra nodded and planted a kiss on his lips before pulling away.

"The King got wind of this, he ordered us to pool our capital into the Five Cities."

Alexander looked at her with a shocked expression.

"If we do that, that's tantamount to announcing ourselves to the human population."

Cassandra nodded and was about to speak when everyone's phone rang.

Alexander answered his and everyone listened in on the conversation.

"Sir, it's Viper 3, I found something that you might be looking for."

"What is it?" Alexander asked impatiently while motioning to the others to sit around him.

"I went through a few encrypted files, and I found a mention about experimenting on vampires that they had caught."

Alexander frowned but replied in an indifferent voice.

"I know, the ones who were caught fed indiscriminately on humans leading us closer to exposure."

"Well, there were certain logs of a lab in the central United States, in which the research was carried out, they marked it with the highest level clearance."

Alexander stood, motioning to a guard in front of the door.

The guard left, pulling out a phone while Alexander ended the call.

"Cassandra, tell the nobles in the immediate region that we'll be coming, tell them to arm themselves.

Also tell the King to implement the Five Cities plan, seal it now."

Cassandra nodded looking slightly puzzled as to what made him so decisive but ordered her people to carry out his orders.

"Lets go, Viper sent a helicopter, grab weapons and where your combat suits, hurry."

Though they rarely moved with all their speed in their home, they obeyed and went to the rooms to get ready.

Eliane opened the closet in her room, pulling a black long sleeved shirt from the rack with a pants and small combat boots.

She stripped off her clothes and put the uniform on while running over situations in her head that would make Alexander take this course of action.

She shook her head, pulling a modified pistol out, slipping it into its holster on her leg.

Zere came up behind her, putting her hair in a ponytail while doing the same for Eliane.

"If we do fight, be careful."

Eliane spun around, locking her arms around Zere and pressing her lips against hers.

"I'll be fine, take care of yourself." She pecked Zere's cheek and pulled a black knife from under her bed. along with a case.

She snapped open the case, revealing a Streyr AUG side.

She swung it over her shoulder and gave Zere a glance as she walked out.

Outside a helicopter's blades whirled ih the night.

It landed and Alexander, Cassandra, Elizabeth, Daniel, and a few other guards boarded.

Eliane boarded as well, slipping her gun off her shoulder and onto her lap.

"The target is everyone in that facility, kill everything and burn it afterwards." Alexander said over the hum of the engines.

Everyone nodded as the helicopter's motor roared and carried them into the sky.


A body lay face down on the floor, shivering and shaking slightly, but if one didn't look to closely, it appeared to be a corpse.

A crowd gathered around the body while a few people took out there phones to call an ambulance.

"Let me through, I'm a doctor." A man in casual wear pushed through the crowd and came to a stop before the body.

He crouched, and touched the neck, trying to feel a pulse.

"The pulse is to slow, that ambulance needs to hurry." He rolled the body unto it's back while he lowered his ear to the chest.

What greeted him was a waxy and pale face, blood streaming from it's mouth and bits of flesh stuck onto its teeth as it stared blankly into the sky.

He stopped and jerked his head away, seeming scared before he tried tonhink of other options.

He turned to the crowd, trying to look for any signs of an ambulance when the body shot upwards, and wrapped it's arms around his body.

It's teeth sunk into his neck and he struggled to get free. Blood gushed from the wound and splattered the ground as the crowd backed away screaming in terror.

Around the city, similar occurrences started happening, and became more frequent.

The crowd ran, chased by the body who the gathered over, trampling the ones that were to slow.

Soon, gunfire rang out, as police arrived on the scenes, however, others soon began shooting the bodies as well.

Cars crashed into each other and blocked the streets, only allowing people to move on foot, or take the long way.

People began to loot while everything started to crumble.


Jessica sat in a classroom, with other students huddled around, with sticks and other hastily assembled weapons in hand.

Outside the door, screams and gunfire echoed from the distance.

"We need to go now, if we wait, we'll end up dead as well." A student with a metal broom stick in hand said while walking to the classroom door.

"If you open that door, I'll kill you." Oliver roared swinging his own stick at the boy's head.

The body ducked out of the way while the others pushed Oliver away.

"Sam is right, we need to go, if we stay here, we'll either die of starvation or get eaten when they get in." Jessica nearly shouted at the others.

The others found make shift weapons and stood on either side of the door while Sam yanked it open.

Two undead fell into the room, their arms grasping at the living while their teeth slacked together in grotesque melody.

A youth froze up, and one grabbed his ankles, yanking him off his feet.

It pulled him towards them, biting down on his calf.

He screamed in pain while the others attacked it.

The sticks fell on the body, causing no visible damage.

Jessica snapped her stick in two, and stabbed the sharp edges at the undead.

One of the two sticks went through one of the undead's neck, severing the connection with it's spine.

It fell to the floor and went still while the others changed their target.

The other sharpened stick rolled oh the floor while the other undead charged at Jessica.

She froze for a moment before she jumped out of the way.

The others seeing that one had died, broke their wooden sticks and charged at the undead.

They stabbed it until it resembled a porcupine with black rotten blood streaming out of the wounds.

The others made their way down the hall, while the ones who didn't wtqy2d huddled together in the classroom.