
The end of US

A girl named Kaira having trouble with her own life, She need to choose. LIFE OR (DEATH) END. But she met someone that would make her feel alive again. A man that would make her feel loved and valued. What would she choose? Do really people think that the end of love doesn't exist? But they DO.

Lycein_umie · Urban
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8 Chs

Let's have a deal(7)

I'm supposed to say the same thing, but he did it first.


He left me speechless for awhile, and I decided to speak.


"Ok, but until when?"


Until my father decided not to arrange me with other girls, the last words had a low tone, and his face suddenly changed into one of madness and disappointment.


It suddenly hurt me to see him like this, but then I also needed his help; maybe we could help each other?


"Deal," I said confidently.


I am going to be your girlfriend, and you are going to be my boyfriend.


I also need you! I added


What do you mean by that? He questioned

Am I going to see your family?


Uhmm, maybe, but to everyone, I need to tell them I have a boyfriend.


Why?     Why do you need to fake it?

Is there something you're hiding?


Of course, nothing. but I can't tell you yet what the reason was.


Ok, I won't ask about it.


Let's go?


Huh?   I gave him the "huh" look, making him smile at me, and I giggled at his cuteness. I'm sorry, I just got confused by your question. Where are we going anyway?


You need to get trained! He spoke in a serious tone.


Whaa!    What do you mean? I'm not a dog! 

Why do I need to get trained?


You need to act like my real girlfriend.

You need to act like a... I cut him off by saying:


Like a rich freak girl? The words left him speechless for a moment, and he suddenly laughed. 


No! Why do you really think rich people are always like that?


Yeah, I do


The phone in his arm suddenly rang. I saw the display name on his phone; it was his dad.

I can feel his nervousness from where I'm standing.


"I just need to pick this up," he said, and his voice cracked in the middle of his sentence.


Are you okay? I ask


"Yes, don't worry, I'm fine," he said, smiling at me and making sure that I wouldn't worry about him.


I sigh out of stress from all the things that just happened.


I see his beautiful figure getting farther away and then disappeard from my sight.


I felt the cold breeze brushing through my skin and the night vibe in my surroundings.


felt different from before.



As I'm walking back to where I was, I see the beautiful woman from afar.  The glimmering moon shone on the top of her head, making her hair shine along with her body and making her look like she just came down out of the sky like a real angel.


I saw him staring at me while slowly walking towards me; he reminded me of the boy who saved me. 





I was playing with my doll in our backyard when a dog suddenly attacked me and stole it.  I ran after the dog who took it, but I didn't realize that there was a car driving towards me.  I screamed as I hugged myself, thinking it was my day but not.


I suddenly flew through our backyard; I felt like it was my second call. As I was trying to open my eyes, I saw a little boy who was the same age as me. When our eyes met, I saw some stars in his beautiful, shining eyes.


Are you okay? he ask 

No! Can you help me get up?


As our hands reached each other, he suddenly let go of my hands, making me fall back.


Why did you do that? I asked, but he just left me hanging. What was this man about?



I giggled after the scenarios flashed through my mind once again. I sigh; when will I meet you again? I whispered.


Niro! I called his name while running towards him.  Are you okay?  Did he tell you something?

I ask worriedly.


Nothing; don't worry about me. He smiled at me after seeing my relieved face.


Let's go now.


Okay, I said nervously.

He opened the door for me, and I got in his car. It was my dream car. I can feel my inner self screaming at the top of her lungs while sitting there awkwardly.


"We are going to my friend's house."


We are going to Leo's house.

Who's Leo?

You're going to meet him there, don't worry.

I nodded as an answer.

On our way to his house, I suddenly felt the urge to speak. "Uhm, Niro," I said, "do we really need to be realistic?" Like, do we need to kiss? hug?


Of course, it is indeed necessary to make it real.

especially in front of my dad.

I'm going to pay you for this. He said this while looking straight into my eyes.

Why?      I mean, I also need you for my own purposes, so why do you need to pay me?


"To pay you off."

I actually don't get it, but, uh, nevermind; let's just go to his house. I know I had to give in money; that is not the thing to resist.

We're here!


I was amazed by the house in front of me; it looked as big as Niro's house.

Why does his house look familiar? I ask myself

Someone suddenly came out of the big house, a man with a fit body and beautiful looks.

