
The End of The World is Violet?

Kai tries to survive in a world that went crazy after the day sky turned purple.

AuthorGopher · Fantasie
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29 Chs

Mock battle

'Should I just kill them now?'

"Sigh..." Kai tensed for a second, but soon sighed and relaxed again.

'As long as Josy is alive, I won't be able to hide from them. I should kill her first if I'm planning to run away.'

'Right now, she is hiding in the shadows, so I'm not sure if I can even hurt her in this state. Testing it with Brad and Jeremy around doesn't sound like a good idea.'

"Hm, what's wrong? What's that sigh for?" Brad asked, with fake concern.

"It's nothing. Let's go back."

"Yeah, that's what I'm talking about! Let's go, haha!"

"..." Jeremy was still silent. He was acting way different from the time he was fighting Kai with a smirk on his face. Jeff's death must've really affected him.

Not that Kai cared. He was going to kill them all anyways.


Kai was back in the shelter. He didn't bother with Brad anymore and headed straight to his room.

"Sigh..." He sat down on the bed and sighed.

'Am I really going to live with them? F*ck!'

Kai closed his eyes and lied down. He had to cool off a little.

"...how is... going?" He could hear a voice coming from the other side of the wall. It was female's voice.

Even though these walls were so thick that no sound should be able to go through them, Kai could still hear the voice on the other side. It was because not only did his strength and stamina increase, but his five senses also became more acute.

"...well..." The answer was very quiet, so Kai couldn't really hear it.

"...how... long..." The first voice asked.

"...soon..." The answer once again was really muted.

Kai had no idea what they were talking about. He assumed it was Vanessa and Daniel talking, but couldn't tell more than that.

He listened a bit longer, however it seemed like the conversation was already over, since he didn't hear anything after that.

Slightly disappointed, Kai thought about their exchange for a while, but gave up and went to sleep soon after.


*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

Kai woke up to the sound of knocking on his door.

"Kai!" He could hear Brad on the other side.

Kai frowned and slowly got to the door.

"Hey, Kai!" As he opened the door, Brad yelled at him.


"It's time for dinner!"

"...Alright, I'm coming." Kai just woke up, so he was feeling hungry anyways.


They sat at the bar's counter. Although the dinner was ready, only Brad, Kai and Jeremy were eating. Trevor seemed to have eaten already and was now serving meals to others. Everyone could come up to him and ask for dinner whenever they wanted.

Brad must've wanted to eat with Kai to annoy him. But even then, the dinner itself was more delicious than anything Kai had ever tasted. Though, Brad and Jeremy didn't seem impressed or even a bit disappointed as if it was barely edible.

Brad, noticing what Kai was thinking, smiled. He loved looking down on Kai, probably because he was an Outer.

The food lost all its taste after Kai looked at Brad's arrogant face. Kai quickly finished, so he wouldn't have to spend even a second longer with him.

"..." Kai quietly stood up and went to wash his plate. It was a bit of a habit, since he always did it when he was living alone.

Brad's smile deepened and even Jeremy this time seemed to think of Kai as ridiculous.

'Did they never do any chores in their lives or something?' Kai chose to ignore them. They lived in different world.

"If you're going to waste time, then how about we go train together, eh?"

"Train?" Kai got slightly curious at that.

"Yeah, a mock battle with no powers, just hand-to-hand combat." He obviously wanted to beat Kai up, but Kai's power didn't lay only in his blood weapons.

"Alright." They both smiled at each other. Jeremy also seemed excited at the sight of Kai getting pummeled to the ground.


They entered the room where Kai was held captive. They probably chose it to harass Kai further. It was small, but it was enough for a fight.

Jeremy stood in the corner, while Kai and Brad got ready.

"I'm not gonna hold back, you know?" Brad was boasting confidently.

"Yeah, me neither." But Kai was just as sure of himself.

"Then ready... three..." Jeremy started counting down excitingly.




They immediately run at each other and punched each other's faces. While Kai only flinched, Brad staggered back. He grabbed his cheek and looked at Kai with disbelieve. He never expected to be pushed back.

"You... did you use your powers!?" Brad screamed at Kai.

"No, I didn't. My power is transforming blood, how could that increase my strength?" Kai looked at Brad with ridicule in his eyes.

In that moment, Jeremy also remembered something. For Kai to cut off Jeff's arm, he would have to use enormous force. Jeff's dense muscles had amazing defensive capabilities, even gun shots couldn't pierce him.

Brad stood there dumbfounded for a bit, but soon grew serious. He couldn't afford to hold back in the least if he wanted to win. And even then, he wasn't guaranteed to win. In his opinion at least.

Kai's body now wasn't even comparable to that of a human. He was a monster. There was no way he would lose in a fight where they only used their physiques.

Kai smiled devilishly. He could finally punch that arrogant face. It felt way too good.

Then he rushed at Brad again. This time Brad didn't do the same. Instead, he took a defensive position.

Kai threw a punch at him and Brad blocked it with his arm. But even then, the impact was too huge and he fell back again. He was now touching the wall with his back. He couldn't retreat anymore.

Kai didn't let that chance go. He quickly released a barrage of attacks at Brad. He tried to defend himself, but it was all to no avail. Even if he blocked Kai's strikes, he still took a lot of damage.

Pushed to the edge and with his pride hurt, Brad couldn't take it anymore. He activated his power. Kai slightly backed off.

Brad's whole figure was engulfed in bright, red flames. He looked at Kai with his bloodshot eyes. He was completely enraged. How could he lose to a mere Outer!? There was no way that would happen! He would make sure it didn't happen!

"Haaa!" He screamed and run at Kai.

Kai's smile only deepened at this sight.