
The end of T|me

UnknownWriter_164 · Fantasie
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2 Chs

A new friend

It's been 1 week since the core began to heat up. Most plants have already started to die out and things are changing. The wind was always strong and we were at a stand still. Without cores the world was powerless. All of the old vehicles are gone and lost in archives. With our rush Into a futuristic age we didn't think of a backup for if we lost power cores. The streets seemed bare and there was this dog barking. It never stopped barking. I was sure it was missing it's owner. With the world in ruin we had to figure out how to get by and save the earth. With no power we couldn't see how much time we have left. We just had to do as much as we could to stop the spread. Me and my girlfriend walked down towards the woods because it is the beginning out autumn and the temperatures are gonna start dropping. We did have axes, pickaxes, and shovels because we dig large scale excavations. As we walked down the street we saw a body laying in the street. It was deformed and crows were swarming it ripping pieces of meat off. I almost threw up and had to clear my head. We walked maybe 25 blocks until we reached the gate at the entrance to the woods. We checked the closest house to the gate entrance and it was empty. It had preserved food that should last us a few weeks. It was a three story building painted blue and had a large antenna on the roof. It had a fireplace which was lucky for us. I went into the woods to get some wood and find two nice dry birch trees. I was hacking at it for what seems like hours. As I almost finished the first tree I heard a slight growl but I ignored it think it was my stomach. Then the growl got louder and I turned around. There was a brown wolf that looked like it was starving. It's narrow face and skinny stomach. Its ribs were showing and it was growling. I shouted at it and it ran and hid. I finished the first tree and as the tree fell a bird nest fell. 3 baby birds and 5 eggs fell. The wolf came back growling and I smiled. I threw the wolf one of the chicks and the wolf ate it whole. Then it sat and scratched its ear. I put the eggs and 2 other chicks in a place the wolf couldn't reach. I started breaking down the first tree into smaller pieces and hauled them back to the house. After finishing that one tree it already had been 6 hours but the would would last us more than 2 weeks. The wolf followed me and sat at the door and as my gf was about to exit she screamed. I ran to her to see the wolf panting and staring at me. I went and got a bowl and gave it some water. It drank the water like it hadn't had water in a long time. I began to smile but my girlfriend was still scared. The following 3 days the wolf came to the door for water and it seemed to be getting healthier. We named the would hunter because it pretty much became part of the family. Since the wolf trusted me I wanted to see if it would help hunt. I walked into the woods with a dagger hoping to get a boar or deer. It felt so empty and deserted. I walked for maybe a hour or so and couldn't find a single living creature. After another hour went by and I was about to call it a day I spotted a boar. It looked to be a fully grown adult. The wolf charged at it going for the neck and tackled it to the ground. The wolf didn't start devouring it instead he waited for me. I dragged the boar home and cleaned it and removed the guts and organs. Then I popped it over a fire and let it cook until the meat was shiny. I cut it into 3 pieces and tossed a piece to the wolf who started devouring it. He was a good wolf and some company in the empty feeling world. We went inside and lit the fire but this time we let the wolf sleep in the living room. I slowly dozed off into a deep slumber.