
The Beginning

All around me explosions rang as I lay in a pool of blood whether it was mine or not, I had no idea. I couldn't feel anything and my mind was racing. How had it come to this in only a year?

Men and women ran around me screaming and yelling as more and more explosions went off. I couldn't see any faces, when suddenly a familiar face appeared beside me. It was the love of my life, (Female name). She wore a worried face, but before I could figure out why I blacked out, and I was back a year where it all began.

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I was in my 2011 Blue Chevy Silverado. I was on my way to the airport to pick up (Female name). I had flown her down so that she could meet my family. We were engaged and were to be married soon. This was going to be the first time that she met my family, and I will admit that I was a little nervous about it. The reason being was that my family wasn't like most other families, and definitely nothing like hers, but I trusted that it would all work out that God would watch over like he always did.

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A few hours later I parked at the airport. I looked at the clock in my truck and it read 0930. Her plane was to land at 1000. I sat there and waited the thirty minutes thinking of what we might do while we were here, then another thirty minutes went by and I still hadn't heard anything from her. So I got out of my truck and walked into the airport. 

The sight that I saw was something that I had long tried to forget. It was like I was back in the military and my team and I were about to invade a compound. There were a lot of people gathered around, and at first everything looked fine until I saw the men with guns surrounding a group of people. I scanned the group and saw (Female name) among them. The group had started to attract people's attention and started to gather around them, making it hard to see the people who were armed. The airport security was trying to get things under control, but there wasn't enough of them and most of them were focused on getting people out of the airport rather than stopping the men with gun, or finding out what they were doing there or wanted. That's when I started walking towards the group, but was stopped by a security guard.

"Sorry kid I can't let you go any further we are starting to lock this place down."

"My fiancé is in that group of people."

"And what do you expect to do. You will only make things worse than they already are."

    I could tell that the man was scared, and I didn't blame him. I just knew that I had to get in there and get to the group. I had dealt with people like them before and could help. I may have been young, but I had lead a team that wasn't on any books or records, to do some pretty shady things.

"Sir, how long have you been a security guard here?" 

"About three years. Why?"

"Have you ever seen anything like this before?

"No can't say that I have."

"Right, well I have, I'm ex-military with 7 years combat experience and mixed martial arts training on top of that. I can help you guys out." 

"Sorry, but orders are orders you can understand that if what you say is true."

"I can, and I have to say I'm sorry for this."

I grabbed the man's wrist and twisted it behind his back, grabbed his gun out of his holster and hit him over the head with it, knocking him unconscious. I looked the gun over. It was a 9mm Glock 19 gen. 4. It had a full mag and one in the chamber. I put the gun in the waistband of my jeans in the small of my back and walked toward the group of people.  One of the men noticed me as I approached them.

"Stop right there or we will kill one of these hostages."

"I just want to know what you want." 

"There is no way that someone like you could possibly get us what we want." 

"I have the President on speed dial. Should I call him?"

"There is no need for that he has already been taken hostage by now."

"Well then all I can say is you are holding someone that is dear to me and I would just like her given to me and I will leave you guys be."

"Which one would that be?"

  I pointed her out

"Then I think that she will be the first one to die eh?" 

The man moved toward her and before he could even move an inch I had the Glock pointed at him ready to fire. All his comrades charged their weapons and pointed them at me.

"Don't touch her. I'm trying to be reasonable with you, don't make this worse than it has to be."

"Kid you're not going to shoot me."

The man moved closer and I fired a round next to his foot.

"Next one won't miss."

"You have guts kid. You should join us," there was a short pause while he thought about something, "I'll let her go this time and for your sake I would hope that we don't meet again, because I will kill both of you."

Valerie got up and ran to me. She stood behind me as we walked backwards out of the airport the gun still at the ready just in case. We were back at my truck now and Valerie was sitting in the passenger seat staring off into the distance.

"Baby we really can't stay here much longer the roads are only going to get worse." 

"We can't just leave all of those people to die." She said looking at me. She had a crazy look that I had never seen before upon her face.

"Baby they aren't going to die the law enforcement will take care of them."

"You know that they won't be able to. The law will just get them killed before they fire any rounds. Can't you call your buddies and try to save them."

"No..... Who knows what is going on in the world right now. We need to get to my parents' house and make sure that they are okay. Then we will see what's going on and make our plan from there."

    She looked over at me tears in her eyes.

"I can't believe that you're going to let all of them die when you have the ability to stop it."

    That hit me hard and it was hard for me to get into my truck and drive away, but I had to think of her safety and my family's safety. 

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    We pulled up to my parents' house around 1345.  The ride here took longer than it should have. We had to dodge a lot of military personnel, but the weird thing was that people were acting like they weren't even there. It seemed like the world was falling apart. 

"Let's see what is going on."

"Whatever." she said getting out of my truck and slamming the door

I sighed and walked in the front door to my parents' house right behind her. My parents and my siblings sat on the couch watching the TV. The news was on and the whole world was in chaos. Things were happening all over the world just like what had happened at the airport. 

"What's going on?" I asked as we entered the living room

"Thank god you guys are alright." My mother said getting up to hug Valerie and I.

"We don't know, but it seems like someone is trying to take control of everything."

"Who? Have they said a name for themselves?"

"Not yet, but they are killing military personnel on sight and are looking for any and all veterans. They have even put out a reward for anyone that turns one in. They have already taken over the white house and pentagon and almost have control of Russia and China."

"Looks like they aren't trying to take things slow. You guys need to go into hiding. Dad being a vet himself, means that they will be looking for you guys. You need to meet up with mama and papa and go into hiding."

"What about you? You are also a vet."

"Yeah, but this is a lot bigger than I thought it was. I am going to get people together and we are going to try and stop this before it gets any worse. All I ask is that you take (Female name) with you."

"What!? No I'm staying with you."