

"Elsa as the upcoming enchantress you must learn to control your powers and not let it get best of you" her mother would always say and she would nod indifferently. She was just a young blood with an innocent soul. A girl of 18 who had the heart of gold. Pure as ever and enchanting as the stars. In the kingdom of Davenport she lived in a small cottage with her mother. Her eyes the greyest you could ever imagine. Her soft lips and and milky pale skin an epitome of purity together with her white wavy hair that was akin to that of an angel. She was full of beauty.

Her powers, hidden deeper than the secret mines to protect her from the eyes of the dark witches. One wrong move would completely turn her to an untamed wild witch. Many suitors had come for her but her mother would reject them all. She had been betrothed to the prince of the dark. The devil's son he was commonly called. The duo were a stark contrast of each other.


One evening her mom had called her called her to inform her of her betrothed. She was of the age to get married and soon she would be called upon.

"Elsa, I think it is of time that you know the truth and prepare yourself for the life ahead." her mother said in a low tone. Oblivious was she of her being betrothed to the prince of davenport

"What truth mother? " she asked in ignorance.

"Years back before your birth" she began "Your father before his death and i were attacked by the elite vampires for refusal to adhere to such horrible things they demanded. As humans we were, we were so weak and defenseless against the pure blooded until the king came to our aid which was a shock to everyone. Quite as we expected, he demanded for something in return. You marrying the prince of Davenport."

Elsa was shocked to the bones hearing what her mother said. It had never occurred to her that there was something like this waiting ahead for her. All these years her mom had refused the humble suitors coming for her, she had thought it was so that she could make a choice of hers. Both now things had turned out to be the opposite of what she had thought.

She had heard rumors about the prince even though she never saw him in person . He was bad news to her and she would never wish to marry him. She was just a poor girl who wished for a simple life to live. She didn't want a royal life as it felt complex and tiring to her.

"Mother, but you never told me this before" her voice low and calm as ever. She was deeply hurt and broken even though she tried to conceal it in the innermost part of her.

"You weren't ready yet dear so I had to keep this. But now you have come of age and I decided to let the cat out of the bag. I know this may be new to you but trust me the life of the royal isn't bad as you think" her mother said as a tear dropped from her eyes.

"T... tomorrow, the king's men will come to take you as promised. I..... I just wish you a happy married life" she watched her mother stutter out those words and she could barely breathe.

"T.. tomorrow?" she asked.

"Yes. tomorrow marks the 20th tear we made the promise. Too bad your father wasn't alive to watch the pretty little angel he produced."

"Mom will you also move to the castle with me?"

"No dear and I need you not to worry about me. Mom will be doing OK. And when the day of your wedding comes I'll surely shower you with all the blessings I could ever give" she coaxed her little darling.