

In an unknown plane at an unspecific point in time,in an unknown location stood a small town.

The town was devoid of any form of joy or happiness. It was full of serious expressions and Battle intent all throughout.

This was the Town of Gakhta, an otherworldly language language for "Prison ".

In this town,different individuals could be seen roaming about. Each with a pensive expression on his or her face.

Elves,Dwarves, humans,vampires,dhampirs, fairies,wendigos,werewolves and many different creatures could be seen wandering the streets of Gakhta,each radiating extreme and dangerous battle intent that could destroy solar systems in few seconds.

Yet,their battle intent couldn't do any thing to even the wooden artifacts in the town due to a powerful formation that went way beyond their current powers.

Their Captor was a powerful being!

Each race had a leader walking in front of them and assigning roles to their subordinates.

All the races were quit as their various leaders shouted out instructions to them. Even the stubborn-hearted and brute race of the wendigos and wights were shockingly calm. The prideful and boastful race of the Dragon had thrown away their arrogance and listened attentively as their leader spoke to them.

Each race was exhibiting a strange behaviour contrasting to their usual acts. All but one; the Elven Race.

Known throughout Bakhta and across the multiverse as the most peaceful race aside the fairies, they had a high reputation of maintaining law and order, but on this ver day,they were displaying the exact opposite or more precisely, HE was displaying the exact opposite.

Clad in all black tight-fitting robe and wielding a sword that emnated a very thick death essence, Alvin was causing ruckus here and there and screaming out curses and filthy languages crumbling the very good reputation that the Elven race had over the past years built.

"I swear on my head,that I won't fight with the Army and I'll fight solo!" He shouted.

"No young man!how can you fight against a whole army of different races" an old man with long white beard and a shiny bald head retorted.

"Yes young man, First Elder Yan is right. You can't fight solo. You'll die before the war horn is sounded!" Another elf said.

The comments kept coming on until the First Elder signalled them to stop. He was the leader of the Elven race at the Town of Gakhta.

The chattering and bickering of the elves had attracted the attention of the other races,they were keen on finding out why the elves of all races were behaving so rowdy.

The First Elder of the Elven Race,Yan, looked at Alvin and with a wisp of sound essence directed solely on him, so as to prevent the other races from hearing him, said.

"You don't say anything here okay, don't destroy our reputation,Sonny, you've already ruined us enough. Our good reputation is the only reason why we have favour in the eyes of the Council".

His tone was calm and smooth, almost like that of a loving and caring father.

Alvin looked at Elder Yan for a few minutes which seemed to the latter like years.

On the latter's face was evident worry,but the same couldn't be said for the former.

His lips curved into a malicious smile, a smile that sent shivers down the spine of a lot of the creatures present.

He shot himself upwards and with a domineering tone,shouted out loud.

"Young as I am, I was the Great Shadow Lord, The Dark Prince of the Elsfield Kingdom! I waged war against powerful kingdoms,tribes and races. I killed powerful words with just a slash of my blade and my name was feared throughout the whole multiverse. If I hadn't been reckless, this nymph wouldn't have gotten her dirty paws on me and I wouldn't be here with you Ingrates!"

He paused waiting for the thousands of different creatures to digest his words and possibly cause fear to them,but none of them were moved.

Everyone present was powerful, each wielding a power that could rival that of tens of solar systems. Yet, they all had been captured when they were at their most vulnerable.

To them, Alvin's words were like a joke straight out from a clown's mouth.

Yet,Alvin did not back up and continued in a far more domineering tone.

"I fought with only thirty men. And no other Arny could fight mine. I do not stand here to blow my horn. I'm making a statement!"

"Even though I was the last to arrive in this wretched place,I will be the fist to leave and I'll leave after the battle. And I'll fight solo. It's either the Elven race appoint me as their General or I fight solo and win".

He stood there unbothered by the mocking and sneering remarks and gazes of the different warriors.

After a long minute, the leader of the Vampires, a tall,lean and pale-white man shot up into the air and shouted.

"This matter should be sent to the Council before noon. That Slutty nymph is going to select the candidate soon. We better hurry. One second outside is equivalent to an hour here. We have less than fifteen hours to battle it out. Scram now you Pious Fools!".

Even though he spoke in a downright rude manner, his words made sense.

The Council was the only Authority in Gakhta capable of settling this matter.

Alvin nodded in agreement with the vampire leader. This was his only chance in a very long time to take revenge on the goddess.

Once in every ten thousand years, the goddess would free one member from each race and give him or her chance to seek on revenge on her.

The selection was done in a form of battle (as expected of Strong powerhouses). The winning race would then select a member amongst themselves. On most occasions, the Army General was the one chosen to become the "Candidate" because of his or her strength . After being given a chance to possess the mind of the "candidate",the selected race representative will have to seek revengeon the godess in the time frame of ten thousand years . Failure to kill the godess will result in the eradication of all race members in Gakhta.

To put it simply, the fate of the entire race was in the hands of the soldiers and most especially the Army Commander.

The reason why Alvin wasn't willing to be a soldier of the Elven army was that, he didn't want to put his fate in the hands of another person. To him,each person's fate had to be in his own hands. He could have joined the Elven Army if only they agreed to made him General.

Ever since the godess had started this "game",she had released six warriors who had failed to seek revenge on her.

The way the selection worked was simple. The race will select a leader who will manage the Race's affairs. The leader will select a War general who will in turn recruit a maximum of hundred warriors.

The Warriors will then Battle it out. The race who wins selects thir Champion and present him or her to the godess.

Alvin's reason for not joining the Elven army was simple.

He wanted freedom as well as a chance to seek revenge on the goddess who had captured him,but his people had selected another champion to represent the race in case they won the battle.

How could he gain Freedom if he wasn't the race's Champion!

The Council must decide this!

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